Download Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger Episode Sub Indo
In the rain, Joe wakes up his shipmates as they gather around the wounded Captain Marvelous, apologizing to them for both their Ranger Keys and the Gokai Galleon being taken by Basco. Development As Freedom Ebook Pdf Elementary. Taking Captain Marvelous to an abandoned church, the crew learns that Captain Marvelous never learned what the Greatest. Despite his body having still not fully recovered from his showdown with Basco, Captain Marvelous states the time has come for the Gokaigers to claim the Greatest Treasure of the Universe. However, Gai is worried about using the Great Powers that were stolen by Basco without the approval of their original owners.
Gokaiger adalah serial petualangan, aksi dan fantasi karena sebagian besar diangkat dari cerita fiksi. Serial ini diterjemahkan sebagai Pasukan Khusus, terjemahan resmi bahasa Indonesia untuk istilah 'Gokai' (豪快 Gōkai?) adalah 'Heroik'. Sinopsis Sekelompok bajak laut muda yang datang dari luar angkasa ke bumi untuk mendapatkan 'Harta Terbesar di Alam Semesta' (宇宙最大の宝 Uchū Saidai no Takara?). Namun, mereka akhirnya menghadapi Kekaisaran Angkasa Zangyack (宇宙帝国ザンギャック Uchū Teikoku Zangyakku?), kekuatan invasi sebelumnya telah dihapuskan oleh 34 tim Super Sentai sebelumnya sebelum kekuatan invasi baru didirikan di bawah Komandan Warzu Giru, putra kaisar. Akibatnya, karena sejarah mereka dengan kekaisaran, bajak laut angkasa menggunakan kekuatan tim yang lebih tua untuk melawan kekuatan Zangyack sebagai Gokaiger. Series ini Dikerjakan Oleh: Original Subs: Over-Time Translator Episode 1-14: Rofani Translator Episode 15-34: Irfan Translator Episode 35-44: Victor Translator Episode 45-51 FINAL: Tanda Tangan Dosen Encoder & Uploader: Rofani >Link Download Episode Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger Subtitle Indonesia.
On the Gokai Galleon, the crew review their twenty-eight powers they obtained and the five that Basco has taken. When they realize one of the Great Powers is missing, Gai reveals that the only one yet to be found is that of the Ninja Sentai Kakuranger team. Super Campeones Ps2 Download. With it being his last fortune, Navi's only clue is saying 'a ninja is playing hide and seek', which makes no sense to the Gokaigers. When Ahim mentions praying at a shrine to better their chances, the crew remembers their meeting with Domon and the mission he gave them to save the Negakure Shrine, which they realize has the same characters as 'kakure'.