Civicspace Us Zip Code Database

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Free Zipcode Database Free Zip Code Database A Free Zip Code Database + Latitude and Longitude Database Updated: 1/22//2012 Sorry, No County information. Postal Service delivery areas are not designated by county. S everal people have requested greater precision in the Latitude and Longitude. The values are provided to two decimal places or more. Since a degree of latitude is about 62 miles, one one-hundredth is.62 miles, Similarlly, for the populated places in the US, a degree of latitudes is less than 65 miles.

So the numeric values are a single point falls within a quite small area of about a mile for rounding errors. This is far more numerical precision than actual geograhic reality.

Zip codes represent delivery routes for the post office. Occasionally as well defined as a single building, or several hundred miles of wilderness, or even a moving ship(no locations for these, of course), usually they are several square miles and the issue is not the number of decimal places. If you find that a zipcode is not at the location listed, please let me know so we can research it and find more accurate locations. NEW Zipcode database based on suggestions of over 100 people.

• Format: CSV is popular and easiest use. • Sources: Rebuilt using authoritative sources • Census demographics are out. Census Zip Code Tabulations Areas (ZCTAs) just aren't compatible with Postal Service zip codes. • Internal Revenue Service demographics are in. IRS Zip codes are compatible (The zip of the filers primary residence).

Eileen Fisher Repositioning The Brand Pdf Merge more. About the data: • Updated often, but not regularly. • 81,831 rows of data. • All 41,891 active zipcodes + 634 decommisioned zipcodes from the recent past. • All 80673 active Primary(41885), Acceptable(13988), and Not Acceptable(24800) placenames.

Some additonal placenames for decommisioned codes. • 29,971 Standard, 9465 PO BOX, 2437 Unique, and 649 Military codes. Enter your email address to recieve notice when the database is updated.

This data.frame contains city, state, latitude, and longitude for U.S. ZIP codes from the CivicSpace Database (August 2004) augmented by Daniel Coven's web site (updated on January 22, 2012).

I just read that the folks at Civicspace[1] are also aware of the huge potential offered by MaxMind's databases. In particular, they have thier eyes on the GeoIP database[2] that would allow you to know which country your visitor is in based on IP (with caveats). After reading Vincent de Lau's HOWTO[3] for importing the GeoIP data into MySQL I realize that the SQL code in my sandbox is not needed so I'll be deleting it. One thing is clear; with Drupal's recent move towards elegantly handling location data and this immense body of free data from MaxMind, real power is soon to be released to the Drupal community! - Robert Douglass [1] [2] [3] ----- • or to post comments. What if based on GPS coordinates (more and more people have GPS devices) one could display the nearest town or a node with more information (based on a matching taxonomy term)?

Civicspace Us Zip Code DatabaseCivicspace Us Zip Code Database

Some people use GPS for photo tracking and Geocaching is also very popular. Geocaching ZIP codes are unreliable because they might change over time. (anyone care for ZIP codes from former East-Germany?!) Based on longitude and latitude you can create a map with linked data like this: If you don't have GPS and would like to know a geographic location, you can use an online mapping service like: I am.:-) • or to post comments. Compal Ksw01 Drivers Video more.

I am interested to know why is releasing this data under the GPL. This data -combined with subject data- is worth something on the market.

Also I would like to know if they really own all this data, the can offcourse only make this public if it was theirs in the first place. They own all the data and no data was bought under some restricting conditions? Having asked that, I do appreciate their contribution and it releases a great potential since location (based services) might be YAKA4D (yet another killer app for drupal) Can we update the data as well? And arent the two option listed on 'illegal'. Since the 'free' data seems to be the core of the paid data, the paid data should be under the same license hence redistribution? Dont get me wrong, I do think this is a *great* service.

-- groets bertb. Hello there, I am considering using your ‘Names Files of Selected Countries’ in one of our web development projects. I do however have some questions in understanding ‘GNS-to-UNICODE Character Mapping Tables. It is my understanding that the field ‘ADM1’ in the country file refers to ‘State Codes’ in that country but no definition/description of states are defined in the country file nor in the character mapping table. I may have completely missed it.

May I ask you to help me find this information? I would be grateful for your help. • or to post comments. Just stumbled into this. Been looking for something like this, (and astounded at the price tags). Now to get my hands dirty. Missing piece of puzzle.

Hope this is the place to begin. The database has a region code which I cannot make sense of. For instance, the city database conatins these entries for 'Abbotsford': country city city_accented region latitude longitude AS abbotsford Abbotsford 02 - 1 AU abbotsford Abbotsford 02 - 1 CA abbotsford Abbotsford 000 -1 CA abbotsford Abbotsford 333 - GB abbotsford Abbotsford 000 -2.7833333 NZ abbotsford Abbotsford 00 - 1 US abbotsford Abbotsford WI - The Abbostford I want is in Canada. Using the awesome little tool at multimap, I find the answer (langitude and lattitude) are given by country=CA and region=02 I can ask a user to select a country. But where does this region code come from? I thought I was happy when I discovered geoipregionvars.php, but this gives me a region of 'BC' under CA for the area of Abbotsford.

Am I making sense? Can anyone toss me a clue?

My application: simple dating stuff. Everybody has to enter a location, which presumably I can translate into lat/long. At search time, choose a country, then a city or region, and poof, we should be able to return all users within X furlongs (yeah, that's another issue) of the given point. What is the region code, and how can I make use of it to bridge the gao between countries and cities? Many thanks in advance. Notice, in the first post here, the region code has not even been incorporated into the table. • or to post comments.

When I first posted I was under the apparently false assumption that the region code wouldn't be needed to uniquely identify a city. Unfortunately it isn't readily know what the region code is and how to map it to meaningful strings. In the first post I was aiming more at making this data match the format of the zipcodes database from Civicspace, but that now doesn't seem like a very interesting goal. Make sure to check out the location module, it has functionality that returns points within a certain radius of a point (rather a box around the point).

- Robert Douglass ----- • or to post comments. This database is great, especially since it is free, but it is rather conteminated with many duplicates. About 10% of the 3 million cities are in fact duplicates (same country, city and region), but with (slightly) different longitude and latitude data. About 4000 cities are exact duplicates (same longitude and latitude as well). You can see one in the small sample at the original article at the top of this page: INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('ad', 'aixirivali', 'Aixirivali', ', '1.5'); INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('ad', 'aixirivall', 'Aixirivall', ', '1.5'); It is not too difficult too weed out the duplicates, but how does one decide which of the duplicates to keep? I'd like to santize the file and repost it.

Am I allowed to do this? I'm afraid I was made happy with a dead sparrow (as we Dutch like to say). • or to post comments. I would normally say in the sandbox but I'm still not clear on how the latest sandbox rules (guidelines) are shaping up.

One thing is clear; as long as you give credit for their work on the original, they have granted permission to use the data. You might send them a copy of your sanitized version. As for choosing the right lat/long for duplicates where they are otherwise identical, I suggest you make a list of the occurrances and perhaps there is a mapping service (Google Earth?) that can help us confirm them. Just an idea.

- Robert Douglass ----- Rate the value of this post: I recommend CivicSpace: My sites:, • or to post comments. ESRI, a US-based outfit that are leaders in mapping software, offer a web-based mapping service. Even better for us, they offer a free, public set of SOAP-based web services for non-commercial use. This set of tools includes: • an address finder, for converting address strings (e.g. '23 Lala St, Austin, TX) into lat-lon coordinates; • a place finder for converting city names into lat-lon coordinates (this is what is being asked for in the above post). • a route finder between two locations, and • a 2-D web mapping service Although it'd be bad karma to use their services to copy their location database, I can't see any problems with using it to verify / clean up the MaxMind database, especially when trying to pick between two duplicates.

There is some excellent documentation for these web services at but given my limited experience with SOAP, and my limited time, I can't really investigate these services much further. But if anyone else wants to jump on this and take it further, got for it! Ally • or to post comments. I have finished sanitizing, most of the programming took about 30 minutes, minor tweaks here and there took another 90 minutes. Upon request, I'll send a zip file that includes the sanitized file, the STATA code, and the log file. (Please credit my name as listed in the STATA code, if you use the code or any derivative for your work, commercial or non-commercial.) If there were multiple rows with the same country, region, and accentcity, I deleted all duplicates.

I kept the most southwest coordinates. If there were more than 5 rows indicating the same latitude and longitude, I deleted all but 5. I kept the rows where the accentcity's were the 5 strings of shortest length (the reason being that the longer names seemed to be associated with neighborhoods, like trailer parks). Some interesting statistics: Roughly.07% of the rows are dropped as duplicates of the first type. Roughly 1.5% of the rows are dropped as duplicates of the second type. There is one country/region/accentcity that is repeated 13 times in the original file (the greatest frequency).

There is one location (of precise latitude/longitude) that is associated with 61 different accentcity's (the greatest frequency). Please contact me at cmhsieh54_at_yahoo_dot_com and mention somewhere in the subject line 'Request for Drupal World Cities Database Sanitized File.' -CM -------------------------------------------. Insheet using c: temp2 cities.txt; (6 vars, 2673764 obs). Su; Variable Obs Mean Std. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- country 0 city 0 accentcity 0 region 0 latitude 267372 21.84569 -54.93333 150.7833 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- longitude 267359 62.65318 -179.9833 180.

Sort country accentcity region latitude longitude;. By country accentcity region: gen countryaccentregionsame = _n;. Gen lengthaccent=0;. Replace lengthaccent = length(accentcity); (2673764 real changes made). Sort latitude longitude lengthaccent;. By latitude longitude: gen latlongsame = _n;. Tab countryaccentregionsame; countryacce ntregionsam e Freq.

------------+----------------------------------- 1 2,671,916 99.93 99.93 2 1,596 0.06 99.99 3 147 0.01 100.00 4 47 0.00 100.00 5 21 0.00 100.00 6 15 0.00 100.00 7 8 0.00 100.00 8 4 0.00 100.00 9 3 0.00 100.00 10 2 0.00 100.00 11 2 0.00 100.00 12 2 0.00 100.00 13 1 0.00 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total 2,673,764 100.00. Tab latlongsame; latlongsame Freq. Hi, I really would like to know how to get the cities of the world in my taxonomy (I use drupal 4.7.6 + category module). I have succesfully imported the countries xml file (with xml_taxonomy module), but I would really like to have the cities in theses countries also. I am building a development aid website in which I want to let the east meet the west. I am SEO-expert so the website will be found in time in the google index. My strategy is to get people to state where they come from country/region/city to get in contact with each other.

The west can help the east. Pilot project will be Nepal. Content of the website will be focussed on Nepal at first.

Please help this project also by making a link to it: (it's a dutch development aid site) And please help me to fill taxonomy with all the cities of the world. Any other suggestions also welcome off course. Greetings, Martijn • or to post comments.