Create Pdf File From Vb6 Instr
No, txt files cannot be protected. ------------- Michel Korwin-Szymanowski EXP Systems LLC Posted By: jaywang66 Date Posted: 16 Apr 09 at 12:54PM A little while ago I was able to develop excel script to print excel page as PDF file through intensive google search. Sub Print_PDF() 'need to check Reference to Acrobat Distiller in Tools -->References 'Define the postscript and.pdf file names. Dim PSFileName As String Dim PDFFileName As String PSFileName = 'c: VBAPrintPDF' PDFFileName = 'c: VBAPrintPDF Sample.pdf' 'Print the Excel range to the postscript file ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut copies:=1, preview:=False, ActivePrinter:='Acrobat Distiller', _ printtofile:=True, collate:=True, prtofilename:=PSFileName 'Convert the postscript file to.pdf Dim myPDF As PdfDistiller Set myPDF = New PdfDistiller myPDF.FileToPDF PSFileName, PDFFileName, ' End Sub But last week I found I couldn't print out color in PDF - only black and white. Then I used several days to search on google again but didn't find directly answers.
With the help of all the different info I changed activePrinter from Acrobat Distiller to Adobe PDF. Then the problem was solved - I got colorful PDF file. Here is the new code - only a tiny change: Sub Print_PDF() 'need to check Reference to Acrobat Distiller in Tools -->References 'Define the postscript and.pdf file names. Dim PSFileName As String Dim PDFFileName As String PSFileName = 'c: VBAPrintPDF' PDFFileName = 'c: VBAPrintPDF Sample.pdf' 'Print the Excel range to the postscript file ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut copies:=1, preview:=False, ActivePrinter:='Adobe PDF', _ printtofile:=True, collate:=True, prtofilename:=PSFileName 'Convert the postscript file to.pdf Dim myPDF As PdfDistiller Set myPDF = New PdfDistiller myPDF.FileToPDF PSFileName, PDFFileName, ' End Sub Posted By: Michel_K17 Date Posted: 16 Apr 09 at 7:35PM Hi, Thanks for the tip. In case anyone is wondering, the code above will work if you have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer. If you are using PDF reDirect Pro, you should use the sample code provided [ - here ] instead. ------------- Michel Korwin-Szymanowski EXP Systems LLC Posted By: DeanB Date Posted: 25 Sep 09 at 11:48AM Greetings all.
Posted By: fmxds12 Date Posted: 09 Mar 10 at 8:19AM try this plugin from MS, by using this, you should be able to Export any Office document to a PDF file. Thanks - Lina - custom application developers - professional web services - remote dba consultants Posted By: Pepito Date Posted: 07 Sep 10 at 5:59AM hi.

Nov 30, 2017. The Mid function extracts a substring from the original phrase or string. It takes the following format: Mid(phrase, position, n). Where position is the starting position of the phrase from which the extraction process will start and n is the number of characters to be extracted. Mid(“Visual Basic”, 3,. Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition brings active scripting to a wide variety of environments, including Web client scripting in. InStr, InStrB. Page 12 of 331. 9/3/2003 file://C: Documents%20and%20Settings latham Local%20Settings Temp ~hh888.htm.
Is possible to get a code where i can just copy paste it? Posted By: Michel_K17 Date Posted: 07 Sep 10 at 5:45PM Hi Pepito, That will be tricky, but here is goes: 1. Download just the ActiveX component from [ - here ]. Open an MS Word or an MS Excel document 4. Open the VBA editor. Copy/Paste the following code. It won't do much, but it will confirm that the ActiveX was installed correctly.
Sub TestPDF() Dim myPDF As Object Dim UserSelection As String Set myPDF = New PDF_reDirect_v25002.Batch_RC_AXD UserSelection = myPDF.Utility_ShowAs_Dialog('My Title', 'C: ', 'MyFilename.pdf', 0) Debug.Print 'FileLocation chosen is: ' & UserSelection Set myPDF = Nothing End Sub 6. Look at the full code for more examples of what you can do like creating a PDF file using VBA. I hope this helps. ------------- Michel Korwin-Szymanowski EXP Systems LLC Posted By: Sara Myrphy Date Posted: 11 Jul 11 at 3:15AM Dear All, I'm having the Adobe Acrobat SDk 8.0 and I need to convert our Word Documentent and Excel Sheets into PDF format thru our VB6.0 program.
I'm able to manage to open the PDF documents and printing. I don't know hoe to convert the documents thru VB program. ------------- Posted By: Michel_K17 Date Posted: 11 Jul 11 at 9:05PM Hi Sara, We provide support for our ActiveX components only, but not for the Adobe Acrobat SDK. For that, you need to contact Adobe. Download Fortigate Vm Software Inc.
Michel ------------- Michel Korwin-Szymanowski EXP Systems LLC Posted By: theART.SK Date Posted: 13 Sep 11 at 1:04PM Hi all, I downloaded this version PDF reDirect v2.5.2, and installed ActiveX when I run sample code; Sub TestPDF(); for testing It showed error in this line [ Set myPDF = New PDF_reDirect_v25002.Batch_RC_AXD ] Compile error: User-defined type not defined - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - thanks for your support Posted By: Michel_K17 Date Posted: 13 Sep 11 at 9:54PM Hi, For some reason, it looks like the ActiveX did not get registered on your system. In your VBA IDE, go to Tools >>References >>Browse >>C: Program Files PDF reDirect ActiveX_PDF_Pro.dll.
This should auto-register the ActiveX. Alternatively, you can register manually using the regsvr32 command in the command tool (cmd.exe that comes with Windows). Let me know if you need help on how to register manually (or search google for 'regsvr32'). ------------- Michel Korwin-Szymanowski EXP Systems LLC Posted By: theART.SK Date Posted: 14 Sep 11 at 2:30AM thanks Michel, I follow your advice,and now it show dialog box for saving:) I insert sub Test,but no pdf file save in that directory do we have sample code for newbie getting start? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - thanks for your support Posted By: Michel_K17 Date Posted: 15 Sep 11 at 12:00AM Hi, Sure! Computer Repair Software Free Download For Windows 8 on this page.
The sample Excel, Word and Access samples are very complete, and include sample code on how to create PDF files programmatically. The Sample code is available [ - here ]. ------------- Michel Korwin-Szymanowski EXP Systems LLC Posted By: MichealJhon Date Posted: 10 Oct 11 at 2:23AM Thank you for this links, I have download and like the simple card. And PDF reDirect Pro.
Posted By: Gigi_ Date Posted: 05 Nov 11 at 2:38PM hi. Posted By: Michel_K17 Date Posted: 06 Nov 11 at 10:04AM Hi, Open the VBA editor in Excel. The 'Developer' tab does not appear by default, so you may need to go into the File >>Options >>Customize Ribbon, and to choose to have it displayed. Now, choose the 'Developer' Tab >>Visual Basic. Alternatively, you can press [ALT]+[F11] as a shortcut.
The 'Sheet1' contains the code for the button. The full code is in the Module called 'modMain' Cheers! ------------- Michel Korwin-Szymanowski EXP Systems LLC Posted By: Gigi_ Date Posted: 08 Nov 11 at 9:40AM Thanks k17.
I have a workbook with multiple worksheets and I would like a VBA script that will bring up a userform with all the visable sheets on with a check box next to each one. I would then like to be able to tick each sheet that I want to publish to a single PDF using Excel 2010's in built pdf option. If posible I would like a tick box at the bottom that when selected populates all the other tick boxes allowing me to quickly select all worksheets ~ but still egiving me the opportunity to deselect individual worksheets.
You would get more responses if you'd post something that didn't require Experts to build your project from scratch. I suggest you delete the data/or obfuscate it in your worksheets, then upload your workbook as is, with your userform and macros. Most questions are solved in 15-30 minutes, though some, with interested experts might take hours - your best bet is to get questions in order such than an Expert with skill can solve it quickly. For this particular problem, printing to PDF is trivial.
Here's your solution. I mocked up the first five checkboxes and the select all checkboxes, then created sheets corresponding to the checkboxes.
What's interesting about issues associated with the ExportToPDF method as it will print the entire workbook, independent of sheet selection. So, not so trivial after all! My interest was peaked and so I wanted to develop this out a bit and had a brainstorm after some testing - ExportToPDF only prints VISIBLE sheets, so the act of hiding non-needed sheets then printing, then reverting back to the prior state created the solution. The idea of a checkbox for publishing to a PDF file is exactly what I am looking for, but I can not seem to get this one to work (most likely my lack of skill). I have this one that uses the checkbox to print (it works).
Is it possible to modify it for PDF publishing? Thanks Option Explicit Sub SelectSheets() Dim i As Integer Dim TopPos As Integer Dim SheetCount As Integer Dim PrintDlg As DialogSheet Dim CurrentSheet As Worksheet Dim cb As CheckBox Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Hides the intro requiring macros and development pages Worksheets('Intro - Do Not Print').Visible = False Worksheets('DEVELOPMENT - ERASE').Visible = False ' Add a temporary dialog sheet Set CurrentSheet = ActiveSheet Set PrintDlg = ActiveWorkbook.DialogSheet s.Add SheetCount = 0 ' Add the checkboxes TopPos = 40 For i = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.