Install Ruby Mysql Gem Windows
Temporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit. Building native extensions. This could take a while. ERROR: Error installing mysql: ERROR: failed to build gem native extension C:/Ruby200-x64/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb checking for main() in -llibmysql.
Aug 20, 2014. Installing Ruby on Rails with MySQL2 gem on Windows. Being a technical member of staff I'm generally. I have a VPS which I use for this sort of thing running CentOS and MySQL. Cd testproject gem install mysql2. C:Sitestestproject>gem install mysql2. Temporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit. Feb 23, 2013 - 13 min - Uploaded by Jonathan MacDonaldLatest instructions (as of June 2014): ih4txNf7w_U&list.
Yes checking for mysql_ssl_set(). Yes checking for rb_str_set_len(). Yes checking for rb_thread_start_timer(). No checking for mysql.h. No checking for mysql/mysql.h.
No *** extconf.rb failed *** Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more details.
You may need configuation options. Then it gives me a bunch of configuration options (I don't know what they mean).
• How I can get the mysql gem to install? • How can I set mysql (instead of sqlite3) as the default for Rails? Thank you for anyone who knows how to do this! I definitely have mysql installed, as I spent the last few days going through Treehouse badges that involved learning how to install and use it.
Step 2 is where I'm having issues. When I try to install the mysql2 gem I get an error ('extconf.rb failed'). Atv Offroad Fury Pro Psp Download Iso Torrent. I've wasted all day on this, so for now I think I'm just going to give up and maybe try again later.
It's pretty irritating after just completing a whole Treehouse section (as part of the Ruby on Rails track) on how to use MySQL.and then the stuff we build with Rails doesn't even use MySQL! What was the point of learning how to use it then?? Thanks again, guys. I downloaded the community 5.6 version for windows and followed through the wizard. I had some errors getting it to download a couple of (superfluous) modules, so I uninstalled everything and reinstalled it clean with only the modules I needed, namely, Connector J, Connector.NET, Documentation, Notifier, Connector C++, Connector ODBC, and Workbench (6. Hydraulic Valve Symbols Autocad here. 2). For some reason, I do have two directories of MySQL (one in Program Files, and one in Program Files x86), and I'm not sure why.
I'm also unsure if the computer only uses one or both of those, because the two directories don't share duplicate folders. One of them has the MySQL Server, Workbench, C++ and ODBC, and the other has Notifier, Documentation, J, and.NET. Maybe it would simplify everything if I was running linux? I would just hate to have to start over and reinstall everything right now. It's working now!!! So much hassle but I'm sure I'll keep it as valuable lessons. Thanks again!
I have one additional question: where is the database information being stored? MySQL seems to automatically know it exists (when I open up MySQL and run a local instance it automatically appears in the list of databases). However, I'd like to know where the actual database file is. When I look in project/db I find: • schema.rb • seeds. Rb • /migrate which contains 5758_create_posts.rb None of which are MySQL database files (.sql).
• db/schema.rb will be the current snapshot of the structure of your database. This is similar to the SQL file you'd use to create the structure of a database if you weren't using rails but does not contain any data, only table structure. You won't really need to touch this file as it's generated each time you run rake db:migrate. • db/seeds.rb is a script that is run with rake db:seed that will pre-populate the database with any required information. Say you're creating a blogging engine and want posts to be added to specific categories - you might want to pre-populate the categories using this script.
Normal ActiveRecord calls would go in here, e.g. Category.create(name: 'Development') • db/migrate/ is where rails stores migrations.
These are how you should be managing the structure of your database within a rails app. You can create a new migration with rails generate migration from the command line As far as where the data is stored i can't answer as to where it is on a Windows machine but on a Mac it's stored in /usr/local/var/mysql (at least with how i have MySQL installed). Though it won't be much good as it's all stored in a binary format that mysql can read. If you're just looking to browse the contents and structure of the database to follow along as you're learning rails you can always pop into the tool that comes with MySQL (some setup may be required to add this to your path) or download a GUI app. MySQL has a free one called. • You're using Windows, so this will be the first hurdle in Rails development. I would also move to Linux or Mac if you want to do Rails development seriously (Virtual Machine).
• You're using 64-bit version of Ruby which - for as long as I can remember - has not been working too well. I would uninstall this version and install the 32-bit one. • I think the proper gem is gem install mysql2 • When generating a new app, you can theoretically indicate what database is to be used. The command looks like this: rails new projectname -d mysql but I never tried that, so I can't say what to expect and whether you need some special configuration for that command to work.
• To tell Rails to use mysql2, you have to remove sqlite3 from gemfile and add the mysql2 gem in its place. You also have to configure the database.yml file correctly, including the name of the local user and his password.