Dying To Win Robert Pape Pdf Creator
GUAYAQUIL, Ec. – Pope Francis kicked off the start of a three-nation trip across South America today with his first mass, with over a million Ecuadorians in attendance, in the coastal city of Guayaquil. Delivering the mass in Spanish, the Pope spoke about the importance of family in modern society, saying, “It needs to be helped and strengthened, lest we lose our proper sense of the services which society as a whole provides.” During his sermon, Pope Francis announced to Christians around the world that God had called upon him, instructing him “to revise the most sacred of texts, the Ten Commandments.” Given to the Israelites by God himself at Mount Sinai, the Commandments include instructions for worship and list several prohibited practices. Pope Francis said Christians around the world are “faced with ever-increasing temptations brought on by the evils of modern society.” The Pope said the updated Commandments reflect the changing times and include some minor rewording of the existing rules as well as the addition of two new Commandments. The Fourth Commandment, which advocates that proper respect be shown towards one’s parents, has been reworded in order to include children raised by same-sex parents. Pope Francis said the Seventh Commandment, prohibiting adultery and, among other things, homosexuality, has been removed entirely, as instructed by God, in order to extend “God’s grace to all His children.” Addressing the inclusion of the new Commandments, which bring the total number to eleven, Pope Francis praised the rapid growth of technology in the digital age but said “progress comes at a price.” The new Fifth Commandment, which replaces the prohibition of adultery, forbids all aspects of genetic engineering and bans the consumption of genetically modified foods.
Pope Francis announced to Christians around the world that God had instructed him to 'rewrite the Ten Commandments.' Download Dying To Win Robert Pape Pdf Creator. Dispone di prato verde, solarium,giochi bimbi, barbecue. Scheda dettagliata. Cataldo e vicino ai laghi Alimini, si trova il. IT - Itinerari, Tour, Consigli e Idee vacanza - Sito Web: Pacaya- samiria. Posti Letto: 2. IT - Itinerari, Tour, Consigli e Idee vacanza.
Lastly, the Eleventh Commandment disallows personal idolization and the glorification of one’s self over God. Using the Kardashians, a highly publicized celebrity family, as an example, Pope Francis said, “Selfies are an abomination in the eyes of our Lord.” A spokesman for the Vatican, Father Federico Lombardi, said the Eleven Commandments are currently being etched into marble by an Italian sculptor and, upon completion, will be unveiled to the world in Saint Peter’s Square following an internationally televised mass. Abrogation “Abrogate” = repealed “Abolish” = repealed So, if the rule of the two expressions mean the “end”, and states that it applies to any law or regulation, whether there is a written document, legally binding, it is God’s law (10 Commandments, as they are written in the Bible) ever abrogirao or repealed? There is a written document (Bible = Scripture) in which Jesus Christ himself beautifully says in Matthew 5, 17 – “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets.
I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” It is a Croatian translation, and here’s the Greek translation of which is written the text: “Μὴ νομίσητε ὅτι ἦλθον καταλῦσαι τὸν νόμον ἢ τοὺς προφήτας • οὐκ ἦλθον καταλῦσαι ἀλλὰ πληρῶσαι •” Check whether the Greek word “καταλῦσαι” means “end”? If, is the Greek word correctly translated into Croatian as the word “end”, then we have a written document (legally binding) in which it is clear that God never closes LAW. Who then is the people of God ever ABROGIRAO 10 commandments written in the Bible?
If such a written, legally binding document does not exist, then the Earth is still a valid law of God. You are correct here all the people are under an examination and the law is not different then the one from 6000 years ago the exam is exactly the same all the new testament is a roman empire big lie is a roman empire invention ONLY the TORAH is made by Ruach Elohim the Alphabet from the Torah is from RUACH ELOHIM,, I do speak about the 5 ( 6 )books of Moses BERCAUSE YOU KNOW THE TRUTH go on you tube there is rabbi tovia singer he will help you with the big lie of the new testament.love you eliad. Glory, it is so good to see ‘mercy’ and real leadership from the pontiff. If you recall, Stephen Mansfield wrote a glorious book “Pope Benedict XVI – His Life and Mission – by Stephen Mansfield”.
Stephen Mansfield had several quotes from the ‘Holy Father’, and now we see his successor, (whom Stephen also praised) is carrying on this mission. The mission is to make us ‘all one’. Where there is no difference between male/female, black/white, but all of God’s children will be “free at last”. That is what makes Obama such a great man and President as well. Stephen Mansfield has taken much criticism also for writing a book prior to Obama’s election titled “the faith of Barack Obama”.
Stephen has stated numerous times that our President “is a Christian”. We need to learn to listen to men of stature such as Stephen Mansfield.
We are in such a blessed nation, and should be as grateful for such a President as Obama, and for a great world leader as the POPE. Now the POPE is going to fix his Bible, and get it to say honor your “parents”, and NOT HONOR YOUR FATHER & MOTHER. It is so good to see the Unity coming about all over the world!!! Isn’t this wonderful! Someone told me to be careful, as the Bible talks about making changes, but who are they, they are not the POPE, they are not OBAMA, and they are not a statesman such as Mr. Stephen Mansfield. Stephen is a NEW YORK times ‘best selling’ author.
People need to learn to close their mouth, and the Good book says if you are quite, then you are wise. Close their mouth, and listen to these ‘mouth pieces’, our leaders, honor your leaders folks! POPE, OBAMA, MANSFIELD, these men are precious. They are brining in healing to the land!
Rick Wow, did you see Stephen Mansfield’s recent blog on pope Francis, Stephen said he would be conservative on the issue with gays. Obviously Francis and the Catholic Church are showing their true colors, as Francis would not dare judge a sincere ‘gay clergy’ man. The problem we have ladies and gentlemen is not so much Obama, but people like Stephen Mansfield. Stephen Mansfield is a former pastor in the Bible belt, and now he is a self proclaimed sort of statesmen, who talks to world leaders and corporations and trains their leaders? Why would a former Bible belt pastor write a book that helped an anti God senator win the White House? And after all of the ‘fruit’ of Obama’s first term, anti God, pro homosexual, pro Islam, anti Israel etc., etc., Mansfield updated his book and continues to speak on TV, Fox News, radio, etc., and tell Americans that our President is a (I Quote) “Liberal Chrisitan”.
Folks, do you think Liberal counts as LUKEWARM? Did Jesus ever mention ‘liberal Christian’? We need to REWRITE the parable of the sower, Jesus missed the ‘liberal ground’, we have seed by the wayside, the rocky places, and thorns, and then good soil, what about the ‘liberal ground’ soil Jesus. Wow, we need to spread this NEW GOSPEL right from our former Bible belt Pastor Stephen Mansfield and preach this gospel to get those LIBERAL SOULS in the door to AVOID HELL. No need to REPENT, you can be LIBERAL, in other words, you can be pro murder like the President, and pro homosexual, and go ahead and promote the Muslim Brotherhood who is against Israel, God does not say ANYTHING in the Bible about protecting Israel anyway right???? Folks, we have a LUKEWARM church!!!!!
Recently a Church Mansfield frequently is a guest speaker with were twitting and patting themselves on the back for the uprise in Egypt of the Christians who oppose the Muslim Brotherhood. This Church is patting themselves on the back, and they are the ones who helped promote Obama along with Mansfield. Obama is the one who put the Muslim Brotherhood in power. Do you see the contradiction, our leaders are blind leading the blind. When the Church put Obama in power, they did not repent then, they were celebrating! Now they think their prayers are being heard, and it is their prayers that are driving out the Muslim Brotherhood, all the while this group of the Church is still courting Obama and false teachers like Stephen Mansfield.
We need real statesmen. Jesus would definitely judge pope Francis statement about gays. Jesus had no problem calling men ‘FOOLS’, look at Matthew 23:17. We have issues in that we have supposed statesmen who say DON’T JUDGE, and be careful to not call anyone a FOOL.
Jesus said Woe to you when all men speak well of you (Lk. The problem is we have spiritual leaders who stick their finger in the wind. Proverbs states that ‘IN the multitude of people is the king’s honor: but in the want (lack of followers) of people is the destruction of the prince (pr. Pastors are more concerned with church growth, and followers, vs.
SPEAKING TRUTH. A PROPHET does not give a lick about followers.
Did Jeremiah have followers? Did Elijah approach the prophets of Baal with a bunch of understudy Jr. Prophets when we faced 850 false prophets? What about Noah, he sure had a line of church attendees to get his CD’s! A PROPHET does not mince words. Our Pastors are become BRUTISH! They teach Replacement Theology, they have the stupidity to call Obama a Christian, and our pastors and leaders and ‘false’ prophets are “strengthening the hands of evil doers” (Jer.
Come on folks, when you have BIBLE BELT pastors write a book that puts an anti God leader in the White house, you are STRENGTHENING THE HANDS OF EVIL DOERS! We don’t want to offend anyone, Jeremiah was not a WIMP, Jeremiah said that the King ‘Jehoikim’ was going to have the ‘BURIAL OF AN ASS’. I believe some of our false teachers and false prophets and hirelings are going to have a RUDE AWAKENING in the days ahead.
They have forsaken God, and have fallen away from their duty of teaching the sheep the difference between the HOLY & PROFANE, and the difference between the CLEAN & UNCLEAN. They are BEATING the sheep, vs. FEEDING the sheep.
Thank God for this ministry, and may God’s army of His true followers rise up and be statesmen for Him! STEPHEN MANSFIELD SEEMS HYPOCRITICAL. HE JUST TWEETED THIS IN NOVEMBER 2016 I BELIEVE. “On this date in 1800, the U.S. Congress met in Washington D.C, for the first time. They’ve had seasons of greatness. God give them one now.” BUT THEN IF YOU RESEARCH THIS ‘APOSTATE’ FORMER REVEREND, HE ALSO WROTE THE BOOK “THE FAITH OF BARACK OBAMA”, AND LOOK AT THIS.
IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL BOOKS IN CONGRESS!!!!! OH YES STEVY, MAY GOD GIVE US ‘GREATNESS IN CONGRESS’, POSSIBLY YOUR BOOK OF SHIT ABOUT OBAMA HAS ENLIGHTENED US!!!!!!! Mansfield Book Among Most Influential in Congress March 4, 2011Comment Stephen Mansfield’s The Faith of Barack Obama is one of the five Christian books that have most affected congressional policy-making, according to survey results announced on March 3.
Conducted by Shiel & Denver Book Publishers, the survey lists Mansfield’s groundbreaking book on President Obama’s religious views as number 1 on a list of five books that have shaped congressional decision making. Mansfield is currently updating and expanding this international bestseller for release in early 2012.
Read more about the Shiel & Denver survey here. Category: Posted Under: Christian Book, The Faith of Barack Obama. The whole site is FAKE! While Real News Right Now does not contain a disclaimer identifying it as a fake news web site, the above-quoted story is just that: another piece of fake news. Real News Right Now has published a number of fictional news items, including an article about President Obama’s stripping Texas of statehood and an article about President Obama’s banning the possession of Confederate flags. The biggest indicator that Real News Right Now is a fake news publication comes from the site’s “About” page, where author R.
Brags about winning fictional awards such as the “Oscar Mayer Award for Journalistic Excellence” and the “Stephen Glass [a journalist notorious for falsifying news stories) Distinction in Journalistic Integrity.” Read more at •. A misleading article indeed! Please don’t jump to conclusion because of what some over-zealous person woke up one morning and wrote to please those who believe that the Pope is here to mislead the Christians.
Please look for the web resource that lists or videos the whole sermon. You will be shocked to learn that the allegations are unfounded. Some people believe that whatever is on the web is true. You get a shocker one day when you learn that about 50% of what is there is false. Please take care. Peter in Lusaka •. As per the pope’s latest real news to the world he has eliminated God’s fourth commandment which commands the sabbath rest for christians.
Daniel 7:25 he will try even to change the time which targets the SABBATH REST and before the close of the world’s destiny, the man of sin will be revealed refer 2 thessalonians:2:3-16, furthermore, Hebrews4:16 there remains sabbath rest for the people of God In mathew 5:17 Jesus clearly stated that he didn’t come to change God’s law, so who is this pope trying to change the ten commandments, adding and subtracting? He 10 Commandments List in Exodus 20:2-17 “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments. “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day.
Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you. “You shall not murder. “You shall not commit adultery. “You shall not steal.
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.” You think again, please.
No Al, the 4th commandment of those delivered from God through Moses does concern the Sabbath. Compare a Bible like the KJV with the Catholic Bible and the commandments are clearly different, not just mild word changes. You can flee from apostasy by not buying into man’s laws that attempt to replace God’s laws. You are right we will all suffer tribulations, but our trust must be in God to see us through them, and not in a man. Is the pope a holy man if he goes against what is holy?
Does any man have the right to contradict God? Just when you think you’ve seen it all. Where in the Holy Scriptures does it show pope as having any authority from the Creator? No place can you find it. It is however prophesied that he would make war. Revelation 6:2-4 It even says in Daniel that the pope would think to change the LawsDaniel 7:24-25. The Savior said in Matthew 5:17 Not to even THINK that I (the Savior) came to destroy the Laws!
The pope sits in Rome- the city on seven hills. Look it up for yourself- Revelation 17:9-14,15,18. This pope is skilled in trickery and deceit. Just when you think you’ve seen it all. Where in the Holy Scriptures does pope have any authority from the Creator? No where can you find it.
It does prophesy of him making war: Revelation 6:2-4 In Daniel, it says that the pope would think to change the Laws. Daniel 7:25 In Matthew 5:17 The Savior said not to even THINK that he (the Savior) came to do away with the Laws. Do you know where the pope reigns? Over the kings of the earth. He sits on the 7 hills of Rome, bringing forth abomination to the earth.
Revelation 17:9-15,18 This pope is skilled in trickery and deceit. Is there any other account of this happening? I’ve looked all over the ‘Net but can’t find anything anywhere except on this blog.
I’d think Christianity Today or even a conservative news site would have something about this. The “by line” is dated yesterday (July 6th) and I’ve found many articles about the trip and even some quotes from the times he spoke, but nobody else has this listed as a topic. Please let me know where you found this information.
I have a number of friends, that are protestant, who like this pope because of his stand on environmental issues, so I’d like to share this article if I can back up that the Pope really said these things. OK, now things are starting to make sense This is a phony/fake/satirical website.
I should have known since the claims you made are so outlandish. I’m a protestant and don’t feel the need to protect the Catholic Church, but integrity is still integrity and you my friend have not shown integrity in your reporting. There doesn’t seem to be anything real about realnewsrightnow.com, but I will happily rescind these remarks and promote your website if you can prove your claims or refute mine (with proof). I’m assuming this will never see the comments section, so please help me rethink that assumption. OMG – you people are a bunch of pathetic, gullible morons!! This story, and every other one on this site is satire and for entertainment purposes only (clearly for the author to marvel at his own mind altering abilities!)!!
The “Oscar Meyer award for Journalistic Excellence” Seriously?!! The bologna manufacturer creating an award for bologna!! Ok – that is actually pretty funny!! Kudos to the author for his sense of humor.
Go find something more important to do with your time. Maybe idle time would be better spent learning some critical thinking skills as opposed to reading and sharing propaganda. Perhaps there is little hope for Christianity if we are all so willing to believe the worst in people without proper evidence. Revelations 22:18-19 “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Pope Francis has no right to add or take anything away from The Bible. If he does so, he will be judged by The Lord Jesus. Maybe he should study The Bible!
Hi Dickens, when John spoke those words, he was talking about the book of revelations, not the bible. The bible wasn’t compiled when the book of revelations was written and notice he says “the book of this prophecy”. He was talking about the prophecy of the book of revelations. Also, this article has been pronounced as a fake at Snopes.com ps With what I said about John’s words, I don’t believe the Pope has the right to revelation for the worldlol The Catholic church is an apostate paganistic religion and the root of most evils in this world. Oh dear, God is going to be angry about this one and if you read the Book of Revelations you will know why you would never want to make God angry at you! I pray that this is a lie of the devil. The Gospel says if anyone changes one word of the Word of God woe unto him.
Revelations 22:19 says, “If any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book (Bible)”.Exodus 32:33 says, And the Lord said unto Moses, “Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.” A child of God. I doubt the source of this article. It should appear in the Vativan’s publications something similar to confirm the statements. Just thinking If God’s 10 Commandments need cultural update, how trustful this God can be. After which of the laws the judgement will take place? As far as I know the original 10 Commandments went through a revamp long ago where the second commandment was taken out completely, the 4th chopped up and to keep the number even, the tenth was cut in two.
I guess if the Pope did it once and no one said anything, he can do it again. I’m happy because the Pope has just shown the true purpose of religious congregations. Remember that the pope is the spiritual authority to whom all the leaders of these groups are spiritual allegiance. Do not forget they are in ecumenism with the Pope at the head.
In conclusion, it all working for the same mind, their only god who really is the devil. Do not be surprised that he decided dde change commendements. They have done so for over 1000 years as all the worshipers to the sun god on Sunday knowing that the Sabbath day is Saturday ( Daniel 7: 25). We are in the recovery time of all things. If you’re still part of its groups, flee and look for the creator while there is still time. Please be aware that remaining flesh you can not worship the Creator who is Spirit ( John 4: 24-24). Open your eyes siblings.
“And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” (Daniel 7:24-25).”And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” (Revelation 18:4-5). While Real News Right Now does not contain a disclaimer identifying it as a fake news web site, the above-quoted story is just that: another piece of fake news. Real News Right Now has published a number of fictional news items, including an article about President Obama’s stripping Texas of statehood and an article about President Obama’s banning the possession of Confederate flags. The biggest indicator that Real News Right Now is a fake news publication comes from the site’s “About” page, where author R.
Brags about winning fictional awards such as the “Oscar Mayer Award for Journalistic Excellence” and the “Stephen Glass [a journalist notorious for falsifying news stories) Distinction in Journalistic Integrity.” Read more. How could God talk to the MAN of SIN instructing him to change God’s law that He personally wrote with His finger.
And those of same sex marriage are to be left outside the gate, meaning they are doomed according to the Holy Scriptures. Jesus said, ” I have not come to change the law, but to fullfill it.
The Pope or better known by his church as the ” Vigar son of God”. In latin “Vicarius figli Dei some of the letters in Latin also means number and when these are added the numbers of it comes to “666” The son of perdition. I am surprised he didn’t mention the changing of the 4th commandment too from Sabbath, seventh day to Sunday first day od the week. Also Sunday is a Roman Day for the Sun as a god.
The mind bogles with these devil’s deciples. The Pope cannot & is not changing the Ten Commandments and will never instruct that adultery & homosexual acts (not the people themselves) is against God’s Law. The person who wrote this article is full of beans. He calls himself a journalist but prints untruths. The Commandments are not being changed anymore than Obama has taken control of Pyongyang, as this gentleman writes in another article.
If one uses the internet as a news source, one must investigate the “reporters” of said news. Anyone can call themselves whatever they like & put whatever they want on the internet.
Just because something is in (electronic) print does not make it true. This story isn’t true. Don’t believe everything you read, people! A google search came up with a whole lot of nothing. In addition, snopes has labelled it false. In addition to THAT, there is this: While Real News Right Now does not contain a disclaimer identifying it as a fake news web site, the above-quoted story is just that: another piece of fake news. Real News Right Now has published a number of fictional news items, including an article about President Obama’s stripping Texas of statehood and an article about President Obama’s banning the possession of Confederate flags.
The biggest indicator that Real News Right Now is a fake news publication comes from the site’s “About” page, where author R. Brags about winning fictional awards such as the “Oscar Mayer Award for Journalistic Excellence” and the “Stephen Glass [a journalist notorious for falsifying news stories) Distinction in Journalistic Integrity.”. This is one of the worst of the many antichrists that are in the world today, him and all the false churches and anyone that calls themself a prophet or reverend or bishop or pastor. This man doesn’t obey god himself so how can he tell people what god wants. God is going to do with this man that he does with all the people who lies about him and teaches people to do evil. Anything that god found evil back when he gave the commandments is still evil now, no matter what anyone says.
Gods law is his grace and his love, they are one in the same. God is perfect and all of his laws he gave, and that which is perfect does not require change. Read the bible for yourself and ask god what it means and stop listening to these false prophets and idolators.
Om Prakash Singh Yadav Bhojpuri Birha Download. The whore of Babylon has gone too far with her evil games. If the Creator of Heaven and Earth had declared that His Torah (His Holy Word) is a statute then why would He tell an earthly being who falsely claims to be in His place to change His Holy Commandments? Those who are asleep yet, Wake Up and repent, the alarm is ring for the disaster that is coming upon all who follow the whore of Babylon. Book of Revelation 17: (4)-Now the woman was dressed in purple and scarlet clothing, and adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls. She held in her hand a golden cup filled with detestable things and unclean things from her sexual immorality.
(5)-And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. (6)-And I saw the woman who was drunk with the blood of The Holy Ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Yeshua (Jesus), and I was stunned with a great astonishment when I saw her.
It’s very true Richard. Read the Book of Revelation Chapter 17: its all about the catholic church. Watch this Pope calls calls on ‘lucifer’ during Easter vigil — pause and read the translation. If you are catholic, get out of it and repent – hear the Voice of the Creator, the Holy One of Israel calling out, while there’s still a chance. Revelation 18:4-I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of Babylon, my people, so that you do not participate in her sins and suffer from any of her plagues.
Jeremiah:51:45-“Get out of Babylon, my people! Flee to save your lives from the fierce anger of the LORD! Gulabi Shudh Desi Romance Hd Video Song Download more. PEOPLE OF GOD, ARE YOU REALLY “WATCHING AND PRAYING”?
(Remember Jesus’ End-time Warnings? Matthew 24:15; Please, Compare With Daniel 9:27, 11:32, 12:11, etc, etc)!!! Apostle NarBerNar Charlotte, NC. What is wrong with you people?
Firstly it’s a lie that the Pope has made such a statement that he has been directed by God to change the Ten Commandments. How foolish can you get?
Apparently pretty foolish! You people will believe anything! Moses did not even write the first five books of the bible! He was most likely an Egyptian priest who fled Egypt around the time of the heretic Pharaoh AKhenaten who is history’s first recorded monotheist. The first five books of the bible were written or compiled by at least five different authors, the last being a Jewish priest a few hundred years before the birth of Jesus. Early Christians began to worship on Sunday, the first day of the Jewish week because that was the day their lord Jesus was resurrected by God. The so called Ten Commandments were gives to the Twelve Tribes of Israel, not to every one in the world.
And by the way, if you ever get to reading all five books you will discover that there are hundreds of commandments given in those books Israel, just as important as the Ten. According to Genesis, after the Flood, God gave to the world ( Gentiles) the Rainbow covenant which contains seven commandments, which does not contain a sabbath commandment.
Non Jews are not required to keep a sabbath, especially Christians, though most do. Get a life folks, read your bibles, and some scholarly works for a change, and question what you read on the Net! Moses writing five books or not, how is that important? What’s important is living by God’s word.
The Ten Commandments were given to all mankind as a guide to live by and there is not one commandment which is wrong to do. The Catholics acknowledge and knows the true Sabbath is Saturday but they ‘changed’ it to Sunday only because Jesus rose on Sunday. If you are so into knowledge of the bible, get to know your very own book the ‘Catechism’. Live in love, live in peace and live in God’s Word. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”.
Revelation 22:18-19. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Ecclesiastes 3:14. I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever: nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him. Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we heve preached unto you, let him be accursed. Therefore I conclude that pope francis is the ANTI-CHRIST.
God bless us the true Christ believers. The scriptures states that the apostasy is lead by “the man of lawlessness”, also known as the clergy of Christendom, specifically, the pope. (see 2 Thess.
2:3, 4, 7-12) And because the Pope and the Catholic church, as just a few examples of many, gets deeply involved in politics, practices idolatry, the bowing down and worship of idols and images, and teaches many commands of men as doctrines), some things of which the Bible strictly condemns. These things are directly contrary to everything the One True God stands for, and against everything the Inspired Scriptures state, and of these, sadly, “which the untaught and the unsteady, are twisting, as they do the rest of the scriptures, to their own destruction.”–2 Peter 3:16. Whether this news is true or not, it’s ALARMING. They were millions of people will be deceived.
It is not from God that instructions, it’s from the devil. Satans mission is to kill, steal and destroy mankind.(John 10:10) And Satan will use person who are known, because he (satan) knows that people will believe him whatever he is going to say. Satan is so intent on destroying mankind is because God made us for relationship with God, to love God, to be loved by God and to worship God.
Satan knows that the greatest creation, mankind, is also His greatest love. God loves us with a love that is so deep it is beyond our understanding and Satan hates God with such intensity, he knows the best way to hurt God is to hurt us.It says in the word, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. (Revelation 21:6 NIV) I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them God will add to him the plagues described in this book.
And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are describe in this book. (Revelation 22:18,19) Let’s continue to pray for one another, our nations and to fix our eyes on God alone. We are able to stand against the wiles of this enemy, if we embrace and use the many weapons and defenses provided for us in the Whole Armor of God. Read Ephesians 6:10-20.
Indeed the whole world can see that the pope, the so-called vicar of Christ is indeed ” that man of sinthe son of perdition. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10). The great deceiver has many agents ready to present any and every kind of error to ensnare souls– heresies prepared to suit the varied tastes and capacities of those whom he would ruin. It is his plan to bring into the church insincere, unregenerate elements that will encourage doubt and unbelief, and hinder all who desire to see the work of God advance and to advance with it.
Many who have no real faith in God or in His word assent to some principles of truth and pass as Christians, and thus they are enabled to introduce their errors as Scriptural doctrines. Under the Garb of Christianity We are approaching the end of this earth’s history, and Satan is working as never before. He is striving to act as director of the Christian world. With an intensity that is marvelous he is working with his lying wonders.
Satan is represented as walking about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. He desires to embrace the whole world in his confederacy. Hiding his deformity under the garb of Christianity, he assumes the attributes of a Christian, and claims to be Christ Himself.—Manuscript Releases 8:346 (1901). The Word of God declares that when it suits the enemy’s purpose, he will through his agencies manifest so great a power under a pretense of Christianity that, “if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” [Matthew 24:24].—Ms 125, 1901.
As the spirits will profess faith in the Bible and manifest respect for the institutions of the church,their work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine power.—The Great Controversy, 588 (1911). The strongest bulwark of vice in our world is not the iniquitous life of the abandoned sinner or the degraded outcast; it is that life which otherwise appears virtuous, honorable, and noble, but in which one sin is fostered, one vice indulged.
Genius, talent, sympathy, even generous and kindly deeds, may thus become decoys of Satan to entice souls over the precipice of ruin.—Education, 150 (1903). Hi Guysyou’ve all been fooled. This is not news. Here is the English text of his homily. Read the whole thing..I’m sure some of you speak/read Spanish.here’s the Spanish original You might even like it. It’s intelligent, focused on the family (the word family is mentioned 28 times!), and on Social justicegood Christian and Catholic valuesAND NOWHEREis there ANY MENTIONof the 10 commandments. Nowhere people.
This is story was created by either Liberal propaganda, wishing the Pope could bless gay marriages, or it’s a few angry Christians who love blasting the Church and needed a make believe headline to help them do it (because this pope is so awesome, you’d have to have a very active imagination to find reasons to criticize him!!). Either way.it’s not news.because HE NEVER SAID THESE THINGS Thanksand despite my frustration with this website, I still pray for you! This mistranslation reminds me of some YouTube charlatan who also misunderstood the Latin word “lucifer” to refer to Satan.
He maligned the Vatican during Pope John Paul and Pope John XXIII’s canonization. He heard and saw “lucifer” in the words said or chanted that day and he cried “foul!” in utter ignoramce. The word instead means “bringer of light (day)” or “dawn” or–if he uses an everyday English–“morning”. The Bible refers to morning or dawn “lucifer” in Latin. And thus because Christ is the light that destroys the darkness, he is also described as Bringer of Day. In his context, the word lucifer cannot be Satan. Hello its Mrs.
To Leo: First of all you are a ignorant fool to say that there is no God [ Psalm 14:1 & 53:1-The FOOL says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their ways are VILE; there is no one who does good.] There you go, now open your eyed wide and read how well the Scripture suits you. How can you know the meaning of Halleluyah when you are a harlot following the whore of Babylon?
Your doom also will be in one hour along with the whore good riddance to bad rubbish. You are a moron, in the very first line of your comment you say ‘there is no god’ then you quote: “It is in the Bible that when you say yes it should be yes, and when you say no it should be no”.. So if you do not believe there is God, then how come you quote God’s Scripture? You quote: “There’s no need for shouting and using capital letters or adding some nonsensical words one does not even understand. That’s just make-believe like the rest of Christianity.” WOW! I did not know that you can hear written words that actually shout, maybe the Scriptures I quoted are ringing in your ears so loud that they are making you deaf – So since you are already blind to the Word of God, now may God make you deaf and dumb till your fiery end comes.
Btw, how will you understand the Bible if you are a perfect Zombie? As for Christianity don’t tell me about them, go after them for I am not Christian. Learn to write some good English before you try to comment again you DUNCE. In fact, you should go to the beach, bury your head in the sand and just stay that way till doom comes and takes you away.
As I said, you need to chill out. Your idol, if he existed, would agree with me, for Matthew 11.29 says “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”. That said, I don’t quote from the Bible because I give any shit about it, but because I am writing to someone who does. The Bible has no authority by itself, but I do concede that it is quite a remarkable device of thought control made by MEN. It’s a mistake on your part to quote the scripture to convince me of anything. My intelligence is limited but I’m not a fool, and my ways are not perfect but they still are not as vile and rotten as your argumentative skills (vile for the insults and rotten for the dullness of your comments). “So since you are already blind to the Word of God, now may God make you deaf and dumb till your fiery end comes.” Fortunately the god of love is not here to read how you practise his love, how you indulge in imagining the tragic end of another human being like yourself.
If I believed in god I would be praying for you. Instead you brag about your idol and his book, and that’s bad enough, but there’s something even worse: it’s clear me that you feel that somehow you are better than me, just because you believe, and you even feel proud about it. But if you were a real Christian you would acknowledge that whatever you have better than the rest of humanity, actually comes from your hero and belongs to him. You would feel thankful about it, and not entitled to a purported superiority that has been borrowed to you. For this I really feel sorry for you, someone who brags about what you don’t possess, and who deep inside knows that you are a hypocrite just like those of whom your hero said “You serpents, you brood of vipers”!
Anyway don’t worry, for I don’t take your comments to heart, just like I don’t run into shit when I see it, but rather avoid it. And regarding my level of English: though I obviously am not a native speaker of English, but my level is good enough to be here.
Languages are just tools for people to express, and although your English skills may be better than mine, unfortunately you don’t seem to have much worthy of sharing, other than hate and ignorance. Nor can any preacher or minister. We all need a base of belief, BUT we all know what is expected from each of us on this journey called life. We do not need to be preached to or believe that the bible has not been watered down through life. Come on people we all know the truth and the way to meet our maker when the time comes. I get so frustrated with all these people that preach their religion.
I don’t advertise my beliefs, don’t advertise yours. You do not need to convince me, convince yourself. There are so many faiths that have popped up in the last 50-75 years it is crazy. Stephen Mansfield wrote the book “Pope Benedict XVI – His Life and Mission” – by Stephen Mansfield. Stephen Mansfield had several quotes from the ‘Holy Father’, and now we see his successor, (whom Stephen also praised) is carrying on this mission.
The missson to make us ‘all one’. Where there is no difference between male/female, black/white, but all of God’s children will be “free at last”.
That is what makes Obama such a great man and President as well. Stephen Mansfield has taken much criticism also for writing a book prior to Obama’s election titled “the faith of Barack Obama”. Stephen has stated numerous times that our President “is a Christian”. We need to learn to listen to men of stature such as Stephen Mansfield. We are in such a blessed nation, and should be as grateful for such a President as Obama, and for a great world leader as the POPE.
Now the POPE is going to fix his Bible, and get it to say honor your “parents”, and NOT HONOR YOUR FATHER & MOTHER. It is so good to see the Unity coming about all over the world!!! To Leo: There’s no doubt you are a shill, how much are you being paid. 5cents for every comment to bash people on the blogs? You are a complete CRETIN, RETARD (There, I wrote it in CAPS). You say there is no God and then you quote His Scriptures, only a very insane person can do that.
You ought to be in a mental hospital what are you doing on this blog IDIOT. You are talking about Love? What a joke haha! You hardly know the meaning of Love, I sense where you are coming from, the proud nation where there is too much worldly love, the world can see what is happening now and the Wrath of the Almighty is descending slowing and suddenly it will overtake you all. You expect me to show you love after BLASPHEMING the Holy One of Israel? Get this straight into that green/brown matter that is behind your ears I am a DEFENDER of the TORAH of the Holy One of Israel and I don’t give darn about love for any person/s that blasphemes Him, “may their names and yours be blotted out of His book of Life”. The good seed of this Earth do not blaspheme Him whether they are Catholics, Christians, Muslims, or any people of any religion but they do show reverence to Him but there is the evil seed, the seed of satan (you are one of them) that blaspheme His Majesty and for that you will get a FIERY whipping on your butt for He is returning soon, very soon, whether you believe or not I couldn’t care a darn.
Once again, open your eyes wide now and read the following Scripture and SINK it deep into that green/brown matter (your pea-brain): Revelation 16:18 (“Behold, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed!”). Last Warning: WAKE UP to the Truth. REPENT otherwise you will be grilled on satan’s fork in the LAKE OF FIRE for eternity with the rest of the wicked and useless ones on this Earth. Now go take a hike, get lost, for I am not going to waste my precious time responding to you a complete imbecile.
He who speaks this way is not a servant of God. He is Jezebel, a false prophetess as said in revelation chapter 3 regarding the church in Thyatira which signifies the Catholic Church. The New Testament believers do not live by the old covenant, an outward law of Ten Commandments.
They live by the new covenant, that is the eternal life, the divine life, the incorruptible life received on the day of our regeneration. The new covenant is God putting His laws into our inward being and writing it on our heart that we may know Him from the least to the greatest that know one will teach us to know Him. The divine life has the divine law which the apostle Paul call the law of the Spirit of life which has freed the New Testament believers from the law of sin and death. This law of the Spirit of life fulfils all the righteous requirements of God’s law. Romans 8: 2-4. If we walk in the spirit we will not fulfil the desires of the flesh.
Galation 5:16. For one who does not believe that there is a God – so much so that you refer to Him in almost derogatory terms – I am amazed by your persistent interest in this discussion. Given your strong argumentative skills and impressive knowledge and understanding of the Bible, you sound like someone with a deep yearning for a purpose for your life, and are just disappointed that the ones who should be helping you find the answers are failing you. You might think that you are provoking and deriding this bunch of fools who believe in an idol/hero and an ancient book written by man to control the minds of his fellowman, but I “see” you as a very intuitive individual seeking for truth and a reason to believe.
Keep up the quest, my fellow journeyman I am praying for you. GOD CANNOT GIVE INSTRUCTIONS TO REVISE WHAT HE HAS REPEALED. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS NO LONGER EXIST. GOD FAULTED IT AND CHANGED IT. See 2 Corinthians 3:7-13 “But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away: 8 How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious? 9 For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.
10 For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect, by reason of the glory that excelleth. 11 For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious. 12 Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech: 13 And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which is abolished.” And Hebrews 8: 7-13 “For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. 8 For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: 9 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: 11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. 12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. 13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old.
Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.”. And the 10 commandments are the very nature of God summed up in the 2 commandments that Jesus gave, for if you keep the 2 comandments Jesus gave, you will not break & you will fulfill the 10 commandments. Though if you are trying to get to heaven by keeping the law, then you have fallen from grace. 5:4) For we are saved by grace not by works, lest any man should boast.
2:8,9) Having said that If we walk in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit will help us by the grace of God to be obedient & walk in Gods Ways. And Leo DO NOT speak against the Holy Spirit, for that is the only sin that can never be forgiven! My friend instead of blaspheming God if I were you, I would pray & ask God to reveal Himself to you. At least give yourself a chance instead of cursing yourself forever! Let’s think about this Apparently the Law of God is not so “perfect” as Psalm 19:7, Acts 22:3 and James 1:25 would have us believe.
If the Commandment prohibiting adultery and, among other things, homosexuality, has been removed entirely, as “instructed by God,” in order to extend “God’s grace to all His children,” then it would appear that God has some serious explaining to do for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. And, to a God who changes his mind so drastically, someone should ask what he meant in Malachi 3:6 when he said that he “does not change.” Further, it would seem that God did not mean the stern warnings in Revelation 22:18,19 about changing the words in that Holy Book––adding to, or taking away––which carry severe punishments for doing so. And we should reconsider the words of Peter, “the first pope,” when he stated in Acts 5:29, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” A consistent Bible on one hand, a change-with-the-times pope on the other.
He said it himself that the world is “faced with ever-increasing temptations brought on by the evils of modern society.” So we change the perfect Law of God so we can keep on sinning? It was the Apostle Paul who wrote, “What shall we say, then?
Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means!” (Romans 6:1) and, “What shall we say, then? Is the law sinful? Certainly not! Nevertheless, I would not have known what sin was had it not been for the law. For I would not have known what coveting really was if the law had not said, “You shall not covet.” (Romans 7:7) There is only one prophesy concerning the changing of God’s Law by man Daniel 7, “He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws.” There is only one authority on earth that claims that power. They can only be one and the same.
Revelation 13 speaks of the Mark of The Beast in the forehead or hand. Likewise, Moses said of the Ten Commandments, “This observance will be for you like a SIGN on your HAND and a reminder on your FOREHEAD.” (Exodus 13:9) The Mark of The Beast is also a sign for those who obey the “changed” commandments of the Beast Power.
Think about this and pray for understanding. We can argue until for a long time. Whatever you have said seems true. However know this; the catholic church believes is above the Bible so they can add to it or subtract from it.
That’s the genesis of the present changes and are not final. Have they added to the Bible in history? The non canonical books addeded to the old testament(macabbees’tobias and the rest). These books are not accepted by the Jews as part of God’s inspired writing, but to the catholic church they are. The climax is coming. God definitely has not changed; He was the same yesterday, today and forever.
The laws were the same then and are still the same now, WE as in all mankind, including the pope must be the ones to change for God!!! Not trying to alter the law of God to suit our sinful life to make us feel better about living in sin. How would one know and understand what is right from wrong if one believes to continually change and alter what is right; you cannot mix truth with a little wrong; it then becomes void and false. Jesus came into this world and lived a life of constant temptation to prove that all temptation is possible to overcome, and living by the commandments is again POSSIBLE!! Was not Sodom and Gomorrah similar to the this day and age we live in today?
Were the temptations of adultery and same-sex involvement relevant today as it was then, drug abuse, idolatry, coveting, murder etc; The commandments are as relevant then as it is now, like they say history repeats itself, why not CHANGE history for once by living by the law of God and God only?!
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The disclosure comes two days before the Boxing Day meets, the. Theresa May is to abandon a manifesto pledge to overturn the ban on foxhunting as she seeks to. Theresa May is to abandon a manifesto pledge to overturn the ban on foxhunting as she seeks to. Damian Green was accused of a new “dirty tricks” campaign last night after text messages he exchanged with the woman. Damian Green was accused of a new “dirty tricks” campaign last night after text messages he exchanged with the woman who accused him of sexual misconduct were leaked to the media. The former first secretary of state is at the centre of a fresh row after private communications between himself and Kate Maltby, a Tory. Damian Green was accused of a new “dirty tricks” campaign last night after text messages he exchanged with the woman who.
British troops in Afghanistan have been allocated only £1 a head for Christmas celebrations by penny-pinching defence chiefs. While US soldiers have been sent eight Christmas trees, numerous turkeys, decorations, gifts and will. British troops in Afghanistan have been allocated only £1 a head for Christmas celebrations by penny-pinching defence chiefs. While US soldiers have been sent eight Christmas trees, numerous turkeys, decorations, gifts and will. British troops in Afghanistan have been allocated only £1 a head for Christmas celebrations by penny-pinching defence. It was more like a honeymoon than a holiday when Lindsay’s charismatic British-Italian boyfriend whisked her away on a magical trip to Venice — whispering on the plane that he loved her and wanted to spend his life by her side.
It was more like a honeymoon than a holiday when Lindsay’s charismatic British-Italian boyfriend whisked her away on a magical trip to Venice — whispering on the plane that he loved her and wanted to spend his life by her side. It was more like a honeymoon than a holiday when Lindsay’s charismatic British-Italian boyfriend whisked her away on.
DEPUTY PM DOWNFALL In Theresa May’s battered government, Damian Green was seen as a shrewd political operator with a calm and conciliatory manner. The prime minister was anguished by the sleaze inquiry into her friend and deputy because he was such a steadying influence in a cabinet more vulnerable than most to division and rivalry. But as Green reflects this weekend on the ruins of his. In Theresa May’s battered government, Damian Green was seen as a shrewd political operator with a.
In Theresa May’s battered government, Damian Green was seen as a shrewd political operator with a. KATE MALTBY Across the world, 2017 was the year of #MeToo. In America, it started with women speaking out against a man’s abuse. Across the world, 2017 was the year of #MeToo.
In America, it started with women speaking out against a man’s abuse of power and led to a national discussion about sexual harassment. In October, I told a story that I hoped would bring that conversation to Westminster. Instead, my story was overtaken by two retired. Across the world, 2017 was the year of #MeToo. In America, it started with women speaking out against a man’s abuse of power. Theresa May urges people to reflect on communities that are denied religious freedom — including the Rohingya Muslims — in a Christmas message to be broadcast tomorrow.
She says the country should take “pride in our Christian. Theresa May urges people to reflect on communities that are denied religious freedom — including the Rohingya Muslims — in a Christmas message to be broadcast tomorrow.
She says the country should take “pride in our Christian. Theresa May urges people to reflect on communities that are denied religious freedom — including the Rohingya Muslims. It looks like the most ordinary village in England.
There’s a scrap of a green, a nondescript high street, a couple of cafes and a hairdresser’s called, unpromisingly, Tangles. But Borough Green, in Kent, has the makings of a. It looks like the most ordinary village in England.
There’s a scrap of a green, a nondescript high street, a couple of cafes and a hairdresser’s called, unpromisingly, Tangles. But Borough Green, in Kent, has the makings of a. It looks like the most ordinary village in England. There’s a scrap of a green, a nondescript high street, a couple. Christmas was a day to be “endured rather than enjoyed” for the shadow health secretary, Jonathan Ashworth, growing up with his alcoholic father. Ashworth, who lived with his father at weekends after his parents’ divorce when. Christmas was a day to be “endured rather than enjoyed” for the shadow health secretary, Jonathan Ashworth, growing up with his alcoholic father.
Ashworth, who lived with his father at weekends after his parents’ divorce when. Christmas was a day to be “endured rather than enjoyed” for the shadow health secretary, Jonathan Ashworth, growing. The secret meeting room where the prime minister and her advisers go at times of crisis, known as Cobra, is to be fitted with television screens showing 24-hour news so ministers can respond better to terrorist attacks and. The secret meeting room where the prime minister and her advisers go at times of crisis, known as Cobra, is to be fitted with television screens showing 24-hour news so ministers can respond better to terrorist attacks and. The secret meeting room where the prime minister and her advisers go at times of crisis, known as Cobra, is to be.
Victims of “Euro sex pests” have accused European Union officials and MEPs of trying to cover up rampant abuse by The Sunday Times. Dozens of women came forward with complaints of abuse in the wake of this newspaper’s disclosures two months ago of widespread sexual harassment at the European parliament, which was forced to pass a resolution promising a clean-up. Victims of “Euro sex pests” have accused European Union officials and MEPs of trying to cover up. Victims of “Euro sex pests” have accused European Union officials and MEPs of trying to cover up. The prize for the most ill-judged electoral call of 2017 was Theresa May’s by a distance, until Mariano Rajoy, the. The prize for the most ill-judged electoral call of 2017 was Theresa May’s by a distance, until Mariano Rajoy, the Spanish prime minister, pipped her at the post. Rajoy confidently believed that Thursday’s Catalan elections would crush the region’s independence movement, but instead it was his centre-right Popular.
The prize for the most ill-judged electoral call of 2017 was Theresa May’s by a distance, until Mariano Rajoy, the Spanish. Video Premier League Leicester 2 Man Utd 2 Saturday night football, something new, perhaps the future, yet here was a revivalist ending, not just to this game but probably Manchester United’s remaining title hopes. Raucous, delirious, almost disbelieving, the King Power stadium was taken straight back to 2015-16. So was Jose Mourinho. For him, that was a bitter season, and this ensured he rediscovered that. Saturday night football, something new, perhaps the future, yet here was a revivalist ending, not. Saturday night football, something new, perhaps the future, yet here was a revivalist ending, not.
Video Premier League For Harry Kane, it was a piece of history. For Tottenham, it was a victory hard won and thoroughly deserved, and. For Harry Kane, it was a piece of history. For Tottenham, it was a victory hard won and thoroughly deserved, and something with which to jump-start a faltering Premier League campaign. For Burnley, this was a reality check. Kane made the difference, as he so often does.
A hat-trick at Turf Moor saw him reach a. For Harry Kane, it was a piece of history. For Tottenham, it was a victory hard won and thoroughly deserved, and something with. Desperate retailers set to slash prices in toughest trading period for decades Panicked retailers are preparing to slash prices further in a desperate attempt to get shoppers through the doors in what industry veterans have labelled the toughest Christmas trading period for decades. Debenhams, House of Fraser and Hobbs are among the brands that pushed the button on heavy. Panicked retailers are preparing to slash prices further in a desperate attempt to get shoppers through the doors in what industry veterans have labelled the toughest Christmas trading period for decades.
Debenhams, House of Fraser and Hobbs are among the brands that pushed the button on heavy. Panicked retailers are preparing to slash prices further in a desperate attempt to get shoppers through the doors in what. Donald Trump’s sweeping tax overhaul is set to hit some of Europe’s biggest lenders with a backdoor levy.
The “America first” measure buried in the tax plan, which the president signed into law on Friday, will leave overseas banks facing US funding costs 25% higher than their American rivals, according to analysis by the consultancy EY. Donald Trump’s sweeping tax overhaul is set to hit some of Europe’s biggest lenders with a backdoor levy. The “America first” measure buried in the tax plan, which the president signed into law on Friday, will leave overseas banks facing US funding costs 25% higher than their American rivals, according to analysis by the consultancy EY. Donald Trump’s sweeping tax overhaul is set to hit some of Europe’s biggest lenders with a backdoor levy. The “America first”. Camelot is on the hunt for a chairman as the national lottery operator seeks to reverse a slump in ticket sales.
The company is set to appoint an outsider to chair its board early next year. Egon Zehnder, the headhunter, is leading the search to replace Jo Taylor, a senior executive at its Canadian owner. Camelot is on the hunt for a chairman as the national lottery operator seeks to reverse a slump.
Camelot is on the hunt for a chairman as the national lottery operator seeks to reverse a slump. With your nearest and dearest close at hand, what better time to discuss wills, savings and bailing out the kids Stuffing yourself with turkey, unwrapping presents, drinking mulled wine... Families across the country will come together this week to enjoy the Christmas festivities — and are being urged to use the occasion to have some important conversations. It might sound dull, and can seem daunting. Stuffing yourself with turkey, unwrapping presents, drinking mulled wine... Families across the country will come together this week to enjoy the Christmas festivities — and are being urged to use the occasion to have some important conversations.
It might sound dull, and can seem daunting. Stuffing yourself with turkey, unwrapping presents, drinking mulled wine...
Families across the country will come together. Mike and Sarah Berry were on holiday in Australia when they heard the news: their Labrador, Tia, had swallowed her lead — with dangerous consequences. The stitching on either side of the cotton material had become entwined in her gut. Their dog-sitter rushed Tia to an animal hospital, where she received urgent treatment and was eventually. Mike and Sarah Berry were on holiday in Australia when they heard the news: their Labrador, Tia, had swallowed her lead — with dangerous consequences.
The stitching on either side of the cotton material had become entwined in her gut. Their dog-sitter rushed Tia to an animal hospital, where she received urgent treatment and was eventually.
Mike and Sarah Berry were on holiday in Australia when they heard the news: their Labrador, Tia, had swallowed her lead — with. IAN COWIE: PERSONAL ACCOUNT Some folk seem to think it is more fun reading about other investors’ setbacks than their successes. So it is only fair to warn those fans of failure to look away now, because 2017 was a wonderful year for this DIY investor. My “forever fund” — or life savings, invested in 47 shares and investment trusts around the.
Some folk seem to think it is more fun reading about other investors’ setbacks than their successes. Some folk seem to think it is more fun reading about other investors’ setbacks than their successes. When serious allegations about Kevin Spacey’s sexual conduct broke in October, Ridley Scott made the unprecedented decision to cut the actor from his imminent film, All the Money in the World. Spacey, in a quick reshoot, was replaced by Christopher Plummer. So this movie about the Getty oil billionaires and a messy kidnapping has gained an extra piquancy.
When serious allegations about Kevin Spacey’s sexual conduct broke in October, Ridley Scott made. When serious allegations about Kevin Spacey’s sexual conduct broke in October, Ridley Scott made. Roger Crisp, professor of moral philosophy at Oxford, was clearing out his CD collection. No moral issues there, you. Roger Crisp, professor of moral philosophy at Oxford, was clearing out his CD collection. No moral issues there, you might think — but then, suddenly, there were.
“Because of our kids, we have quite a few old Rolf Harris CDs. I was thinking, ‘Should I give these to the Scouts’ jumble sale? Those go in the bin.’”. Roger Crisp, professor of moral philosophy at Oxford, was clearing out his CD collection. No moral issues there, you might. Bed ‘boarding’ exposed in St John’s inquiry Scottish ministers have been urged to investigate the extent of “boarding” in the NHS, after a whistleblower warned that the controversial practice occurs routinely at a hospital that is under scrutiny over waiting times. Health boards were urged eight years ago to stop boarding, whereby patients are transferred from specialist wards to other areas of the hospital to.
Scottish ministers have been urged to investigate the extent of “boarding” in the NHS, after a. Scottish ministers have been urged to investigate the extent of “boarding” in the NHS, after a. Alex Salmond is considering a surprise return to Holyrood. Friends of the former first minister have told The Sunday. Alex Salmond is considering a surprise return to Holyrood. Friends of the former first minister have told The Sunday Times that should Mark McDonald, the SNP MSP currently suspended over sexual harassment allegations, be forced to resign, Salmond would be keen to be the SNP candidate in a snap by-election. Alex Salmond is considering a surprise return to Holyrood.
Friends of the former first minister have told The Sunday Times that. FOOTBALL Although one unbeaten run has gone for Celtic, another remains. They’ve yet to lose to Rangers on Brendan Rodgers’ watch, a sequence of six wins and a draw that saw off Mark Warburton and then Pedro Caixinha. The quirk is the.
Although one unbeaten run has gone for Celtic, another remains. They’ve yet to lose to Rangers on Brendan Rodgers’ watch, a sequence of six wins and a draw that saw off Mark Warburton and then Pedro Caixinha. The quirk is the. Although one unbeaten run has gone for Celtic, another remains.
They’ve yet to lose to Rangers on Brendan Rodgers’. Football Graeme Murty is a good man who has conducted himself impeccably in his two stints as Rangers’ stand-in manager, but nobody will be fooled by Friday’s announcement that he will be in charge at least until the end of this season. Graeme Murty is a good man who has conducted himself impeccably in his two stints as Rangers’ stand-in manager, but nobody will be fooled by Friday’s announcement that he will be in charge at least until the end of this season. Graeme Murty is a good man who has conducted himself impeccably in his two stints as Rangers’ stand-in manager, but. Fine Gael has received a welcome Christmas present, with government satisfaction at 51%, the party at 34% and Leo Varadkar being a more popular taoiseach than Enda Kenny ever was, according to a new Behaviour & Attitudes (B&A) poll for The Sunday Times. Varadkar’s personal approval rating is up four points on last month’s poll, putting him at 56%. Fine Gael has received a welcome Christmas present, with government satisfaction at 51%, the.
Fine Gael has received a welcome Christmas present, with government satisfaction at 51%, the. Leo Varadkar says he has changed his mind about neutrality, regards it as a national asset, and does not expect. Leo Varadkar says he has changed his mind about neutrality, regards it as a national asset, and does not expect Ireland will ever join Nato. “I wouldn’t always have had this view but, as somebody who has been a minister for seven years in March, I got an opportunity to represent the country abroad quite a lot in. Leo Varadkar says he has changed his mind about neutrality, regards it as a national asset, and does not expect Ireland will.
News Review Ten years ago, a newly elected Fine Gael TD accused the government of having set up so many state agencies “it can’t. Ten years ago, a newly elected Fine Gael TD accused the government of having set up so many state agencies “it can’t even count them, let alone tell us how much they cost”. Leo Varadkar vowed a “bonfire of the quangos” if his party were elected. Fine Gael’s election manifesto in 2011 duly promised to cull 145. Ten years ago, a newly elected Fine Gael TD accused the government of having set up so many state agencies “it can’t even count.
Conor Brady Who among Leo Varadkar’s ministers will find it most difficult to drive real, game-changing measures in their departments in 2018? Eoghan Murphy, perhaps, or Simon Harris pushing the Sisyphean rock of the health service? Who among Leo Varadkar’s ministers will find it most difficult to drive real, game-changing measures in their departments in 2018? Eoghan Murphy, perhaps, or Simon Harris pushing the Sisyphean rock of the health service? Who among Leo Varadkar’s ministers will find it most difficult to drive real, game-changing measures in their. ATTICUS: COLIN COYLE Height-adjustable desks, which move up and down at the touch of a button and retail for about €600, were once solely a perk for employees of tech giants. Now they are on the rise in the civil service.
Using freedom of. Height-adjustable desks, which move up and down at the touch of a button and retail for about €600, were once solely a perk for employees of tech giants. Now they are on the rise in the civil service. Using freedom of. Height-adjustable desks, which move up and down at the touch of a button and retail for about €600, were once solely.