Lal Kitab In Bengali Language Pdf

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Lal Kitab In Bengali Language Pdf

• • • • • • Baba Fasi Uddin • M Mahender Reddy Area • 650 km 2 (250 sq mi) • Metro 7,100 km 2 (2,700 sq mi) Elevation 505 m (1,657 ft) Population (2011) • 6,809,970 • Rank • Density 10,477/km 2 (27,140/sq mi) • 7,749,334 • Metro rank Hyderabadi, Deccani () 500 xxx, 501 xxx, 502 xxx., 8685, 8413, 8414, 8415, 8417, 8418, 8453, 8455 TS 07 to TS 14 $40–74 billion Official languages, High Website Hyderabad ( ( ); often ) is the capital of the southern of and capital of. Occupying 650 square kilometres (250 sq mi) along the banks of the, it has a population of about 6.7 million and a population of about 7.75 million, making it the and in India. At an average altitude of 542 metres (1,778 ft), much of Hyderabad is situated on hilly terrain around artificial lakes, including —predating the city's founding—north of the city centre. Established in 1591 by, Hyderabad remained under the rule of the for nearly a century before the captured the region. In 1724, Mughal viceroy declared his sovereignty and created his own dynasty, known as the.

The became a during the, and remained so for 150 years, with the city serving as its capital. The city continued as the capital of after it was brought into the in 1948, and became the capital of Andhra Pradesh after the. Since 1956, in the city has been the winter office of the.

In 2014, the newly formed state of Telangana and the city became the joint capital of the two states, a transitional arrangement scheduled to end by 2025. Relics of and Nizam rule remain visible today; the —commissioned by Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah—has come to symbolise Hyderabad. Fort is another major landmark. The influence of is also evident in the region's, which includes and.

The Qutb Shahis and Nizams established Hyderabad as a cultural hub, attracting men of letters from different parts of the world. Hyderabad emerged as the foremost centre of culture in India with the decline of the Mughal Empire in the mid-19th century, with artists migrating to the city from the rest of the Indian subcontinent. The based in the city is the country's second-largest producer of motion pictures.

Hyderabad was historically known as a pearl and diamond trading centre, and it continues to be known as the 'City of Pearls'. Many of the city's traditional remain open, including, and. Industrialisation throughout the 20th century attracted major Indian manufacturing, research and financial institutions, including, the and the. Dedicated to have encouraged companies from India and around the world to set up operations in Hyderabad.

The emergence of and industries in the 1990s led to the area's naming as India's '. With an output of US$74 billion, Hyderabad is the fifth-largest contributor to India's overall.

Main article: Toponymy [ ] According to, the author of Oxford Concise Dictionary of World Place Names, Hyderabad means 'Haydar's city' or 'lion city', from (lion) and (city), and was named to honour the, who was also known as Haydar because of his lion-like valour in battles. Andrew Petersen, a scholar of Islamic architecture, says the city was originally called Baghnagar (city of gardens). One popular theory suggests that the founder of the city, Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah of the, named it 'Bhagyanagar' or 'Bhāgnagar' after, a local (dancing) girl with whom he had fallen in love. She converted to and adopted the title Hyder Mahal. The city was renamed Hyderabad in her honour.

According to German traveller, whose travelogue of the was translated by Gita Dharampal-Frick of, there were two names for the city: 'On 3 December 1622, we reached the city of Bagneger or Hederabat, the seat of the king Sultan Mehemet Culi Cuttub Shah and the capital of the kingdom'. French traveller visited the Deccan region in 1666–1667 refers to the city in his book Travels in India as 'Bagnagar and Aiderabad'.

Early and medieval history [ ] Archaeologists excavating near the city have unearthed sites that may date from 500. The region comprising modern Hyderabad and its surroundings was known as (Golla Konda-'shepherd's hill'), and was ruled by the from 624 to 1075 CE. Poses 2 42 Keygen Music. Following the dissolution of the Chalukya empire into four parts in the 11th century, Golkonda came under the control of the from 1158, whose seat of power was at, 148 km (92 mi) northeast of modern Hyderabad. The at Ibrahim Bagh are the tombs of the seven Qutb Shahi rulers.

The Kakatiya dynasty was reduced to a vassal of the in 1310 after its defeat by Sultan of the. This lasted until 1321, when the Kakatiya dynasty was annexed by, Allaudin Khalji's general.

During this period, Alauddin Khalji took the diamond, which is said to have been mined from the of Golkonda, to Delhi. Succeeded to the Delhi sultanate in 1325, bringing Warangal under the rule of the until 1347 when, a governor under bin Tughluq, rebelled against Delhi and established the in the, with, 200 km (124 mi) west of Hyderabad, as its capital. The Hyderabad area was under the control of the at this time, who, however, were forced to cede it to the Bahmani Sultanate in 1364. The Bahmani kings ruled the region until 1518 and were the first independent Muslim rulers of the Deccan., a governor of Golkonda, revolted against the Bahmani Sultanate and established the in 1518; he rebuilt the mud-fort of Golconda and named the city 'Muhammad nagar'.

The fifth sultan,, established Hyderabad on the banks of the Musi River in 1591, to avoid the water shortages experienced at Golkonda. During his rule, he had the Charminar and built in the city. On 21 September 1687, the Golkonda Sultanate came under the rule of the Mughal emperor after a of the Golkonda fort. The annexed city 'Hyderabad' was renamed Darul Jihad (House of War), whereas its state 'Golconda' was renamed Deccan Suba (Deccan province) and the capital was moved from Golconda to, about 550 km (342 mi) northwest of Hyderabad. Modern history [ ].

A mill with a canal connecting to Hussain Sagar lake. Following the introduction of railways in the 1880s, factories were built around the lake. In 1714, the Mughal emperor, appointed to be Viceroy of the Deccan, with the title Nizam-ul-Mulk (Administrator of the Realm). In 1724, Asif Jah I defeated Mubariz Khan to establish autonomy over the Deccan Suba, named the region, and started what came to be known as the Asif Jahi dynasty. Subsequent rulers retained the title Nizam ul-Mulk and were referred to as Asif Jahi Nizams,. The death of Asif Jah I in 1748 resulted in a period of political unrest as his sons, backed by opportunistic neighbouring states and colonial foreign forces, contended for the throne. The accession of, who reigned from 1762 to 1803, ended the instability.

In 1768 he signed the treaty of, surrendering the coastal region to the in return for a fixed annual rent. In 1769 Hyderabad city became the formal capital of the Nizams. In response to regular threats from (Dalwai of ), ( of the ), and Basalath Jung (Asif Jah II's elder brother, who was supported by the ), the Nizam signed a with the East India Company in 1798, allowing the to occupy (modern ) to protect the state's capital, for which the Nizams paid an annual maintenance to the British. Until 1874 there were no modern industries in Hyderabad.

With the introduction of railways in the 1880s, four factories were built to the south and east of, and during the early 20th century, Hyderabad was transformed into a modern city with the establishment of transport services, underground drainage, running water,, telecommunications, universities, industries, and. The Nizams ruled their from Hyderabad during the.

After India, the Nizam declared his intention to remain independent rather than become part of the. The Hyderabad State Congress, with the support of the and the, began agitating against in 1948. On 17 September that year, the took control of Hyderabad State after an invasion codenamed. With the defeat of his forces, Nizam VII capitulated to the Indian Union by signing an, which made him the (Princely Governor) of the state until 31 October 1956. Between 1946 and 1951, the Communist Party of India fomented the against the lords of the.

The, which became effective on 26 January 1950, made Hyderabad State one of the of India, with Hyderabad city continuing to be the capital. In his 1955 report Thoughts on Linguistic States,, then chairman of the, proposed designating the city of Hyderabad as the of India because of its amenities and strategic central location. Since 1956, the in Hyderabad has been the second official residence and business office of the; the President stays once a year in winter and conducts official business particularly relating to Southern India. On 1 November 1956 the states of India by language.

Hyderabad state was split into three parts, which were merged with neighbouring states to form the modern states of, and Andhra Pradesh. The nine - and -speaking districts of Hyderabad State in the Telangana region were merged with the Telugu-speaking to create Andhra Pradesh, with Hyderabad as its capital. Several protests, known collectively as the, attempted to invalidate the merger and demanded the creation of a new Telangana state. Major actions took place in 1969 and 1972, and a third began in 2010.

The city suffered several explosions: one at in 2002 claimed two lives; terrorist bombs in and 2007 caused; and two bombs exploded in. On 30 July 2013 the government of India declared that part of Andhra Pradesh would be split off to form a new Telangana state, and that Hyderabad city would be the capital city and part of Telangana, while the city would also remain the capital of Andhra Pradesh for no more than ten years. On 3 October 2013 the Union Cabinet approved the proposal, and in February 2014 both houses of the.

With the final assent of the President of India in June 2014, Telangana state was formed. Geography [ ]. Grazing at Hyderabad's lakes and the sloping terrain of its low-lying hills provide habitat for an assortment of flora and fauna. As of 2016, the tree cover is 1.66% of total city area, a decrease from 2.71% in 1996. The forest region in and around the city encompasses areas of ecological and biological importance, which are preserved in the form of national parks, zoos, mini-zoos and a., the city's one large zoo, is the first in India to have a lion and tiger. Hyderabad has three national parks (, and ), and the is about 50 km (31 mi) from the city.

Hyderabad's other environmental reserves are:,, Hussain Sagar,, and, which is home to regional birds and attracts seasonal from different parts of the world. Organisations engaged in environmental and wildlife preservation include the,, the (ICRISAT), the, the and the. Administration [ ].

According to the part 2 Section 5: '(1) On and from the appointed day, Hyderabad in the existing State of, shall be the common capital of the State of and the State of Andhra Pradesh for such period not exceeding ten years. (2) After expiry of the period referred to in sub-section (1), Hyderabad shall be the capital of the State of Telangana and there shall be a new capital for the State of Andhra Pradesh.' The same sections also define that the common capital includes the existing area designated as the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation under the Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Act, 1955. As stipulated in sections 3 and 18(1) of the Reorganisation Act, city MLAs are members of Telangana state assembly. Local government [ ] The (GHMC) oversees the civic infrastructure of the city's 30 'circles', which together encompass. Each ward is represented by a, elected by popular vote.

The corporators elect the Mayor, who is the of GHMC; executive powers rest with the Municipal Commissioner, appointed by the state government. The GHMC carries out the city's infrastructural work such as building and maintenance of roads and drains, town planning including construction regulation, maintenance of municipal markets and parks, solid waste management, the issuing of birth and death certificates, the issuing of trade licences, collection of property tax, and community welfare services such as mother and child healthcare, and pre-school and non-formal education. The GHMC was formed in April 2007 by merging the (MCH) with 12 municipalities of the, and districts covering a total area of 650 km 2 (250 sq mi).: 3 In the 2016 municipal election, the Telangana Rashtra Samithi formed the majority and the present Mayor is.

The is a civic administration agency overseeing an area of 40.1 km 2 (15.5 sq mi),: 93 where there are several military camps.: 2 The campus is administered independently by the university authority.: 93 Law and order in Hyderabad city is supervised by the of Telangana. The jurisdiction is divided into three police commissionerates:, Cyberabad, and. Each zone is headed by a. The jurisdictions of the city's administrative agencies are, in ascending order of size: the Hyderabad Police area, Hyderabad district, the GHMC area ('Hyderabad city') and the area under the (HMDA). The HMDA is an apolitical urban planning agency that covers the GHMC and its suburbs, extending to 54 in five districts encircling the city. It coordinates the development activities of GHMC and suburban municipalities and manages the administration of bodies such as the (HMWSSB).

As the seat of the, Hyderabad is home to the state's, and, as well as various local government agencies. The Lower City Civil Court and the Metropolitan Criminal Court are under the jurisdiction of the High Court.: 1 The GHMC area contains 24 State Legislative Assembly constituencies, which form five constituencies of the (the of the Parliament of India). Utility services [ ]. A GHMC sweeper cleaning the The HMWSSB regulates, sewerage services and water supply, which is sourced from several dams located in the suburbs. In 2005, the HMWSSB started operating a 116-kilometre-long (72 mi) water supply pipeline from to meet increasing demand.

The Telangana Southern Power Distribution Company Limited manages electricity supply. As of October 2014, there were 15 fire stations in the city, operated by the Telangana State Disaster and Fire Response Department. The government-owned has five head post offices and many sub-post offices in Hyderabad, which are complemented by private courier services.

Pollution control [ ] Hyderabad produces around 4,500 of solid waste daily, which is transported from collection units in, and Lower Tank Bund to the dumpsite in. Disposal is managed by the Integrated Solid Waste Management project which was started by the GHMC in 2010.

Rapid urbanisation and increased economic activity has also led to increased,, and, which is regulated by the (TPCB). The contribution of different sources to air pollution in 2006 was: 20–50% from vehicles, 40–70% from a combination of vehicle discharge and road dust, 10–30% from industrial discharges and 3–10% from the burning of household rubbish. Deaths resulting from are estimated at 1,700–3,000 each year. Around Hyderabad, which has a of up to 1000 ppm, around three times higher than is desirable, is the main source of drinking water but the increasing population and consequent increase in demand has led to a decline in not only ground water but also river and lake levels. This shortage is further exacerbated by inadequately treated effluent discharged from industrial treatment plants polluting the water sources of the city.

Healthcare [ ]. The provides medical care using regular medicine along with The Commissionerate of Health and Family Welfare is responsible for planning, implementation and monitoring of all facilities related to health and preventive services. As of 2010 –11, the city had 50 government hospitals, 300 private and charity hospitals and 194 nursing homes providing around 12,000 hospital beds, fewer than half the required 25,000. For every 10,000 people in the city, there are 17.6 hospital beds, 9 specialist doctors, 14 nurses and 6 physicians. The city also has about 4,000 individual clinics and 500 medical diagnostic centres.

Private clinics are preferred by many residents because of the distance to, poor quality of care at and long waiting times in government facilities,: 60–61 despite the high proportion of the city's residents being covered by government health insurance: 24% according to a National Family Health Survey in 2005.: 41 As of 2012, many new private hospitals of various sizes were opened or being built. Hyderabad also has outpatient and inpatient facilities that use, and treatments. In the 2005 National Family Health Survey, it was reported that the city's is 1.8,: 47 which is below the. Only 61% of children had been provided with all basic (, and full courses of and ), fewer than in all other surveyed cities except.: 98 The infant was 35 per 1,000 live births, and the mortality rate for children under five was 41 per 1,000 live births.: 97 The survey also reported that a third of women and a quarter of men are overweight or obese, 49% of children below 5 years are, and up to 20% of children are underweight,: 44, 55–56 while more than 2% of women and 3% of men suffer from.: 57 Demographics [ ]. — 1961 1,118,553 3.0% 1971 1,796,000 60.6% 1981 2,546,000 41.8% 1991 3,059,262 20.2% 2001 3,637,483 18.9% 2011 6,809,970 87.2% Sources: When the GHMC was created in 2007, the area occupied by the municipality increased from 175 km 2 (68 sq mi) to 650 km 2 (250 sq mi). Consequently, the population increased by 87%, from 3,637,483 in the 2001 census to 6,809,970 in the 2011 census, 24% of which are migrants from elsewhere in India,: 2 making Hyderabad the nation's.

As of 2011, the population density is 18,480/km 2 (47,900/sq mi). At the same 2011 census, the Hyderabad Urban Agglomeration had a population of 7,749,334, making it the in the country.

The population of the Hyderabad urban agglomeration has since been estimated by electoral officials to be 9.1 million as of early 2013 but is expected to exceed 10 million by the end of the year. There are 3,500,802 male and 3,309,168 female citizens—a of 945 females per 1000 males, higher than the national average of 926 per 1000.

Among children aged 0–6 years, 373,794 are boys and 352,022 are girls—a ratio of 942 per 1000. Literacy stands at 82.96% (male 85.96%; female 79.79%), higher than the national average of 74.04%. The socio-economic strata consist of 20%, 50% and 30%. Language and religion [ ].

2.19% Referred to as 'Hyderabadi', the residents of Hyderabad are predominantly and people, with minority, (including ), (including ),,,,,, and communities. Hyderabad is home to a unique dialect of Urdu called, which is a type of, and is the mother tongue of most, a unique community who owe much of their history, language, cuisine, and culture to Hyderabad, and the various dynasties who previously ruled.,,,,, and are also present; these communities, of which the Hadhrami are the largest, declined after Hyderabad State became part of the Indian Union, as they lost the patronage of the Nizams. Telugu and Urdu are both official languages of the city, and most Hyderabadis are bilingual.

The Telugu dialect spoken in Hyderabad is called Telangana Mandalika, and the spoken is called.: 1869–70 English is also used. A significant minority speak other languages, including,,,, and.

Hindus are in the majority. Muslims form a very large minority, and are present throughout the city and predominate in and around the. There are also Christian, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist and Parsi communities and iconic, mosques and can be seen. According to the 2011 census, the religious make-up of Greater Hyderabad was: Hindus (64.93%), Muslims (30.13%), Christians (2.75%), Jains (0.29%), Sikhs (0.25%) and Buddhists (0.04%); 1.56% did not state any religion. Labourers in a rural area of Hyderabad In the greater metropolitan area, 13% of the population live. According to a 2012 report submitted by GHMC to the, Hyderabad has 1,476 slums with a total population of 1.7 million, of whom 66% live in 985 slums in the 'core' of the city (the part that formed Hyderabad before the April 2007 expansion) and the remaining 34% live in 491 suburban tenements.

About 22% of the slum-dwelling households had migrated from different parts of India in the last decade of the 20th century, and 63% claimed to have lived in the slums for more than 10 years.: 55 Overall literacy in the slums is 60–80% and female literacy is 52–73%. A third of the slums have basic service connections, and the remainder depend on general public services provided by the government. There are 405 government schools, 267 government aided schools, 175 private schools and 528 community halls in the slum areas.: 70 According to a 2008 survey by the Centre for Good Governance, 87.6% of the slum-dwelling households are, 18% are very poor, with an income up to ₹20,000 (US$310) per annum, 73% live below the poverty line (a standard poverty line recognised by the Andhra Pradesh Government is ₹24,000 (US$370) per annum), 27% of the (CWE) are and 38% of the CWE are illiterate.

About 3.72% of the slum children aged 5–14 do not go to school and 3.17% work as, of whom 64% are boys and 36% are girls. The largest employers of child labour are street shops and construction sites. Among the working children, 35% are engaged in hazardous jobs.: 59 Cityscape [ ]. And dinghies during the at Hussain Sagar The historic city established by Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah on the southern side of the Musi River forms the ', while the 'New City' encompasses the urbanised area on the northern banks.

The two are connected by many bridges across the river, the oldest of which is ('old bridge'). Hyderabad is with neighbouring Secunderabad, to which it is connected by Hussain Sagar. Many historic and tourist sites lie in south central Hyderabad, such as the Charminar, the Mecca Masjid, the, the, the, and the traditional retail corridor comprising the, and. North of the river are hospitals, colleges, major railway stations and business areas such as,,, and, along with administrative and recreational establishments such as the, the, the, the, the, the Nizam Club, the, the, the and the. North of central Hyderabad lie Hussain Sagar,, and the. Most of the city's parks and recreational centres, such as,,,, the and are located here.

In the northwest part of the city there are upscale residential and commercial areas such as Banjara Hills,,, and. The northern end contains industrial areas such as,,, and. The northeast end is dotted with residential areas. In the eastern part of the city lie and.

The 'Cyberabad' area in the southwest and west of the city has grown rapidly since the 1990s. It is home to information technology and bio-pharmaceutical companies and to landmarks such as Hyderabad Airport, Osman Sagar, Himayath Sagar and. Landmarks [ ] constructed during the Qutb Shahi and Nizam eras showcase influenced by, and styles. After the 1908, the city was expanded and civic monuments constructed, particularly during the rule of (the VIIth Nizam), whose patronage of architecture led to him being referred to as the maker of modern Hyderabad. In 2012, the government of India declared Hyderabad the first 'Best heritage city of India'.

Qutb Shahi architecture of the 16th and early 17th centuries followed classical featuring domes and colossal arches. The oldest surviving Qutb Shahi structure in Hyderabad is the ruins of Golconda fort built in the 16th century. Most of the historical bazaars that still exist were constructed on the street north of towards the fort.

Craigslist Cash Cow Pdf To Excel. The Charminar has become an icon of the city; located in the centre of, it is a square structure with sides 20 m (66 ft) long and four grand arches each facing a road. At each corner stands a 56 m (184 ft)-high minaret. The Charminar, Golconda fort and the are considered to be; in 2010 the Indian government proposed that the sites be listed for.: 11–18 Among the oldest surviving examples of Nizam architecture in Hyderabad is the Chowmahalla Palace, which was the.

It showcases a diverse array of architectural styles, from the to its royal court. The other palaces include Falaknuma Palace (inspired by the style of ),, and all of which were built at the peak of Nizam rule in the 19th century. During Mir Osman Ali Khan's rule, European styles, along with Indo-Islamic, became prominent. These styles are reflected in the Falaknuma Palace and many civic monuments such as the Hyderabad High Court, Osmania Hospital, Osmania University, the,, the Telangana Legislature, the,, and and stations. Other landmarks of note are,,, and the, all constructed by the.: 16–17.

—Hyderabad, a modern shopping facility Recent estimates of the economy of Hyderabad's metropolitan area have ranged from $40 billion to $74 billion ( ), and have ranked it either. Hyderabad is the largest contributor to the (GDP), tax and other revenues, of Telangana, and the sixth largest deposit centre and fourth largest credit centre nationwide, as ranked by the (RBI) in June 2012. Its per capita annual income in 2011 was ₹44,300 (US$690).

As of 2006, the largest employers in the city were the governments of Andhra Pradesh (113,098 employees) and India (85,155). According to a 2005 survey, 77% of males and 19% of females in the city were employed. The remains dominant in the city, and 90% of the employed workforce is engaged in this sector. Hyderabad's role in the pearl trade has given it the name ' and up until the 18th century, the city was the only global trading centre for Diamonds known as. Industrialisation began under the Nizams in the late 19th century, helped by railway expansion that connected the city with major ports. From the 1950s to the 1970s, Indian enterprises, such as (BHEL), (NFC), (NMDC), (BEL), (ECIL), (DRDO), (HAL), Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), (SBH) and (AB) were established in the city.

The city is home to formerly known as Hyderabad Stock Exchange (HSE), and houses the regional office of the (SEBI). In 2013, the (BSE) facility in Hyderabad was forecast to provide operations and transactions services to BSE- by the end of 2014. The growth of the financial services sector has helped Hyderabad evolve from a traditional manufacturing city to a cosmopolitan industrial service centre. Since the 1990s, the growth of information technology (IT), IT-enabled services (ITES), insurance and financial institutions has expanded the service sector, and these primary economic activities have boosted the ancillary sectors of trade and commerce, transport, storage, communication, real estate and retail. Hyderabad's commercial markets are divided into four sectors: central business districts, sub-central business centres, neighbourhood business centres and local business centres. Many traditional and historic are located throughout the city, Laad Bazaar being the prominent among all is popular for selling a variety of traditional and cultural antique wares, along with gems and pearls. HITEC city, the hub of information technology companies The establishment of (IDPL), a public sector undertaking, in 1961 was followed over the decades by many national and global companies opening manufacturing and research facilities in the city.

As of 2010, the city manufactured one third of India's bulk drugs and 16% of biotechnology products, contributing to its reputation as 'India's pharmaceutical capital' and the ' of India'. Hyderabad is a global centre of information technology, for which it is known as Cyberabad (Cyber City). As of 2013, it contributed 15% of India's and 98% of Andhra Pradesh's exports in IT and ITES sectors and 22% of 's total membership is from the city. The development of, a township with extensive technological infrastructure, prompted multinational companies to establish facilities in Hyderabad.

The city is home to more than 1300 IT and ITES firms that provide employment for 407,000 individuals; the global conglomerates include,,,,,,,,,,: 3 and major Indian firms including,, (TCS),, and.: 3 In 2009 the ranked the city as the. The city and its suburbs contain the highest number of of any Indian city. Constructed during the Qutb Shahi and rule in Hyderabad Hyderabad emerged as the foremost centre of culture in India with the decline of the Mughal Empire. After the, the migration of performing artists to the city particularly from the north and west of the, under the patronage of the Nizam, enriched the cultural milieu.

This migration resulted in a mingling of North and South Indian languages, cultures and religions, which has since led to a co-existence of Hindu and Muslim traditions, for which the city has become noted.: viii A further consequence of this north–south mix is that both Telugu and are official languages of Telangana. The mixing of religions has also resulted in many festivals being celebrated in Hyderabad such as, and of Hindu tradition and and by Muslims. Traditional Hyderabadi garb also reveals a mix of Muslim and South Asian influences with men wearing and – and women wearing and. Most Muslim women wear and outdoors. In addition to the traditional Indian and Muslim garments, increasing exposure to western cultures has led to a rise in the wearing of among youths. Literature [ ] In the past, Qutb Shahi rulers and Nizams attracted artists, architects and men of letters from different parts of the world through patronage.

The resulting ethnic mix popularised cultural events such as (poetic symposia). The Qutb Shahi dynasty particularly encouraged the growth of Deccani Urdu literature leading to works such as the and, which are among the earliest available manuscripts in Urdu., a book compiled in the 15th century at Qutb Shahi courts, contains erotic paintings with diagrams for secret medicines and stimulants in the eastern form of ancient sexual arts. The reign of the Nizams saw many literary reforms and the introduction of Urdu as a language of court, administration and education. In 1824, a collection of Urdu poetry, named Gulzar-e-Mahlaqa, authored by —the first female Urdu poet to produce a Diwan—was published in Hyderabad. Hyderabad has continued with these traditions in its annual, held since 2010, showcasing the city's literary and cultural creativity.

Organisations engaged in the advancement of literature include the, the Urdu Academy, the Telugu Academy, the, the Comparative Literature Association of India, and the Andhra Saraswata Parishad. Literary development is further aided by state institutions such as the State Central Library, the largest public library in the state which was established in 1891, and other major libraries including the, the and the. Music and films [ ] and dances such as the and styles are popular in the Deccan region. As a result of their culture policies, and dance gained popularity during the rule of the Mughals and Nizams, and it was also during their reign that it became a tradition among the nobility to associate themselves with (courtesans). These courtesans were revered as the epitome of etiquette and culture, and were appointed to teach singing, poetry and classical dance to many children of the aristocracy.

This gave rise to certain styles of court music, dance and poetry. Besides and Indian popular music genres such as music, the residents of Hyderabad play city-based, dholak ke geet (household songs based on local ), and, especially at weddings, festivals and other celebratory events. The state government organises the Golconda Music and Dance Festival, the Taramati Music Festival and the Premavathi Dance Festival to further encourage the development of music. Although the city is not particularly noted for theatre and drama, the state government promotes theatre with multiple programmes and festivals in such venues as the, and Lalithakala Thoranam.

Although not a purely music oriented event,, a popular annual exhibition of local and national consumer products, does feature some musical performances. The city is home to the Telugu film industry, popularly known as and as of 2012, produces the second largest number of films in India behind. Films in the local Hyderabadi dialect are also produced and have been gaining popularity since 2005. The city has also hosted international film festivals such as the International Children's Film Festival and the.

In 2005, Guinness World Records declared Ramoji Film City to be the world's largest film studio. An 18th century Bidriware cup with lid, displayed at the The region is well known for its Golconda and Hyderabad painting styles which are branches of. Developed during the 16th century, the Golconda style is a native style blending foreign techniques and bears some similarity to the of neighbouring Mysore.

A significant use of luminous gold and white colours is generally found in the Golconda style. The Hyderabad style originated in the 17th century under the Nizams. Highly influenced by, this style makes use of bright colours and mostly depicts regional landscape, culture, costumes and jewellery. Although not a centre for handicrafts itself, the patronage of the arts by the Mughals and Nizams attracted artisans from the region to Hyderabad. Such crafts include:, a metalwork handicraft from neighbouring, which was popularised during the 18th century and has since been granted a (GI) tag under the auspices of the act; and and, embroidery works on textile that involve making elaborate designs using gold, silver and other metal threads. Another example of a handicraft drawn to Hyderabad is, a hand-painted or block-printed cotton textile that comes from cities in Andhra Pradesh. This craft is distinguished in having both a Hindu style, known as and entirely done by hand, and an Islamic style, known as that uses both hand and block techniques.

Examples of Hyderabad's arts and crafts are housed in various museums including the Salar Jung Museum (housing 'one of the largest one-man-collections in the world' ), the, the, the and the. Main article: One of Hyderabad's earliest newspapers,, was established in the 1780s. In modern times, the major Telugu dailies published in Hyderabad are,, and, while the major English papers are,, and. The major Urdu papers include, and. Many coffee table magazines, professional magazines and research journals are also regularly published. The Secunderabad Cantonment Board established the first radio station in Hyderabad State around 1919. Was the first radio public broadcast station in the city starting on 3 February 1935, with broadcasting beginning in 2000.

The available channels in Hyderabad include,,,, and. Television broadcasting in Hyderabad began in 1974 with the launch of, the Government of India's, which transmits two terrestrial television channels and one satellite channel. Private satellite channels started in July 1992 with the launch of. Satellite TV channels are accessible via,. Hyderabad's first dial-up internet access became available in the early 1990s and was limited to software development companies.

The first public internet access service began in 1995, with the first private sector (ISP) starting operations in 1998. In 2015, high-speed public WiFi was introduced in parts of the city. Education [ ]. College of Arts Public and in Hyderabad are governed by the and follow a. About two-thirds of pupils attend privately run institutions. Languages of instruction include English, Hindi, Telugu and Urdu.

Depending on the institution, students are required to sit the or the. After completing secondary education, students enroll in schools or junior colleges with a higher secondary facility. Admission to professional graduation colleges in Hyderabad, many of which are affiliated with either (JNTUH) or Osmania University (OU), is through the (EAM-CET).

There are 13 universities in Hyderabad: two private universities, two, six state universities and three. The central universities are the, and the. Osmania University, established in 1918, was the first university in Hyderabad and as of 2012 is India's second most popular institution for international students. The, established in 1982, is the first distance-learning in India. Hyderabad is also home to a number of centres specialising in particular fields such as biomedical sciences, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, such as the (NIPER) and (NIN). Hyderabad has five major medical schools—,,, and —and many affiliated teaching hospitals. The is a college of.

Hyderabad is also the headquarters of the, a non-profit foundation for cardiovascular education. Institutes in Hyderabad include the, the, the, the and the. Technical and engineering schools include the (IIITH), (BITS Hyderabad) and (IIT-H) as well as institutes such as the (ICRISAT) and the. Hyderabad also has schools of fashion design including Raffles Millennium International, and. The National Institute of Design, Hyderabad (NID-H), will offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses from 2015. —an informal variant of played in the bylanes of the city almost by all age groups The most popular sports played in Hyderabad are and. At the professional level, the city has hosted national and international sports events such as the 2002, the, the women's tennis tournament, the, the and the 2009.

The city hosts a number of venues suitable for professional competition such as the for, the in for athletics and football, and for cricket, the and, home ground of the. Hyderabad has hosted many international cricket matches, including matches in the 1987 and the 1996. The represents the city in the —a tournament among India's states and cities. Hyderabad is also home to the franchise champions of Indian Premier League 2016.

A previous franchise was the, which won the held in South Africa. During British rule, Secunderabad became a well-known sporting centre and many race courses, parade grounds and fields were built.: 18 Many elite clubs formed by the Nizams and the British such as the, the and the, which is known for its horse racing especially the annual Deccan derby, still exist. In more recent times, motorsports has become popular with the organising popular events such as the Deccan ¼ Mile Drag, and 4x4 off-road rallying. International-level sportspeople from Hyderabad include: cricketers,,,,,,,,, and; football players, and; tennis player; badminton players,,,, and; hockey players and; rifle shooters and and bodybuilder. Transport [ ].

Map representing the that connects the with the The most commonly used forms of medium distance transport in Hyderabad include government owned services such as light railways and buses, as well as privately operated taxis and. Bus services operate from the in the city centre and carry over 130 million passengers daily across the entire network.: 76 Hyderabad's light rail transportation system, the, is a three line suburban rail service used by over 160,000 passengers daily.

Complementing these government services are minibus routes operated by (Society for Employment Promotion & Training in Twin Cities). Intercity rail services also operate from Hyderabad; the main, and largest, station is, which serves as ' headquarters and a hub for both buses and MMTS light rail services connecting Secunderabad and Hyderabad. Other major railway stations in Hyderabad are,,, and. The, a new system, was opened on 29 November 2017.

As of 2012, there are over 3.5 million vehicles operating in the city, of which 74% are two-wheelers, 15% cars and 3% three-wheelers. The remaining 8% include buses, goods vehicles and taxis. The large number of vehicles coupled with relatively low road coverage—roads occupy only 9.5% of the total city area: 79—has led to widespread traffic congestion especially since 80% of passengers and 60% of freight are transported by road.: 3 The Inner Ring Road, the, the, the longest flyover in India, and various, overpasses and underpasses were built to ease the congestion.

Maximum speed limits within the city are 50 km/h (31 mph) for two-wheelers and cars, 35 km/h (22 mph) for auto rickshaws and 40 km/h (25 mph) for and buses. Hyderabad sits at the junction of three linking it to six other states: runs 2,369 km (1,472 mi) from, Uttar Pradesh, in the north to,, in the south;, runs 841 km (523 mi) east-west between Machilipatnam,, and,; and the 280 km (174 mi) links Hyderabad to, links Hyderabad to. Five state highways,, SH-2, SH-4, SH-5 and SH-6, either start from, or pass through, Hyderabad.: 58 Air traffic was previously handled via Begumpet Airport, but this was replaced by (RGIA) (: HYD,: VOHS) in 2008, with the capacity of handling 12 million passengers and 100,000 tonnes of cargo per annum. In 2011,, an autonomous body representing the world's airports, judged RGIA the world's best airport in the 5–15 million passenger category and the world's fifth best airport for service quality. See also [ ] • • • • Notes [ ]. • According to the part 2 Section 5:(1) On and from the appointed day, Hyderabad in the existing State of, shall be the common capital of the State of and the State of Andhra Pradesh for such period not exceeding ten years.

(2) After expiry of the period referred to in sub-section (1), Hyderabad shall be the capital of the State of Telangana and there shall be a new capital for the State of Andhra Pradesh. The common capital is defined as the existing area notified as the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation under the Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Act, 1955. Though Andhra Pradesh uses facilities in Hyderabad during the transition period, Telangana state is responsible for day-to-day administration of the city. City MLAs are members of the (§ 3 and 18(1) of the Act).

References [ ]. • Ahmad, Akbar S. (July 1985).. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs.

6 (2): 317–331.. • Austin, Ian (1992).. Burhan (1991)..

Al-Kitab Publishers. • Khalidi, Omar (1988).. Hyderabad Historical Society, South Asia Books.. • Khalidi, Omar (1999).. Mapin Publishing.. • Krishnan, Usha Ramamrutham Bala (2001).. Department of Culture, Government of India, India Book House..

• Law, John (2010).. Kessinger Publishing.. • Luther, Narendra (2006).. Oxford University Press.. • Naidu, Ratna (1990)..

SAGE Publications.. • Pernau, Margrit (2000).. Manohar Publication.. • Prasad, Dharmendra (1 January 1986).. Inter-India Publications.. • Sastri, Kallidaikurichi Aiyah Nilakanta (1976).

A History of South India from Prehistoric Times to the Fall of Vijayanagar.. External links [ ].