Fhwa Boxcar Software

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Version 3.1 November, ’10 The use of cast-in-place design methods for precast concrete box sections can result in costly over-designs. BOXCAR Software (Box Culvert Analysis and Reinforcing Design) from the American Concrete Pipe Association can help you significantly reduce design time and project costs by calculating reinforcing steel areas for user-specified box geometry, material properties and loading data. BOXCAR Version 3.1 is an updated version of the original software program developed by Simpson Gumpertz & Heger with support from the Federal Highway Administration, and the American Concrete Pipe Association. The interactive program incorporates the direct method of design for the structural analysis and design of precast reinforced concrete box culvert sections by using the following steps: • Compute and apply loads to the structure • Complete a structural analysis • Design reinforcing to carry the resulting moments, thrusts and shears. BOXCAR Version 3.1 provides complete structural analysis of single cell monolithic box culverts for loads due to box weight, soil weight, internal fluid weight, live loads and user-specified surcharge loads. EASE OF USE Using a Microsoft Windows-based operating program, the user-friendly input routines incorporated in BOXCAR Version 3.1 require only minimal computer experience.

The user controls most parameters; however, knowledge of structural design codes is essential. BOXCAR Version 3.1 is intended to be a design tool for the practicing engineer.User instructions include descriptions of all input variables and help screens. Structural design methods conform to standards set by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) in their “Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges” and their “LRFD Bridge Design Specifications” as well as the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC). Doves The Last Broadcast Rare there. The analysis includes the limit states of; ultimate flexure, shear and service load crack control. • Any computer with an Intel Pentium® processor or higher • Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, 2007, Vista, NT 4.0 or later.

• A hard disk with at least 150 megabytes of free disk space, a graphic display compatible with Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, 2007, Vista, NT 4.0 or later, such as SVGA (Recommended display resolution: 800 x 600 with 16-bit color.) • At least 32 megabytes of RAM TECHNICAL SUPPORT For assistance in using the BOXCAR program, contact any member of the American Concrete Pipe Association. For an ACPA membership directory, consult. Technical assistance may also be obtained by contacting ACPA at (972) 506-7216 or e-mailing:. HOW TO ORDER Resource # 15-401 (CD) Member: $110.00 Non-member: $220.00.

Fhwa Boxcar SoftwareFhwa Boxcar Software

Read chapter APPENDIX B - ENGINEERING SOFTWARE AVAILABILITY: TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 327: Cost-Effective. Vcenter Operations Manager Keygen Torrent. AASHTO M273 - Precast Reinforced Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains and Sewers with less than 2 feet of cover, subjected to Highway Loads. Our precast boxes can also be specifically designed using the 'BOXCAR' FHWA software program. This software allows you to alter the wall thickness and steel reinforcing to.