Rap File For Ps2 Classics Psn

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A guide for those who wish to convert any of their PS2 backups to PS2 Classics and install/run multiple PS2 converted classics on the XMB. (No more PS2 Classics Placeholder.pkg) This is my first guide here on PSX-Scene hopefully it will serve useful for those in need. After countless trials and errors, searches through google, youtube, other forums etc., I have gathered all the information I have obtained, and summarized it in the most simplest, informative manner i can. Things you will need: PS2 Classics Files (Download attachment at the bottom of post). - PS2 Classics Gui - exdata folder containing the RAP files - a PS2 Game Folder Template(sort of) - reActPSN V2.23 CFW 340-4XX.pkg - FileZilla (Google it. Its free.) - multiman v(Depends on your CFW) - BDEMUv2 (Google it) *If you havent install multiMan, install it now and install BDEMU as well.

Download the the PS2_Classics_Files.zip in the attachments at the bottom of the guide and extract them to your desktop. On a formatted fat32 USB/MS/Storage device copy the exdata folder and the reActPSN v2.23 CFW 340-4xx.pkg file to the root of your USB/MS/Storage device. Insert your storage device to the right most USB port of your PS3, (the one closest to the Bluray drive) and install the reActPSN.pkg file. Once installed, create a new user and name it 'aa' (without the ' '), login to it and launch reActPSN. ( It will show you a blackscreen and reboot the PS3 and the previously named 'aa' user has now been renamed to something like 'reActPSN v2.0 7rif0edat'). From that point you never need to touch reActPSN ever again. Install the file 'install_ps3tools_2.2.4.exe'.

Rap File For Ps2 Classics Psn

In the PS2_template folder, there should be a folder name PS2U1000. You can rename this folder to whatever you what. (In my case, we shall go with PS2GAME03 and will be using a backup of MGS3 SNAKE EATER). Open the PS2GAME03 folder and open the PARAM.SFO file with PARAM.SFO editor and type in the name of the folder you renamed in the Title ID Field. Type in the name of your game as well. You can edit the ICON0.PNG and PIC1.PNG files if you want.

Sample pics: 7. Assuming you have your ISO backup ready to be converted, you know have 2 ways to do so. Using multiman: If you used multiMan to create your backup ISO image then you can skip step #3 1. Launch multiMan and find out your PS3's IP address by going into Setting>System info. There you will find your PS3's remote IP address. Launch Filezilla and enter your PS3's IP address in the Host tab.

웹 해킹 - 웹 페이지 관련 구성 파일 이름목록 웹 해킹 / Security_Study.

Leave username and password blank and enter '21' in the Port tab. Navigate to 'dev_hdd0'>Create a folder name it 'PS2ISO' and transfer your backup to that folder. Once done close/disconnect Filezilla for now. On multiMan XMB head to Retro tab and click refresh. You will now see your newly added 'nameofgame.iso' file. It will as you if you want to covert the file pick yes and wait for the process to finish. (I have converted 3 games using the method and it is by far faster than using PS2 Classics GUI as it only take 12 minutes at the most).

Rap File For Ps2 Classics Psn

You will now have 2 files under Retro tab from multiMan XMB once the conversion process is done. Connect once again to FileZilla and navigate once more to dev_hdd0>PS2ISO. A new folder is created and named something like this '2P0001-PS2U10033'. Open that folder and youll see and ISO.ENC.BIN file.

Transfer that file to PS2_Classics_Files>PS2_Template>PS2GAME03>USRDIR. Right click the PS2GAME03 folder, 'Make PKG'. *If you do not see the 'Make PKG in windows context, youd have to navigate to where you designated ps3tools to install, open the tool forder, look for 'Pkg_ContentID.exe', right click it, run as administrator and then close. 'Make PKG' should now show up on windows context menu.

Once again FTP the.pkg file named '2P0001-PS2GAME33.pkg via Filezilla to dev_hdd0>'packages'. Once done, exit multiMan and install the.pkg via CFW XMB. *I mainly use this method because it has converted all my ps2 backups and had them running with no problems. I dont know if im doing anything wrong on my end but PS2 Classics GUI is giving me problems. Some games do work when i convert them with the GUI, 'Some'.

But all my backups ive converted through mM worked 100%. Using PS2 Classics Gui: 1. Launch PS2 Classics Gui. Click on the 'Encrypt' tab and load your ISO image by click the little black folder. Click 'Add LIMG Sector' then click 'Yes'. Click 'Encrpyt' on the lower right handcorner of the Gui and 'Yes' to every prompt.

Before the process is complete, PS2 Classics Gui will ask you the destination folder. You want to save it on C:/Desktop/Ps2_Classics_files/Ps2_Template/PS2GAME03. Once done, right click on the 'PS2GAME03' folder and 'Make PKG'. *If you do not see the 'Make PKG in windows context, youd have to navigate to where you designated ps3tools to install, open the tool forder, look for 'Pkg_ContentID.exe', right click it, run as administrator and then close. Wyd 7 57 Server Files For Minecraft.

'Make PKG' should now show up on windows context menu. Transfer the file to the root of your storage device or FTP Filezilla in the 'dev_hdd0/packages' folder.

(If the file is larger than 4GB you may need to split the files using pkg splitter. Exit multiMan, install the pkg file and enjoy.

Note: Dont forget to delete the files in 'dev_hdd0/packages' folder and 'dev_hdd0/PS2ISO folder' to save space. Also if you want to add more than 1 Game on the XMB youd have to rename the folder in 'PS2_Template' to whatever you want as long as it is diffrent from another PS2 backup. PS2GAME03 for MGS3 SNAKE EATER, PS2GAME01 for Persona FES etc. It doenst matter what you name the folder as long as its not the same with another backup or it will overwrite it. *If you recieve a 'copyright error message', you might not have installed BDEMU.

Double check if you have and if that doesnt work, it might be firmware related, through reading and research from google and other forum sites, user have reported having these copyright issues occured when using 4.40 rogero CFW (Im not sure if this is the only firmware that has this problem), but a quick update to the latest CFW or a downgrade to 4.30 cfw helped according to users. Correct me if im wrong. I hope this guide will be of good use to the PSX Scene community for those seeking help in the particular subject of the PS3 CFW Scene. I will continue to update this guide with new info and methods if i will acquire them in the future.

For now, i just hoped ive help. Thanks for the guide! I followed all of the steps properly (the first method, via multiman; I had previously tried using the PS2 Classics GUI method with another guide) but I end up getting a 'the copyright protection information is not valid (80029513)' error, why is that?

Through googling I found out I needed to check the ISO-ENC-BIN file in a hex editor and yet that was fine, too. I ran into this problem the very first time i started converting my PS2 ISO'S and running them. I was then later informed that i needed to install BDEMUv2.pkg if you are running anything higher that 3.55 CFW. Have you installed BDEMU.pkg? If you havent, you can Google it. I cant post links yet.:'( Install that, reboot PS3, try again.

Pls report back your findings if that solved your issue. @ helped me out with this. But then again, your situation might be diffrent.

What CFW are you running? Did you make sure that you copied the correct exdata folder to the root of your storage device and plugged it to the RIGHT most usb port on the PS3 when installing reActPSN? Did you ensure reActPSN ran correctly by checking the 'aa' user if it was renamed to reActPSN v2.23 CFW 340-4xx.pkg Last edited by merbiyatch; at 07:58 PM. But then again, your situation might be diffrent. What CFW are you running? Did you make sure that you copied the correct exdata folder to the root of your storage device and plugged it to the RIGHT most usb port on the PS3 when installing reActPSN?

Did you ensure reActPSN ran correctly by checking the 'aa' user if it was renamed to reActPSN v2.23 CFW 340-4xx right-most usb post? Correct exdata folder on the root of the usb? 'aa' user (without quotes) name change once reAct was installed? I installed the BDEMU-341 pkg (after googling around for BDEMUv2), restarted the console (just to be sure I did the entire process over again), but am still getting the same error.I KNEW I forgot to mention something last post, though - I'm on Rebug 4.46. Is there a chance of a compatibility problem/4.46 not being supported yet? Right-most usb post?

Correct exdata folder on the root of the usb? 'aa' user (without quotes) name change once reAct was installed? I installed the BDEMU-341 pkg (after googling around for BDEMUv2), restarted the console (just to be sure I did the entire process over again), but am still getting the same error.I KNEW I forgot to mention something last post, though - I'm on Rebug 4.46. Is there a chance of a compatibility problem/4.46 not being supported yet? PS2 play back are currently not compatible with DEX.

ArtemisPS3 An Open Source Playstation 3 Hacking System created under the Project Artemis initiative (Changes to ArtemisPS3 r5 by haxxxen (update Jul 5, 2017) - added now the ability to disable specific codes at button press - introduced a new codetype 5. Details: Changes to ArtemisPS3 r5 by haxxxen - Fixed constant write for pointer codes (type 6 codes). Pointer codes were only once written and you had to activate them everytime from ingame xmb with start button. Now this is not needed anymore;) - Fixed prx unload from gui and made proper detection for cobra and mamba. - Now you can unload artemis_ps3.sprx from artemis gui in main menu with square button, though you have to wait for the 'press start to attach' popup.

It will single beep if successfully unloaded, or double beep if not loaded at all. You will also get debug output - Changed the memory management comparing to his original source, which has improved stability. There are still cases, where games cannot handle artemis prx, but now it doesn't crash anymore, when you exit games. - Removed an unnecessary syscall (sys_ppu_process_yield). Dunno if it also improves stability, but on my side everything works smooth now with artemis gui and prx - Added 4.81 mamba payload to artemis from mambaloader (mamba and mambaloader payload). Changes in ArtemisPS3 r5 * Added support for 4.76 CEX/DEX and 4.78 CEX/DEX (thanks @Ps3ItaTeam) * Updated code database to Bungholio's April 28th, 2016 update (thanks Bungholio) * Artemis packages will now be held in the releases tab of the GitHub repository.

How To Use Please refer to the Installation file for installation and use instructions. Status Install MAMBA and PS3MAPI payload (if not already installed) Load artemis_ps3.sprx into VSH Access codes from an online database Access user codes Allow for users to enter their own codes from Artemis Sorts codes and games alphabetically Credits Lazy Bastard - Project Founder Berion - GUI Graphic Designer Dnawrkshp - Creator of ArtemisPS3-GUI and ArtemisPS3-PRX NzV - PS3MAPI (on which Artemis is dependant upon) PS2Dragon - Artemis Logo. Release Log 0.06 - Added move support for faster moving files/directories instead of copy/delete. - Added very basic LUA support (only string/math libs + echo function). Expect much more functions to be supported in next releases - Several fixes for (again) people with different screens Release Log 0.05 - 0.05b hotfix: Longer names than 10 characters are now supported - Added Confirmation Windows to prevent accidently copy and delete. - Added filesize information - Added Comgenie's Awesome Filesplitter (Windows) - Added Creation of new folders - Added Renaming of files/folders - More fixes for different screens - Color highlight of the selected file Release Log 0.04 - Fix for different (SD) screens (bigger text on lower resolutions). Now the top bar is visible and text is always readable - Added a copying progress text (which also fixed the hanging!) - Added retrying on I/O errors while copying - Added an about text - Fixed several other minor bugs Release Log 0.03 - Added Scrolling - Added Non-empty folder deletion - Added a security option (Normal Mode/Advanced mode) where normal mode will only allow write access in /usb_dev and /usb_hdd0/game.

- Added the ability to backup up files over 4GB to external (explanation below) - Fixed a hang-bug with folders with many files Release Log 0.02 - Added directory copying - Added empty directory removal - Faster copy speeds Release Log 0.01 - Initial version -------------------------------------- Known issues in 0.06 - Not possible to copy/delete any files with spaces in it - When copying things to the External USB, the files are marked as system files. Windows will not display them unless you turn them on as explained here: -------------------------------------- * * How to >4GB file backupping (need at least 0.03). * * All files/folders copied from the internal disk (like /dev_hdd0/game/LAUN12345/GAMEZ/) to the external disk (/dev_usb. ) which are larger than 4GB will be splitted in multiple parts.

When copying the files back from external to internal, those files will be merged again. * Note: You still can't play games with >4GB files from the external directly!

But now you can at least backup and restore them. * * Help, My files i copied to the external drive are not visible on my pc? The files are marked as system files, which windows default hides. Go to Tools >Folder options and disable the following option: Hide protected operation system files. * * Help, It won't copy On the screen you'll see 2 directory listings. The yellow one is your 'active' one.

You can browse through them with the D-PAD and enter directories with the X. When you press the copy button, the selected file or directory will be copied to the other current folder of the other directory listing.

So make sure the other directory listing is always in the correct folder (index of /dev_usb000 for your external drive). What is this? Awesome MountPoint Manager was my first homebrew app for the ps3. Its pretty much the backup manager, but without the backup function.

Dazzle Dvc 80 Usb Driver more. You can set up redirects using this tool. Change the location of the dev_flash, dev_bdvd and more to come in the next version.

Needs a re-designed gui (another few days)! Well, I hated the fact that the original Backup Manager only gave you the option to mount backed up games from one location.

So I made this. Please don't use crap payloads. Version 1.01 and above of this application requires syscall35. Changelog: 1.1a - Changed some stuff! Its now UNDER 2 MB!:D 1.1 BETA - Completely Re-Designed - Cool Text Transitions! - Remap any DIR to any DIR - More:P 1.02 - Added a few more user changeable mountpoints (dev_flash2, dev_flash3) 1.01 - Removed syscall36 support, and converted to the superior syscall35 - User can now choose to modify dev_bdvd or dev_flash mountpoint 1.00 - Initial release.

This is a small application for the PlayStation(R)3 that can change the default Buttons Layout (Cross or Circle being the default Enter/Accept Button). It is useful for the JPN PS3 model owners to make 'X'/Cross the Default [Enter/Accept] Button like the USA/EUR PS3 Models. - It is compatible with PS3 FW Version 3.41 & 3.55 only.

- It checks for the PS3 FW version automatically and can detect it even if a spoof was applied. - Many errors checking routines are applied before changing any parameters. I wrote it for my personal use, I do have a JPN PS3, and I thought of sharing it because it may help other users too who wants to change their JPN PS3 Buttons Layout in a simple/quick way. Cheers, [Rogero]. Rogero PS3 Buttons Layout Changer v1.3 () ---------------------------------------------------- - Added Support for 3 new PS3 Models. - Fixed a text message error from previous version.

Rogero PS3 Buttons Layout Changer v1.2 () ---------------------------------------------------- - Added Support for Rebug CFW 3.41.2 / 3.55.1 - Added Support for more PS3 models (Metal Gear Solid Special Edition) Rogero PS3 Buttons Layout Changer v1.1 () ---------------------------------------------------- - Added support for fewer PS3 models that didn't work with version 1.0 - added the Geohot/Wutangrza compatible package as requested by some users. Rogero PS3 Buttons Layout Changer v1.0 --------------------------------------- Initial version. CDG Player ========== CDG Player is a simple program for PS3 that plays mp3 files and displays graphics stored in cdg files.

The format is used in many karaoke disks. Program was compiled by psl1ght sdk ver. 1 Features: - simple file selector - favourites - mp3 and cdg playback Requires: - ps3 ready to run homebrew programs Controls: - CROSS - select a file or directory - CIRCLE - go to parent directory - SQUARE - exit the program - L1 - add a file to favourites - TRIANGLE - display favourites - R1 - remove item from favourites FAQ: Q: does it play CD disks? A: no, use a ripping program to convert your CD to audio tracks in mp3 format Q: does it play OGG, WAV, etc. (your favourite audio format)?

A: no, just mp3 format is supported (16 bit, stereo, 44100 or 48000 Hz) along with the cdg format Q: does it support zipped files? A: no Q: does it support microphone plugged in the ps3?

A: no, to amplify your voice you need an extra hardware (mixer) Q: the program sucks, can you add more features? A: the source code is freely available, do it yourself:) Credits and thanks: - minimp3 (- PyKaraoke (- psl1ght sdk team - PS3 homebrew scene Release log: ============ r2 - added favourites r1 - initial release ---------- Ole. This is a new collection of mods all combined into one 'new' category, with all xmls and icons in one place on HDD. It allows for the user to choose exactly which components to install, and they can choose where to install them, and it also allows easy updating/modifying of each component individually. All mods are translated into Spanish, French, Italian and German in this release (based on system XMB setting), other languages will show English for now.More languages on the way. The basic idea is that I moved the original network items over to PSN and renamed that to Network, I also cleaned some useless items out of the PSN category. Name Version Released Hits DL Link Cinavia Protection Tool for FW 4.81 v1.03.

11/ Cinavia Protection Tool for FW 3.55 v1.03 09/ Cinavia Protection Tool for FW 4.21 v1.03 09/ Cinavia Protection Tool for FW 4.30 v1.03 09/ Cinavia Protection Tool for FW 4.31 v1.03 09/ Cinavia Protection Tool for FW 4.40 v1.03 09/ Cinavia Protection Tool for FW 4.41 v1.03 09/ Cinavia Protection Tool for FW 4.46 v1.03 09/ Cinavia Protection Tool for FW 4.50 v1.03 09/ Cinavia Protection Tool for FW 4.53 v1.03 09/ Cinavia Protection Tool for FW 4.55 v1.03 09/ Cinavia Protection Tool for FW 4.60 v1.03 09/ Cinavia Protection Tool for FW 4.65 v1.03 09/. LATEST VERSION IS R9PREVIEW2 L3 toggles FTP Start toggles front covers / 3d covers Triangle displays rear cover if available PuppetMaster Quote: cover manager only shows one game cover at a time now. The reason for this is, the code that enabled multiple game covers to be shown was a bit buggy. It was taken out in an attempt to make cover manager a bit more stable. Cover manager R8Preview6 game covers don't move like they do for r9Preview2. Mods of cover manager is based off of R8Preview6.

Which is also the last version that was created before adding in the game cover bouncing effect; which can also be seen in R9preview1. DragonFTP Server made with Legal SDK Psl1ght this application is still very early in development but i think it ready for a release and for the public to enjoy i hope everyone enjoys this application and media please link back to this site and to download when you post on your website thank you. Default account: username: root password: password if you want donate so i can have more time to spend on my projects for the public you may below anything helps thank you Changelog: 0.25 Features: - Improved dev_dragon - added debug screen for devs - and converted app to compile with the deadrsx library 0.10 Beta Features - ftp server code based off of OpenPS3FTP ( with minor improvements by me ) – will release source for this when app 100% done - default screen saver – after sixty seconds the screen saver will load with a dim to it changeable options screen. 1) You will need to dump your VOB files. (I am working on Ubuntu with libdvdcss + vobcopy) in ubuntu you will need to do the run the following commands. $ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh $ sudo apt-get install vobcopy 2) Now with vobcopy installed run this command $ vobcopy ~/Videos/XXX/ replace XXX with the movies name. 3) Now you need to FTP those VOB files to /dev/hdd0/DVDS/XXX/ replace XXX with the movies name.

For example Hitman unrated looks like this /dev/hdd0/DVDS/Hitman/HITMAN_UNRATED1-1.vob /dev/hdd0/DVDS/Hitman/HITMAN_UNRATED1-2.vob /dev/hdd0/DVDS/Hitman/HITMAN_UNRATED1-3.vob 4) Now Install the DVD ENABLER package.(you should know how) 5) Now insert any DVD 6) OK now run the the DVD ENABLER. It will ask you Do you want to Enable the DVD ENABLER Yes will enable it and No will disable it. Running the program again and saying no will reset it.

7) Now under Videos you should see a data disc. Select the data disc and you movies folders should show up. Navigate to the movie folder you want to play and play the first VOB file.

Later Versions I will try to impalement a Built in Copier and Manger. Word of Warning This is For personal Backup only. Ok i hope everyone enjoys this one. I know i will My Son destroys DVDs left and right. And if you like it and use it on a reg bases drop me donation. Every little bit helps.

Hi everyone, Last year, in January, I decided to have some fun and write a homebrew application using the EFL libraries. I decided to work on a homebrew manager. Basically a replacement to the XMB. It went really well, and the development was really fast, and it was all thanks to the awesome API and capabilities of the EFL libraries.

However, I became busy and was unable to continue. Also, it was a bit slow and without proper hardware acceleration, it wouldn't be as good as I hoped for, so I put the project on the side.

After many months, in September, thanks to gzorin's work, we finally had a working and usable GL implementation and the EFL apps automatically gained from it by becoming hardware accelerated. My homebrew manager was much better! But I still needed to finish a few things and I didn't have time so I put to rest again. Today, I have decided to release this homebrew application, *as is* for everyone's enjoyment! This means that it is not fully working, it might still have some bugs here and there, but it is still a homebrew app that people can use and have some fun with. Most importantly it will serve 4 purposes: Maybe re-awaken this dying PS3 homebrew scene Be a good 'exercise to the community' for finishing it up Be a good example of what can be done with the EFL Bring non-developers into writing EFL themes for the app I introduce to you, Eleganz! The Elegant Homebrew Manager!

A little homebrew app that lets you install pkg files and run your games directly from it. I have published my app in both github and on ps3dev's gitorious. And you can also download a pre-compiled.pkg for your PS3 to have fun with it. Erase Me Evidence Eraser PS3 v1.1 (Stealthed as Fifa 08 v1.10) Clean your pushlist/history files from your ps3 for people who dont use backup managers. Install package and run. Press X to delete files and exit. Press O to copy dummy files over.

Dummy files show 5 games played so not to look to obvious. If you really want some fun after install FTP into the app BLES00132 and hex in some swear words in the game.dat/patch.dat & boot_history.dat in the USRDIR folder the copy them across;-) N.B No callback function added as yet so cant exit to xmb via ps button. This will be fixed in next version. After making this app for BeeGee7730 i got to thinking that a blank pushlist is just as bad as one full of homebrew so i quickly edited v1.0 to allow the copying of dummy files as well. So i have included in this version a game.dat/patch.dat/boot_history.dat with 5 genuine games played that can be copied over instead of deleting the pushlist/history. If you really want some fun after install FTP into the app BLES00132 and hex in some swear words in the game.dat/patch.dat & boot_history.dat in the USRDIR folder then copy them across Cross will delete all files.

Circle will copy dummy files. SRC Code Included. Regards Chossy.