X3 Reunion Cockpit Mod Free Download

Download the free trial version below to get started. Double-click the downloaded file to install the software. Oct 29, 2005. Oct 05, 22:25 Post subject: Community Script & Mod Download Library for X3, Reply with quote Print. Community Script / Mod Index Warning These scripts will NOT work with Terran Conflict, use only scripts in the TC S&M forum. Because it leaves more slots free for other scripts that might be compatible.
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Discussion of and, as well as,,, and by EGOSOFT. Discussion includes, but is not limited to: • Tips • Hints • Spoilers • Tactics • Scripts & Mods available now. [] If posting about a specific game, please tag your posts to avoid confusion. [XT]: X-Tension [XBTF]: X: Beyond the Frontier [X2]: X2: The Threat [X3R]: X3: Reunion [X3TC]: X3: Terran Conflict [X3AP]: X3: Albion Prelude [X-R]: X-Rebirth To post spoilers: [Profitsss are good](/spoiler) turns into • official forums • Buy the on Steam Like playing space sims?
For low-impact scripts that add useful features, everything by Lucike is really good. CODEA automates ships (fighters and capitals) in association with a carrier (any carrier from a TM to an M1). Also adds Tender feature which is any T type ship (TP, TS, TM, TL) that follows any carrier around and refills it with whatever consumables it uses.
So like a big TS to follow your TL around and keep it stocked with just 500 units energy for jumping - refueling it immediately after each jump. The script is worth it just for that and how it streamlines the process of building complexes/build station missions. Security and Rescue Service lets you set up patrol routes for combat ships to fly that's much smarter than the vanilla Patrol Software commands. Also give you an automated Rescue Service that will jump to a sector where one of your ships is under attack and try to save the ship. Combines with CODEA, can include Cargo Salvager Rescue who will pick up the pilot if he bails and drop him off at the SRS carrier so he can put into a new ship.
Personnel Transporter is a simple little tool that allows you to actually put CAG, CLS, or even MK3 traders back into cockpits after they've bailed out and become cargo. Hp Data Protector Express Keygen Music more. So park a TP at your SRS CODEA fleet's homebase and when a pilot bails and gets rescued, when the fleet returns home you can park a new ship at the same station and have the TP transfer the pilot into his new ride. Economy and Supply Trader gives you smart trade pilots to keep the NPC economy running or target certain wares to produce from the NPC economy. Hangar Manager allows you to transfer ships from a station into the hangar bay of a carrier docked at the station without undocking the carrier and order the ships to dock. Bonus - a few carrier ships can carry TS/TP (Ariadne) or even TM, M6, M8 (Atmospheric Lifter) if you use Hangar Manager to put them in the hangar.
Really handy when you're in the fleet building phase of the game, being able to pick up new ships at the shipyard and then take them to other shipyards to get their equipment. Military Transporters adds hireable bridge crews to capital ships that give them slight stat bumps and some have different roles inside CODEA.
Prospektor is a smarter mining script. I'm sure there's some others that I'm forgetting. For downloading Lucike scripts, go to.
Once installed, it will be in whatever language your game is in. Non Lucike stuff I like: allows you to create lists of equipment you want installed on ships depending on their class (M1, M2, TL, TS, etc) and then install that stuff automatically at an equipment dock/trading station/TL/M1 that you own.
Cost the same as what it would buying it from an equipment dock, but you can get it all at one place and installed automatically. There is an option to just leave it turned on, but as I learned recently, it's buggy with certain Terran ships and will drain money from your account at an astounding rate. So it's better to just turn it on when you have ships you want to equip docked at the station where you run it and then turn it back off immediately as soon as the equipment is installed. I lost a billion credits while it tried to install software on a wing of Spitfires I bought over and over. Marine Repairs 1.x The download link for this one is dead. There's a 2.x version that adds more features, but it's potentially very cheaty (training Marines for free in a fraction of the time it normally takes). V1.x doesn't do training.
It just fixes ships that Marines are on (or ships that are docked at a ship that Marines are on), at a rate based on how well the Marines are trained in Mechanical and Engineering. 1 Marine, with low skills is not even as fast as the repair laser, so it's not super cheaty. I have this script in my archive, so if anybody wants it I'll try to find a place to upload it. I reckon that with that stuff installed, X3AP is a pretty dang good game for what it is.
This is the list of the mods i have been using with none of them altering the way the vanilla game works, just improving on some aspects. • Better Globals v1 DrBullwinkle - 500k Comm Range / 200k Complex Hub Distance / 20k Docking Computer / 20k Transporter Device / Larger storage at Equipment Docks • Bounce 1.7 - saves fighters from going kamikaze into ships • Galaxy explorer - adds a new command to 'Explore galaxy', you need a ship with Explorer command software. • IE immersive environments & nofog - as the name suggests, it improves the backgrounds, much better quality and immersion • Mission Briefing Fix v5 Enhanced Briefings for Generic Missions - improves the text of the missions, telling you the race of the party involved mainly. No more patrol missions with 'enemies' it will say if xenon or pirates are expected, very usefull in combat missions where you need to annihilate a target because it mentions the race. • No Civilian Fluff - removes all those useless civilian ships (except the ones using TM/TS/TL) for better performance in sectors • Numeric Ranks - so you can see on a scale of -5/10 how your relations with different races are. • Smart Turrets - makes them smart, capable of adding more commands to generic taks like 'protect ship' and switching out weapons you own based on the target they are shooting (just like MARS to a point) • SunBlade Flat Galaxy Map - it tightens the sectors in a square grid so its much easier on the eyes to see the universe map. • Universe Coloured Map - adds colours to the universe map for each race • The official bonus pack, but featuring upgraded scrips from Lucike.
• Trade Overview - you can see how much profit your traders and stations are making in a nicely detailed window showing which wares etc. • No Ad Sign Mod - removes the ads near stock exchanges (better FPS) • Pure X hud - personal preference HUD • Gate effect pack - collection of gate effects, only use one (i find the default animation to be bland) • No ring gate mod - removes the rings around the gates so you dont bump into them with larger ships. As a fan of the old X2 cockpits, I eventually sought out and downloaded PSCO1's cockpit mod for X3AP. Besides the pre-requisite mod, the cockpit mod has two different files for TC and AP and I've had to switch between them manually whenever I wanted to play the other game (if you play AP exclusively then this should not be a problem for you). Some of the cockpits obstruct your field of view (eg. Terran fighters seem to have a smaller FOV compared to comparable Argon fighters, and Xenon cockpits really narrow down the FOV), but I think it's a fairly nice immersive addition to the game regardless. () • • • • • •.
Few scripts that others haven't mentioned: • MARS. Makes turrets actually really good and adds drones for useful tasks (like shooting down incoming missiles and picking up dropped stuff). • OK Traders. Actually good traders that make your wallet go from empty to full in no time. Saab Tis 2008 Download on this page. Mostly because you can allow them to trade illegal wares and have good sector blacklist management. (without trading illegal wares they only barely outperform mk3 traders, but with illegal wares the amount of money you make is crazy).
• - as far as I know, this has never been announced/listed on the forums in english and the documentation isn't translated, but Google translate does a decent enough job. What it does it that you get a TM or TL (Elephant is best), fill half the hangar with small ships for carrying equipment, configure a bunch of templates and then you tell it 'fetch me 120 Fenrirs'. This script will jump to a shipyard, buy the ships you ordered, drop them at the home base, then jump to equipment docks to equip the ships it has in the hangar with the equipment the template needs (jumpdrives, navigation software, stuff like that), jump back to home base, move the equipment to the ships it just bought, then also transfer lasers, shields and missiles from home dock to the bought ships.
The end result is that after configuring the script all you need to do to buy fully equipped fighters (or carriers or TSes or anything) is to push a few buttons a wait. And if the ships you order can't dock at the equipment manager ship, it will outfit them with jumpdrives and enough fuel to jump to base anyway.
It's such a good script that the first thing I do in a new playthrough is to get a few M5 with a CLS training course just to have leveled up pilots (it uses the same pilot ranks) for this. As soon as I have a PHQ it has one of these running and never talk to a shipyard again.