Adobe Premiere Pro Video Play Modules In Sap
Jeff_brower 2014-03-21 14:04:57 UTC Installed JDK 8 and NetBeans 8. The IDE will come up and look normal.
You're looking for the option up arrow, down arrow shortcut that Final Cut Pro uses to move clips up and down into higher and lower video tracks or audio tracks. Premiere Pro CS6 does not have the shortcut or a similar keyboard shortcut. It's too bad as this is one of those little features that Final Cut Pro has that works very.
I can even open a project (generally). At some point, very early on, before I can even view anything in the editor, it will fail at seemingly random points before any work can be done - it acts like a background process is running which fails and takes all of NetBeans with it. The message is the one in the summary: LoadLibrary failed with error 126: The specified module could not be found. Googling, I found that similar errors were evidently fixed by moving an ati dll from one graphics card load library to another, so I updated all of the graphics card software.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling both jdk 8 and NetBeans 8. I tried installing both the 64 and 32 bit versions. I tried running it normally and as Administrator. None of that results in any joy - the error remained. It will stay running long enough for me to 'Close all projects'. Since the project I opened originally came up automatically on a restart, I wanted to test to see if parsing the project was the issue.

When doing this, I can boot NetBeans, click on several menu items and close the program without issue - if I am fast enough. I can go to services and see databases created in earlier versions. I can open small POJO projects, see them in the editor, change them, compile and run them without issue - all giving me false hope - because all of a sudden I get this same message and it blows away the IDE. It really and truly acts as though some background process not immediately relevant to the process being performed is getting an exception, throwing up the error and then closing the IDE. Trust 120 Spacecam Driver Windows 7 X64 here. I am sending use information to NetBeans - perhaps it is some process like that failing - not essential to the task at hand but part of the system.
I tried to create an issue from NetBeans itself, hoping it would give you some kind of dump, but it will not stay running long enough to do so. As soon as I dismiss the error window by either clicking on OK or the X close in the corner, both the warning window and the whole IDE window close. In my most current fail (on the screen now), the dialog window simply says 'Error' for its title.
The status bar at the bottom of the window says 'Preparing task.' And the graphic with the green highlight that runs across the bar is stopped. There is no solid green on the bar at all. I am running NetBeans 7.4, 7.3, 7.2 and 6.9.1 all without any issue on the same computer making this a NetBeans 8 issue only. I am running on Windows 7 Professional, SP1 with 6GB of memory on an Intel Pentium D (Extreme) at 3.46 GHz.
I hope that I have given you enough information to chase this down. DO not hesitate to ask any question that you might have. Jeff_brower 2014-03-25 12:46:31 UTC Created Log file from Netbeans LoadLibrary failure The messages.log file and reopened as requested. At the end you will see a program called wait_a_second was opened and scanned which is a tiny java program used to show my son how programs can wait. It does not use a load library nor any gui and compiles cleanly with perfect execution on previous versions of NetBeans.
The failure happens no matter what project is open. If there is ANY further information you need or help that I can be, do not hesitate to ask. Jeff_brower 2014-04-03 14:46:27 UTC Evidently unlike David, I have clients that REQUIRE me to compile at Java 6, and Java 7 so doing ONLY Java 8 does not work for me as a work-around. I also need to migrate older code to newer JDK/JRE and need Java 8 for that - but every stinking time I boot the NetBeans IDE version 8, it bombs with this rather unhelpful message. I would just continue using NetBeans 7 but you can't compile to higher level JDK than the one you are using which means that I am trapped at a lower level NetBeans and a lower level Java.!!!!
PLEASE UPVOTE THIS ISSUE!!!! Davidhbrown 2014-04-07 19:32:34 UTC In the above compressed ProcessMonitor log, here's what I'm seeing beginning somewhat before line 42000.
I am also experiencing these problems on Windows 8 with Netbeans 7.4. I believe the problem may be related to the UI and video cards. Most of the references to this problem are on gaming sites with users who have AMD cards.
My other computer has NVIDIA and is problem-free. (Well, doesn't exhibit this problem anyway.) I'm having this problem on a computer with both an AMD/ATI card and an NVIDIA card.
On thing that was suggested was running Sysinternals ProcessMonitor to see every interaction between the failing app and the system. I collected about 42k events from netbeans.exe culminating in this failure. Shortly before the failure, I see a section where it's working with the atiglpxx.dll and then it looks like it's trying to enumerate the video devices. Jeff_brower 2014-04-14 16:06:44 UTC Yup! I have attached a screen shot of my RegEdit when I open that up. As you can see I am running 3 displays on this development machine.
One is on an NVIDIA adapter running the main screen (000). The other two monitors are on a dual screen ATI adapter (0001). Both the NVIDIA and the ATI adapters have the OpenGLVendorName and the OpenGLVendorNameWOW set so I think you solved some other problem. There are no extraneous subkeys, possibly because I already did a complete uninstall and reinstall myself of the display adapter drivers to make sure that they were as current as possible to eliminate that as a potential problem.
After my Googling I also think that it could be a problem with the ATI driver load or settings and it could be even the position that the libraries appear in the load library search order (or something). While I hope that we can find a work-around, I think that Netbeans should not have to endure a non-trivial install where ATI graphics adapters are present. Davidhbrown 2014-04-19 02:53:21 UTC Just to clarify Jeff's comment, I have tested a variety of display adapter combinations with Netbeans 8.0 under Windows 8.1 Pro x64. So far: NVIDIA Quadro K2000 alone, AMD R9 270X alone, NVIDIA plus AMD, and NVIDIA plus Intel HD Video 4600 (built into the i7 CPU). Each configuration has used the same three monitors (resolutions are 1200x1920, 3840x2160, and 1920x1080). I have downloaded the latest released (not Beta) driver and installed them after uninstalling and deleting existing drivers via the Windows Device manager.
I have also enabled NVIDIA's 'clean install' option. The LoadLibrary 126 error will appear within minutes of starting Netbeans when the AMD card is installed along wwith the NVIDIA card. I have tested reversing the order of the cards in their slots; no difference there. I am not experiencing the error in other configurations. I do not believe it is an issue with merely having multiple monitors but with having multiple display adapters.
Specifically, the AMD card alone had no problem driving these three monitors while running Netbeans. My hope/preference would be to have Netbeans run stably with both the AMD and the NVIDIA card installed. If it would be helpful, I could attempt to test the remaining configurations available to me: AMD + Intel and AMD + Intel + NVIDIA. I'm pretty sure AMD+Intel+NVIDIA would crash; not sure about AMD+Intel. Reconfiguring the system is non-trivial, so I don't plan to do those unless you (antonin) believe it would be helpful. Jeff_brower 2014-04-19 16:54:51 UTC Just to help save you some time troubleshooting this, I went to this URL and tried absolutely every suggestion it made - even the SQL Server one.
Not one item here solved the problem or seemed to have any influence whatsoever. I still get (at seemingly random times which tells me that it is a background process) the same message: LoadLibrary failed with error 126: The specified module could not be found. I searched my computer for the files that are in the screenshots I provided and they all exist in my computer in the appropriate places. If it is trying to load one of these dll's it must be having another issue because they do indeed exist. Obviously, Netbeans 8 is unusable to me as a platform for my products if it is unusable to me as a platform for development so I am eager to give you any information you need from my computer to aid you in finding a solution.
Jeff_brower 2014-04-23 15:44:54 UTC You guys are totally swamped and I really appreciate all the awesomeness you guys have brought to the Netbeans party - in my book you all rock. As much as I hate to ask, if anyone can help with a work-around for this I would love it. For the past month I have been trying to be as much help as I can, but I am not sure of what else I have the ability to do to help at this point. If there is anything that you guys need please do not hesitate to ask.
Is there anything I can do to get this bug moved to status CONFIRMED? I really, really want to start using this version of Netbeans, but it will not even run on my computer because of this defect. This will be my preferred version for the platforms I am writing rather than being stuck with something that I will have to then upgrade right away. Any movement at all on this issue would give me a warm and fuzzy, but any workaround short of ripping out my graphics adapter and replacing it with another manufacturer (which would not work for those buying my code anyway) would be most helpful!
Again, I want to help in any way I can, please do not hesitate to ask. Davidhbrown 2014-04-26 23:07:49 UTC AMD released their 14.4 catalyst suite yesterday, so I thought I'd give that card another try. Added it along with the NVIDIA K2000 and Intel HD 4600 and it was good for about 90 minutes, then the error 126 returned. Tried disabling and uninstalling (including deleting the driver) the Intel display adapter; still getting 126 errors. Removed and deleted driver on NVIDIA and reenabled/clean-installed Intel along with AMD. I hadn't done a test with AMD+Intel before; the results were not good. AMD+NVIDIA at least gave an error message with the Netbeans screen still visible.
AMD+Intel, the whole Netbeans window will just suddenly disappear, like it had never even been launched. (Switching back to NVIDIA alone 'cause I need its acceleration to get some Adobe Premiere work done.). Jeff_brower 2014-04-27 15:53:39 UTC Verified. I installed 14.4 and got the exact same results. I have also made sure that both the AMD and NVIDIA drivers are the newest offered for each device. There were similarly interesting results when installing the DirectX SDK. Netbeans ran for about 4 or 5 hours - including through IDE reboot - then it failed on system reboot and has never worked since.
One more interesting item of note. I installed a utility for OpenGL called OpenGL Extensions Viewer (release 4.1.6) from Using this software you are able to peer into your OpenGL implementation and see exactly what your computer sees and verify that you have the most up-to-date drivers for your adapter, OpenGL and DirectX based on an extensive database of graphics cards. My system shows that my NVIDIA card (which renders beautifully and provides 365 frames per second fullscreen at 1920 x 1200 resolution) only supports OpenGL 3.3 - so if Netbeans requires any 4.0 or above functions it will likely fail to load those extensions and might be the source of the problem.
More interesting is that the AMD/ATI adapter does not even report to this utility at all. There is a drop-down to select the card and context and the only card showing is the NVIDIA. David, I would be interested to see what this reports for you. While there are obvious issues with AMD, making it easy to simply point the finger at AMD and wash our hands, to my mind it still comes down to this: Netbeans 7.4 and earlier has zero problems.
Netbeans 8 will not stay running (with either JDK 7 or 8) on platforms that are similar to mine and David's beyond a fresh reboot - so pointing the finger upstream to the JDK or even further to AMD is probably not the right direction. There has to be a difference between Netbeans 7 and Netbeans 8 that is causing this - and that cause does not seem to anything truly important to the operation of Netbeans since it fails at seemingly random times (pointing to a background process that is not relevant to the immediate needs of the program). I hope something that David and I are doing is helpful. I know that we both would appreciate some input or direction from you guys telling us what else we might be able to try to be of assistance to you in moving the issue forward. Jeff_brower 2014-04-28 15:42:29 UTC Thanks for the reply Antonin!
In addition, THANK YOU so much for helping make Netbeans great - it makes a huge difference in my life and I appreciate you guys. OK - on to business: I tried everything in that link plus the follow-up to that link (by its author) at as well as the link in. None of these make any difference, the answer is not there. I keep coming back to one thing: I use Netbeans 8-16 hours a day in versions 4, 6 and 7 - with absolutely zero problems, day in day out day after day after day. It has been my IDE of choice pretty much forever for Java, C++ and PHP with no issues whatsoever on any of those versions --BUT-- Netbeans 8 and only Netbeans 8 refuses to run on my computer. SOMETHING has to have been changed in version 8, yes? Since all previous versions run perfectly it would seem that my setup, no matter how complex, works reliably - the difference has to be in Netbeans 8 because only Netbeans 8 has changed and failed and my computer has not.
Fs2004 Aerosoft Wonderful Madeira. Please tell me if I am wrong in my logic above, but know that I will be very happy to run any kind of debugging or reporting of any sort whatsoever to help anyone solve this problem or create a work-around. Antonin Nebuzelsky 2014-04-30 15:11:15 UTC I am wondering, are your older versions of NetBeans running with the same version of Java as the failing NB 8? You can tell (and edit) the JDK path in the NB version's installation folder's etc/netbeans.conf file. There is a slight possibility that this could be related to a newer version of Java, assuming that your older NB versions are running with older versions of Java that you had installed previously. Can you try installing the newest JDK 8u5, pointing NetBeans 8 and NetBeans 7.4 to it (by changing their netbeans.conf) and try running both 7.4 and 8.0 for a while with 8u5 Java version? As a next step, can you try running NetBeans 8 with a different Look&Feel? Either by changing the choice in Options / Appearance / Look and feel and restarting NB, or by starting it from console and specifying --laf option, like: netbeans.exe --laf Metal Does it fail also with Metal L&F?
Jeff_brower 2014-04-30 18:04:05 UTC I have some input and some bad news: I tried 7.4 with both JDK 7 and 8 and it worked perfectly both ways. Didn't mess with any of the older ones since Netbeans 7 worked with both JDKs and Netbeans 8 did not. The Java I tested then was 1.8.0 I actually did try changing the look and feel!
I thought that it was possible that the problem was there too. I tried Metal, Nimbus and the CDE and Netbeans 8 failed to stay running on each of them but the skins did change. At one point I installed the DirectX SDK and Netbeans 8 stayed running for several hours and I changed the look & feel back to Windows which called for a restart of the IDE and that was the end of that. I was back to not being able to keep it running. I think that there is a clue there someplace.
I would love to try it again, but I ended up having to replace a graphics card yesterday after the storms. I replaced it with an NVIDIA that runs four monitors and I pulled both the fried one and the OK one out of the box leaving me with just this one graphics card. Netbeans 8 fired up without any problem whatsoever and it just runs and runs and does everything that I ask of it - reboot after reboot. I am still running the same version of the JDK that I was when it was failing.
Plainly, the ATI/AMD and [NVIDIA or Intel] mix is not a good one. David was able to run with just the AMD, just the NVIDIA and just the Intel and well as the NVIDIA and the Intel -- but the AMD with anything else bombed and that was exactly my experience as well. While I think that the try/catch needs to be extended to provide some better information, I think that David's experience in is the best indication of what is happening. ATI seems to rely on calls to a nameless dll (literally '.dll') for its implementation and that is not reflected in any entries in the registry - one of many problems with AMD here. Nonetheless, old Netbeans worked and new Netbeans didn't, so as much as I truly believe that the culprit is AMD, Netbeans is obviously relying on code or glue that has changed with the new release - perhaps even a plugin that uses some kind of OpenGL newer than 3.3 to draw something on the screen and prepared for it in the initialization of the plugin. I am totally guessing here and that is probably where you were heading with the look and feel. David, you are the one that we are going to have to rely on here for helping Antonin and getting Netbeans on track.
I have a lot of hours in trying to make this work but I am afraid I just became much less help. Echa 2014-05-13 06:18:51 UTC So I looked through the discussion here to try some different things people have suggested to resolve the issue on my computer. I tried installing and running Process Monitor from and it crashed out as it was trying to load the processes. I tried a couple of things to get it to work, but I gave up on that for a while. So I moved onto and I looked in regedit for the registry entry that was mentioned to see what was happening on my machine.
I had five devices (0000,0001,0002,0003,0004) in the list. One entry was the onboard AMD/ATI Radeon I mentioned before for the third display, my nVidia card I am currently running for the first two displays and a LogMeIn Mirror Driver (for remote computing). The other two entries were for a defunct video card no longer installed in my machine before I changed to the nVidia. That card was also a Radeon, an X1950 and it had two entries for the dual display, whereas the nVidia only has one (maybe not relevant). I noticed the x1950 was dependent on the same atiogl64/atioglxx.dll file(s) that are getting passed around the web as the culprit so I decided to download a utility called Display Driver Uninstaller and clean out all my video card drivers including the nVidia from my machine and start from scratch.
Now the x1950 entires are gone from the same place in the registry and I've been able to work with NetBeans today a lot more successfully than I had been able before which was only for a few minutes maybe depending on if I needed to change tabs. So possibly it is fixed on my machine at this point?
I will get back to work here and see if I have anymore problems. Whether I do or don't, I'll come back here and comment on it. Echa 2014-05-14 02:13:11 UTC Unfortunately it went back to crashing this afternoon. I am able to use it a little longer than I could before though as far as I can tell. Nothing has changed in the registry as far as I know.
It seems to always happen right after I've changed files in the ribbon. I tried some more things today and also to try to get ProcessMonitor working and I could not. I checked messages.log and if you guys want that I can provide it for you. It's also worth mentioning I was running NB 7.4 when I first started mentioning the problem in this thread.
When I upgraded to 8, it still had the same issue present obviously. My concern was going downgrading from 7.4 and finding my projects unusable as I'm in the middle of something right now. I'm about ready to switch to Eclipse. It's time-consuming to get the way I need it to be, and I love love love Netbeans and I have been very happy using it. However, if I can't get this changed, I may have no choice at least until I can get my work done. The link in referring to the registry changes doesn't help me either as the registry shows it as the 'correct version' already. I tried renaming the files to.dll in /System32/, two of them actually.
I can't get ProcessMonitor to work at all and it still crashes. Other people have this issue and have mentioned extracting the 64-bit using Visual Studio and running it that way and that didn't work either. Some people mentioned downgrading Catalyst drivers and I'm seriously debating doing it at some point when I have a little more to clean install everything again. Echa 2014-05-17 18:05:12 UTC (In reply to jeff_brower from ) >So this begs the question: Do you have a mix of ATI and NVIDIA or just ATI? >We both got our systems to work with ATI/AMD only or NVIDIA only (and even >Intel only) but ATI/AMD mixed with anything else got the error.
>>Are you running now with a mix of adapters or only a single vendor? My hardware setup is the same. I'm running three monitors with the ATI onboard chip enabled and a dual setup through a Nvidia Pci-Ex card. The only thing I did was clean install the video drivers one more time and instead of installing the latest AMD, I installed the original graphics drivers from the motherboard manufacturer (Gigabyte) and then I reinstalled the latest drivers for the NVidia PCI-Ex. It's been about a 1 1/2 - 2 days since and I've worked in projects all day long without any issues.
Some of the issues I read with AMD and Error 126 as far back as 2010 so I decided to go with the oldest which was the motherboard's though what version people needed to backdate to seems to vary. One such source, but if you google there are numerous. Jeff_brower 2014-05-17 21:26:18 UTC OK - so it looks like the same thing again - but the added information is this: The MB driver is a Gigabyte driver supporting ATI onboard video. It played well with the NVIDIA because either (a) it is a Gigabyte driver or (b) the fact that it is an on-board video places the ATI in some sequence where it works. Once the rest of the unused drivers were removed, this is all that was left and one of the above is why it worked.
I think we are still facing the same issue where ATI and anything else creates the problem for standalone graphics adapters. I would love to see the registry entries for this adapter.
Fshuk1 2014-10-03 07:37:55 UTC Hi All, I suddenly got this problem recently. Thanks to everyone for your input.
Just thought I add in case it will help someone else. I have an NVIDIA GeForce 210 and an AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series. I tried everything on the net about DLL copy etc etc to no avail. I can confirm my netbeans 7.1.2 was working but my 8.0.1 was not. To cut a long story short everything I tried didn't work.
I have uninstalled everything from AMD and it still failed. Finally I noticed in the device manager ->display adapters ->AMD Radeon ->Driver there was a button to 'Roll Back Driver'. Pressed that and it sorted my problem immediately without any need to reboot!!!! I agree with Jeff_brower that even though this is an AMD problem netbeans 8.0.1 should not fail and hope this piece of information may be helpful in finding out what part of code needs attention.
My current driver for anyone interested is Driver Provider: Advance Micro Devices Inc Driver Date: Driver Version: Digital Signer: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher. Echa 2014-10-03 13:15:17 UTC (In reply to fshuk1 from ) >Hi All, I suddenly got this problem recently. Thanks to everyone for your >input.
Just thought I add in case it will help someone else. I have an >NVIDIA GeForce 210 and an AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series.
I tried everything on >the net about DLL copy etc etc to no avail. I can confirm my netbeans 7.1.2 >was working but my 8.0.1 was not. To cut a long story short everything I >tried didn't work. I have uninstalled everything from AMD and it still >failed. Finally I noticed in the device manager ->display adapters ->AMD >Radeon ->Driver there was a button to 'Roll Back Driver'.
Pressed that and >it sorted my problem immediately without any need to reboot!!!! I agree >with Jeff_brower that even though this is an AMD problem netbeans 8.0.1 >should not fail and hope this piece of information may be helpful in finding >out what part of code needs attention. >my current driver for anyone interested is >Driver Provider: Advance Micro Devices Inc >Driver Date: >Driver Version: >Digital Signer: Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher Was either of your video adapters onboard?
Are you using a single screen on each adapter or are you using a three monitor setup? I was using a three monitor setup, one card being onboard. Downgrading the drivers for my onboard (an AMD/ATI) to the motherboard's original was how I solved my issue. So you and I both solved it the same method. That setup was about 6 years old so I rebuilt most of the computer about a month later.
I'm using a three screen setup on an Intel/nVidia setup now with tri-screen, one being connected through Intel onboard, but haven't had any issues with Netbeans whatsoever. I would have to agree it has something to do with AMD drivers when linked with other video adapters. It's worth mentioning too that my colorimeter software was also confused by the old setup as well.
The numbering chain in the background was off somehow so when I ran quality checks to test how close the calibrations matched the color swatches, the results were matching another monitor in the chain so the numbers were way off. The calibration part worked fine though.
Fshuk1 2014-10-03 15:18:25 UTC hi, I have two video cards, both PCIE nothing onboard. I have two screens on each card. Last week one of my hard discs went funny. In the process of fixing that I moved my screens around and must have messed with the power to the cards. Eventually when I sorted everything then i got the ERROR from netbeans. So something changed in the order of Drivers being loaded. Your monitor colour stuff is way over my head so I have no comments.
Basically i think the new AMD drivers are at fault but netBeans should not fall over like this no matter what. Especially if it is a trivial thing and does not affect the working of netBeans. Echa 2014-10-03 18:54:21 UTC (In reply to fshuk1 from ) >hi, >>I have two video cards, both PCIE nothing onboard. I have two screens on >each card. Last week one of my hard discs went funny. In the process of >fixing that I moved my screens around and must have messed with the power to >the cards.
Eventually when I sorted everything then i got the ERROR from >netbeans. So something changed in the order of Drivers being loaded. Your >monitor colour stuff is way over my head so I have no comments. Basically i >think the new AMD drivers are at fault but netBeans should not fall over >like this no matter what. Especially if it is a trivial thing and does not >affect the working of netBeans.
Which video card is first in your PCIE chain? AMD or nVidia? Just curious. You're right. This conflict with Netbeans shouldn't be caused by something so relatively minor. However, 3-4 screen setups are so uncommon that perhaps NB developers will find it difficult situations to test so many different combinations of hardware in these situations.
That's why it is good we document our hardware situation here and follow up with our own solutions. Perhaps someone working on the project might get an idea to glimpse into the code and figure out a way to 'fix it'. (since clearly it's AMD drivers) Minecraft also comes up often on Google as well for having the LoadLibrary problems, which is programmed in Java, so maybe the issue really comes down to Java having a conflict with AMD. Though I tried different versions of Java to no avail, it did not solve my problem. That said, my issue was simply solved by downgrading my AMD onboard to 6yr old motherboard drivers. Will be avoiding going the AMD route when I go to update my PCIE coming up here soon since their drivers are potentially unfriendly with multi-adapters/ >2 monitor setups.
Having more than two screens is highly useful for graphic/code work, so I will continue to work with tri-screen setups. As if the issue is frustrating enough on it's own. It's even worse to lose hours of time trying to hunt down a solution to fix something like this when we could be working on our code. Jeff_brower 2015-09-22 13:49:50 UTC As long as I can still USE multiple screens, that would be fine. Even if I had to open all the windows on one screen and slide them over, that would be fine. I just need to be able to open the IDE, compile and run - I could care less what I need to do settings wise to accomplish that task.
At this point, I have already had to buy a new graphics adapter in order to do work in java 6, 7 and 8 - but I love having the flexibility of graphics mix/match for best use, especially since I program everything from business applications to apps to games with 3 30-inch screens.