Stihl Ms170 Chainsaw Parts Manual
Chain Saw Manuals. Find operator's manuals, safety manuals, service manuals, and parts lists for chain saws here, including a wide variety of makes and models. More manuals are constantly being added, so check back often or follow the blog for updates.
Chainsaw Parts & Accessories Long gone are the days of using axes to cut down trees and massive chunks of timber. A chainsaw is a technological marvel that allows one to cut down huge chunks of timber with ease and in less time. However, just like any device it is made of different parts and has its own accessories. These should be carefully maintained to ensure efficiency and durability of your unit.
What causes your chain to cut improperly? There are several factors that may contribute to your chain, one of the most important parts of the chainsaw, not as it should: • If it is your first time using the chain and the chainsaw seems to be burning the wood, then probably its cause the chain has been placed backward.
• If the saw has been cutting fine in the past but its currently experiencing problems, then most likely that the chain has been dulled. This happens when your unit accidentally contacts dirt, for example, cutting wood embedded with dirt such as used timbers will rapidly dull the sharpness of the chain.
• If your unit is cutting crooked, carefully check the guide bar rails and the chain cutters. If the cuter is unilaterally sharp, then sharper side will dig into the wood deeper. What type of oil should you use for your chainsaw parts and accessories?
The parts especially the chain and bar require continuous lubrication. There is usually an oil tank, which when filled continuously provides lubrication through the automatic oil system. Lack of oil quickly ruins the chain and bar. On the other hand, too little oil will result in overheating thus causing smoke to come out of the chain or even discoloring the bar. Chain and bar oil must flow freely to enable the oil system pump enough oil thus providing adequate lubrication. Genuine Poulan chain oil are recommended for the protection of the unit against excessive damage from friction and heat.
Why is your chainsaw engine not starting? • Check if the on/off switch is on. Also, ensure that your fuel mixture is less than 80 days old with a mixture ratio of 40:1. Never use fuel from previous seasons.
• A fouled spark plug may also cause an engine to fail to start. In such a case, remove the spark plug and thoroughly clean the electrode using a small wire brush. Also, consider replacing the spark plug if the electrode is wet with gasoline. • Have a look at the fuel filter and replace accordingly. In cases where the engine will not start and the weather is hot, it might be the cause of the carburetor being vapor locked, caused by evaporating hot gas.
In such a case relieve the pressure in the tank by loosening the gas cap. How do you clean the air filter? Constantly check your air filter and clean it after every 6 hours of use.
Prior to removing the air filter, thoroughly clean the top as well as the area it to keep the debris off from falling into the chamber of the carburetor. Get rid of the saw's top cover. Do the same with the filter and clean it using soapy, warm water.
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