Utau Teto Download Free
Kasane Teto official site ABOUT THE VOICEBANK KASANE TETO This English translation is for reference. Any questions arising shall be settled by the original Japanese text given. Usage Policy and Licensing of the Voicebank Kasane Teto The voicebank Kasane Teto is provided by Oyamano Mayo. Do not impersonate the voice provider and/or plagiarize the copyright. The voicebank Kasane Teto © Oyamano Mayo 2008. All rights reserved. Users shall not sell and/or redistribute the voicebank Kasane Teto without the permission of Oyamano Mayo, regardless of partially or in totality.
The prohibition of redistribution shall not be applied to the cases of modifying the frequency table (frq file) and/or voice setup (oto.ini). Users may modify and redistribute them. Uses shall not distribute the works using the voicebank Kasane Teto for commercial purpose without permission. When you distribute the works using the voicebank of Kasane Teto, you need to obtain prior consent from the literally agency TWINDRILL. The contact is provided below. Digipro Wp5540 Pen Tablet Driver. Users shall not use the voicebank Kasane Teto in the way to defame Oyamano Mayo and/or third person/party, and/or to violate the rights of Oyamano Mayo and/or third person/party.
Tei was developed by 2ch denizens to be another troll vocaloid, in a similar fashion to Kasane Teto, who was released without a voice. However, Tei was.
Users shall not use the voicebank Kasane Teto in the way to violate laws and ordinances, and/or to be offensive to public order and morals (e.g. Promoting criminal activity and/or suicide). Also users shall not upload the works using the voicebank Kasane Teto onto the website which promotes the criminal activities, regardless of the nature of the works. Other than the prohibitions above, Oyamano Mayo may forbid the use of the voicebank Kasane Teto in case users use the voicebank in the inappropriate way.
Users agree to comply with the usage policy and licensing above. Oyamano Mayo, the author and the copyright holder of the voicebank Kasane Teto, authorizes the use of this voicebank under the condition that users consent to this usage policy and licensing.
This voicebank is free to use within the non-commercial purpose regardless of for private person, fan circle or commercial person. Prior/After acknowledgment to Oyamano Mayo and/or TWINDRILL is not necessarily required when you distribute the works using this voicebank for non-commercial purpose. Discharge and Reminders Oyamano Mayo and TWINDRILL shall not hold any responsibility to incidents, damage and/or loss using this voicebank. Use this voicebank at your own risk.
The usage policy and licensing seen here may be subject to change without prior notice. The latest one shall take precedence.
The usage policy and licensing of the voicebank Kasane Teto is provided in the Japanese language. Any translated material is for reference.
The original Japanese text shall take precedence if any conflicts arise. This usage policy and licensing is for the voicebank Kasane Teto. The character Kasane Teto is under the usage policy and licensing provided for the character. September 25, 2010 by TWINDRILL. Download Link English Voicebank (CVVC) Voicebank, the word-to-pronuciation dictionary for Teto is available.
The above link will direct you to a third-party site. Special thanks to: Delta@kimigatame for English voicebank recording. TTEnglishInputHelper by Asakura Funyoshi. Diphone-only(V-CV) Voicebank This voicebank provides clear and brilliant voices, and you can get fine singing voices easily with this voicebank. We recommend this friendly voicebank for UTAU beginners as a first step to get used to operate UTAU. Triphone(VCV) Voicebank This voicebank includes voice WAV files recorded under rules that 'Lite-Lists' give.
This voicebank provides mellifluous and fluent singing voices. We recommend this voicebank for experienced UTAU users. Appended Voicebank 'Extra Library' This library has two features. One is the trilling R consonant (巻き舌音源) like German or French R. The voice recording and modifying is supported. The other is the natural ending with breath noise (語尾息音源). This new advanced appendix widens your creative activities.
Download Video Ultraman Max 3gp. Appended Voicebank 'Whisper voice Library' This library provides whisper voices, and you can get soft singing voices with this library. To utilize the whisper voice, you need to add the Kanji character '囁' in the SurffixBroker for the appended voicebank. If you do not know the Kanji, please copy and paste the character here. We uploaded the tutorial video for user help. Appended Voicebank 'Whisper voice Library' (Triphone(VCV) + Diphone-only(V-CV) Voicebank) VCV update on Sep.17 Appended Voicebank '「力み」(RIKIMI) voice Library' (Diphone(V-CV) only) This library provides growly taste voices. Suitable for adding special accent on note top.
See DEMO video. To utilize the RIKIMI voice, you need to add the Kanji character '力' in the SurffixBroker for the appended voicebank. If you do not know the Kanji, please copy and paste the character here. NOTE: Special vowel-connection procedure is recommended for better result. See or (please turn on captions button) Released on Oct. Appended Voicebank '「叫び」(SAKEBI) voice Library' (Triphone(VCV)) This library provides shouting voices.
Suitable for stronger high tones, shouting, or even screaming. SAKEBI voicebank also uses a suffix like as other appended voicebanks. But for this SAKEBI, its character is '↑', a built-in suffix in UTAU's SuffixBroker table. Only select it when editing. No special preparation step is required. Aliases for Diphone(V-CV) are also included in 'oto.ini' file. You can mix SAKEBI notes within a UST using V-CV voicebank as usual way.
Released on Oct. If you introduce Kasane Teto to the person who does not speak Japanese, please refrain from leading him/her to the download link directly. Please make sure to lead him/her to this page ' ' for the usage policy and licensing. How to Install the Voicebank on UTAU 1.We do not distribute UTAU platform.
Install the platform beforehand on your computer. If you want to know how to use UTAU, please refer to.
2.Drag and drop the zip voicebank file to UTAU. You do not have to decompress the file. 3.Click 'OK' or 'はい (Y)'. 4.Decompressing starts automatically. 5.When decompressing completes, this image appears on the screen.
6.Click 'メニュー' >'プロジェクト' >'プロジェクトのプロパティ'。 7.A new window opens. Click '重音テト(かさねてと)音声ライブラリー'. 8.Kasane Teto appears in the character box and the install completes. Copyrights The illustration and design of Kasane Teto © Sen 2008. All rights reserved. The voicebank Kasane Teto © Oyamano Mayo 2008. All rights reserved.