Micro Focus Visual Cobol Crackberry

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Micro Focus Visual Cobol Crackberry

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Micro Focus Visual Cobol Crackberry

Phase One has this morning (Tuesday 16 September) announced the release of Capture One Pro 8. New features include: a ‘Film Grain’ tool, which allows photographers to emulate the effects created. By analogue film, and Clone and Heal repair layers, which enable users to remove unwanted objects from images without sacrificing image quality. Like previous versions, the new imaging software will continue Phase One’s commitment to providing high quality raw conversion, tethered capture, a customisable workflow and a range of adjustment tools, allowing photographers control and flexibility in the way they []. Apple is making good on CEO Tim Cook's promise to beef up iCloud security in the wake of the recent celebrity photo hack. Now, if you log into iCloud on a web browser, you will be prompted for a code. If you have enabled two-factor authentication on your Apple account.

Previously, two-factor authentication on iCloud only applied to purchases. See also: After Celebrity Photo Hack, How Safe Is the Cloud? Apple has also introduced an option to remotely sign out of all browsers, which would immediately require a new login (and thus a code, if two-factor authentication is in place) for anyone trying to access the account via the web — which is the likely path of a hacker trying to access a user's iCloud data. What does the knot say? Norwegian comedy duo Ylvis has released another snappy tune, entitled 'The Trucker's Hitch.'

It comes almost exactly one year after they met immense viral fame for 'What Does. The Fox Say?' The song is about different different types of knots, namely the struggle with mastering the 'trucker's hitch' knot. Yes, really — welcome to the Internet We imagine the song will be number two on the all-time Billboard charts (right after Rebecca Black's 'Friday') any day now [wp_scm_comment Dancing Traffic Light Helps Pedestrians Moonwalk Safely Tiny Hamster Eating Tiny Hot Dogs Takes On Kobayashi Kristen Wiig and Ellen DeGeneres Have No Idea How 'Let It Go' Goes Butterfly That Just Wanted a Kiss Lands on Flutist's Nose Mid-Performance.

VB Helper: Karen Watterson's Archived Destinations and Diversions (D & D). • Interesting interview with theoretical physicist, cosmologist, astrobiologist, author, and Templeton Prize winner Paul Davies about. • Interesting article about. • Remember all the back in the 60s and 70s? • 65 online (1914-1953). • Nice news:. Related: monumental Swaminarayan Akshardham.

• Blog entry with. 13 November 2005 Readable/Watchable • As always,. Then check out. And read the. • Good 39-minute. Juha-Pekka Tolvanen's article on (DSM, think, 'move over UML').

• Jim Wilson's. Related: Douglas Boling's also excellent tutorial on. • How To (.NET Framework 2.0). • Mike Stall's.NET Debugging Blog. Examples: 1) Managed Debug Assistants (MDAs) are cool and 2) Why you sometimes get a bogus ContextSwitchDeadLock MDA under the debugger.

Selected KB articles - good selection of How Tos • • • • • • • • • • • • • Selected SQL KB articles • • Downloadable • Pre-RTM Visual Studio 2005 (unsupported, but worth a try) • (x86 version) • Visual Studio 2005 Web Deployment Projects. • Free for code conversion between C# and VB.NET. • Jeffrey Walton's. • VS Team Suite's main competitor (IMHO) - the with its eight tools - for design, construction, software quality (testing), and software configuration management (version control).

(Like MS and its guidance/MSF/patterns & practices offerings, the Rational Professional Bundle also includes two process guidance configurations inside the Rational Professional bundle. The Rational product, an outgrowth of RUP, targets Java/Eclipse developers.

Heads Up • Moderately interesting offer on how to get a (FMP) 2.0. • (visual gaming engine for AI apps, based on.NET 2.0) webcast and SDK. MSDN Webcast 11/14. Questions to Ponder • Aldous Huxley once noted that 'The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude.' Do you agree? • In the 10/27/05 issue of the WSJ, Murray Hiebert wrote about how China is splitting the US Replican party - some taking a hawkish line that China represents a military threat, others saying that we need to take advantage of trade with China. Muddying the issue, of course, are concerns about human rights and Taiwan.

If *you* were involved in policy or legislation, which side would you be on? Misc • In its 11/1/05 announcement of Windows and Office Live last week, Microsoft's CTO Ray Ozzie said that MS 'has about 10% of the $15 billion Internet ad market.' • Really funny book: (about Antarctica). • (archives of MP3s available).

• Interesting tidbit about Greg Maffei quitting his $900K/year (est.) Oracle CFO job after five months. I was always curious why he quit that job at Microsoft and suspect he could tell some mighty interesting stories. 6 November 2005 Readable/Watchable • As always,. Then check out.

And read the. • Fairly vanilla Q&A about (no info on Groove futures, though). • Stephen Walther's article on. Excerpt: 'There are two basic ways to create a Web Part. You can treat any standard Microsoft ASP.NET control as a Web Part or you can build a custom control that derives from the base WebPart class.' • Good article on.

Another good one on the C# Corner site is by Rama Nageshwara Rao and explains how to work with the GDI+ drawing and printing classes. • Garry Robinson's. Access Security, and Mr.

VB123, also recommends (and code) on techniques for importing Excel data into Access. • Bill Shadish's online article from Pocket PC Magazine on. • Chris Kleinerman's (multiple active result sets) in SQL 2005. • MSDN Webcast replay:.

• Arian Kulp's Coding4Fun column on. C# and VB code both available. • In his 11/4/05 eNewsletter, Bill Sheldon reaffirmed his. • Dan Appleman's feature in the (I'm the editor). Selected KB articles • • • • • • • • Selected SQL KB articles • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Selected SQLCE/SQL Mobile KB articles • • • • • • • • Downloadable • for Visual Basic.NET 2005 (published 11/4/05).

• (C#) Ran Wainstein's article (with code and demo),. • MVP Juval Lowy's, including My for C# (ThatDemo.zip).

• in the new (4th edition) version of Jesse Liberty's Programming C# book. From his new book on Programming Visual Basic 2005. • Jeffrey McManus'.

Think companion for TSQLUnit. JARGON ALERT • - software isolated processes, a feature of Microsoft Research's Singularity OS.

A measure of the collaborative distance (in terms of published mathematical papers) between an author an the late Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdos. Erdos has an Erdos number of zero.

The Erdos number of author M is one plus the minimum among the Erdos numbers of all the authors with whom M coauthored a mathematical paper.. • (Outline Processor Markup Language). Heads Up • Apply for the.

Questions to Ponder • Ernest Hemingway once said that 'Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.' Do you agree with him? • A lot's been said about the correlation between music and math/programming. Do you 'visualize' music as it's playing? How do you 'visualize' your programs? As flowcharts? Or do you 'see' code?

Misc • What privacy?. • Brewster Jennings'. • Draft version of.. • Citation information and summaries of peer-reviewed papers on. • - bios, music clips, etc. • Sobering statistic: More than one third of babies born in the US in 2004 were from unwed mothers.

Related: (science meets art). • Cartoon I've enjoyed recently. The scene: two kids sitting on a doorstep with bookbags.

One says, 'My parents have decided to homeschool me, but they haven't decided which home.' 30 October 2005 Readable/Watchable • As always,. Then check out. And read the. • Four great FAQs about Generics from Juval Lowy: • • • • • Good article on (the new version for Windows Mobile 5.0). • Microsoft's 120-page white paper on ASP.NET 2.0 Provider Model:. • Microsoft's patterns & practices group's.

• Speech recognition research. And • The Register's.

• from O'Reilly's Open Source Convention that was held in Portland, OR, in August. • Speaking of (Tim) O'Reilly, read Steven Levy's in the October issue of Wired. • (WIA) that has a COM library you can program against. • Last of a five-part series (links to prior articles) on from the ground up with IBM technology. • Robin Bloor on. Selected KB articles • • • • • • • • • • Downloadable • - a collection of VS 2005 sample code that shows you how you can provide programmatic access to blogs in your apps.

Full source code is provided along with Windows Forms, ASP.NET 2.0 and a Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Outlook Add-In. •, open source mapping software with samples using VB, VB.NET, and C#. • (a functional language) available for.NET. Misc •, social networking-enabled browser based on Mozilla. • University of Ireland Trinity College lecturer Mads Haahr's. • It turns out that the casting directors at the 'CSI' franchise are right:.

23 October 2005 Readable/Watchable • As always,. Then check out. • Interesting post by Charles Sterling on. The problem: 'from drawing a line from the form object to using a graphics object created from the form.' • 120 pages about the (updated 10/05). • New white paper by multiple authors in the Patterns & Practices Group,. Includes two security checklists: How To with Security Question List: Managed Code (.NET Framework 2.0) and Security Question List: ASP.NET 2.0.

• Brian Johnson's 11-page article on. • (SQL) Kirk Haselden's excellent post that explains the depending on which connection manager you are using. • (SQL) Pete DeBetta's 8/04 article on. • (SQL) MVP Kalen Delaney's excellent 53-page PDF on. (Not sure what batch-scoped transactions are?) Selected KB articles • • • • • • Downloadable • An impressive, including Jay Roxe's two-part (DSK 205 and 310) 'What's New in Visual Basic 2005.'

• Bill Kohl wrote a - reflecting on the specialization in labor and how that might be applied (more than it is already) in software engineering. • If you're interested in, I can highly recommend the fourth edition of Brian Walker's excellent (and free!) eBook on that topic.

• Microsoft's Security Assessment Tool (MSAT). Unlike the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA), which scans and assesses your systems directly, the MSAT is a detailed questionnaire that you fill out. (free registration required).. • (Oct 2005).

• Microsoft's 'official' Passport Network Privacy Statement. • Joe Stagner's post about. • Windows Workflow Foundation technical product manager Paul Andrew's.

• A recent issue of the Many good articles. Travelable • (ASP.NET, VS, SQL, C++), Nov 7-10 in Las Vegas. •, Nov 15-17 in San Jose. Jargon Alert • DBS - deep brain stimulation.

• - fake blogs. Alternative footing designs for levees.. Question of the Week • Do you remember the last time you wept?

Was it a physical or emotional cry? Misc • Third time's a charm?. • Sounds cool, esp.

For technology-challenged relatives -. • Thought-provoking article (from IBM, promoting it Rational tools) on. • Cool innovations: (think energy source), Miscanthus. Would you believe 60 tons/hectare yield?

• Light bulb joke (with thanks to Jon Price): How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? Only one, but the light bulb really has to want to change.

• Cartoon I've enjoyed: The scene: Orthodox Jew talking on cell phone (apparently at an airport, walking towards the waiting area for his flight). 'And remember, if you need anything, I'm available 24/6.' • Joshua Landis' SyriaComment.com.

Fs2004 - Carenado Beechcraft Mentor T34B. • I've read several curious articles recently about (the food) and how it's packaged as an upscale gift. • Discovered while trying to read the 6000-word letter from Osama bin Laden's chief lieutenant on the dni.gov site:. • while trying to figure out what 'postmodern sociology' was all about.

• Pete Townshend's online novella,. • Might be useful: David Meerman Scott's new book,. • 2005 World Food Prize Laureate, Dr. Tomb Raider Angel Of Darkness Keygen For Mac there. Modadugu Vijay Gupta,. 16 October 2005 Readable/Watchable • As always,. Then check out.

• Ray Osherove's 6/05 MSDN Magazine article,.