Ethics And The Conduct Of Business 7th Edition Ppt To Pdf

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Ethics And The Conduct Of Business 7th Edition Ppt To PdfEthics And The Conduct Of Business 7th Edition Ppt To Pdf

Ethical Issues in Developing Business Policies Ethics and the Conduct of Business is a comprehensive and up-to-date discussion of the most prominent issues in the field of business ethics, and the major positions and arguments on these issues. Numerous real-life examples and case studies are used throughout the book to increase understanding of issues, stimulate class discussion, and show the relevance of the discussion to real-life business practice. Note: The focus of Ethics and the Conduct of Business is primarily on ethical issues that corporate decision makers face in developing policies about employees, customers, and the general public.

The positions and arguments on these issues are taken from a wide variety of sources, including economics and the law. Teaching and Learning Experience Improve Critical Thinking - A substantial amount of legal material is contained within Ethics and the Conduct of Business. Not only because the law addresses many ethical issues, but also because the management decision-making process must take into account relevant legal practices. Engage Students - This book employs fifty case studies that firmly illustrate the wide variety of issues pertaining to business ethics and enable students to engage in ethical decision making.

Ethics and the Conduct of. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education. Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River. Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto. Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo. Chapter 8 Learning Outcomes. Understand the different levels at which business ethics may be addressed. Differentiate between consequence-based and duty-based principles of ethics. Enumerate and discuss principles of personal ethical decision making and ethical tests for screening ethical decisions.

Support Instructors - Teaching your course just got easier! You can create a Customized Text or use our Instructor’s Manual, Electronic “MyTest” Test Bank or PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Plus, a substantial number of cases within Ethics and the Conduct of Business provide the opportunity for a case-study approach or a combined lecture/discussion format for your course.

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