Alcyone Pleiades Crackle

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As can be understood by watching the Alcyon Pleiades videos, we are living the most critical moment in the history of mankind, as the planet is in a transformative phase; an extreme change that has never been seen before. And this is also being accompanied by the arrival of large quantities of photonic energy producing an awakening, a profound change, a genetic mutation in people, whilst a myriad of global events, geopolitical, governmental, religious and social changes are taking place everywhere, which are necessary for the deactivation and removal of the elite and their allies of the visible and shadow government, as well as the Alien usurpers who are fighting to keep hold of our planet. Bjp Images Download more. With these videos we hope to open peoples eyes to the many events that surround us, which the traditional media sources hide from us or misreport, to raise awareness to the natural and climatic imbalances, the increasingly dramatic and critical social situations, the warmongering, crisis and conflicts throughout the planet. Also, the hidden conspiracies and plots, the increasing number of UFO sightings and other subjects, all of which are explained in more depth in the Alcyon Pleiades videos. We will continue to periodically report to our followers using a compilation of of news articles, interviews, headlines and documents that will help us to become more aware of the times in which we live. Dell Keyboard Serial Number Location here. Video created by Alcyon.

Alcyone Pleiades Crackle

These 'Souls' chose to come to Earth to work consciously with the evolution of our Earth, Solar System & Milky Way Galaxy but also to consciously work with the last four 'Grand Cycles of Time' (our Solar Systems 26,000 year rotation around the Central Sun Alcyone of the Pleiades – the brightest star in the Pleiades. The star Alcyone - the main star of the Pleiads. The energy is crystal like, cool and crackling with a sound of silvery bells. The Pleiads monitor Earth and send loads of loving vibrations - here symbolized by a heart and wings - Birgitte Fich Christiansen (FichArt - Peter and Birgitte Fich Christiansen, Denmark:.