Yfc Youth Camp Training Program Manual Pdf

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Yfc Youth Camp Training Program Manual Pdf

THE YFC 3-year pastoral formation track overview PHASES AND AREAS OF GROWTH OF A YFC MEMBER 3 YEAR PASTORAL FORMATION 9 NEW MANUALS 3 OLD MANUALS FAMILY CULTURE A whole day activity, given in a YFC member’s first year It allows our YFC members to appreciate the different family cultures which are unique in every family and allows them to appreciate the entire family and the different personalities of the family members. View Manual FAMILY CULTURE 8:00 am Registration 9:00 Opening Worship 9:30 Icebreaker 10:00 Session 1: Picture Perfect 10:30 Group sharing 11:30 Processing of the activity 12:00 pm Lunch 1:00 Ice breaker 1:30 Session 2: My Family and I 2:15 Prayer-Writing Activity 2:30 Session 3: My Choice, My Family 3:15 Reflection / Closing activity 3:35 Praise fest 4:00 Closing / home sweet home View Manual YOUTH POWER A whole-day activity, given in a YFC member’s first year. It focuses on YFCs response to the social dimension of the gospel, which is loving others, especially loving the poor as our expression of our love for God. View Manual YOUTH POWER 8:00am – 8:30 Arrival and Registration 8:30 – 8:45 Opening Worship 8:45 – 9:15 Session: I am Hero! 9:15 – 9:30 Activity Orientation 9:30 – 10:00 Pre- Group Activity 10:00 – 3:00pm Immersion Activity Proper (Lunch included) 3:00 – 4:00 Big Group Sharing 4:00 – 4:30 Processing of the Immersion Activity 4:30 – 5:00 Closing Worship/ Praisefest View Manual PARENTS’ HONORING NIGHT A night activity, given in a YFC member’s second year as a YFC. This is a structured fellowship which allows the YFC members to have a venue to appreciate their parents and vocally honor them in front of others. View Manual PARENTS’ HONORING NIGHT 05:00PM Arrival/Registration 05:30 Teaching of Songs 05:50 Eucharistic Celebration 06:50 Opening Worship/Prayer 06:55 Welcome Remarks 07:00 Dinner 07:45 YFC Presentation 08:20 KFC Presentation 08:25 Parents Support Group Program 08:30 Testimonies/Honoring 09:00 Parents’ Response 09:20 Couple Coordinator’s Exhortation 10:00 Closing Worship/Prayer View Manual 100% FREE A whole-day activity, given in a YFC member’s second year as a YFC.

This is a launching of the new and improved concept of 100% Free, coming from the previous 100% Pure advocacy. It is an overview of all the repackaged principles and advocacies of 100% Free, given in a creative and comprehensible manner. It is all in all encouraging the YFC into aiming and advocating to live a life free from the bondage of sin and the lures of the world. View Manual 100% FREE 8:00am – 8:30 Registration 8:30 – 8:45 Gathering 9:45 – 10:00 Worship 10:00 – 10:15 Emcees Adlib 10:15 – 11:30 SESSION 1: 100% FREE 11:30 – 12:30pm LUNCH 12:30 – 12:45 GATHERING 12:45 – 01:00 Afternoon worship 01:00 – 01:30 ICE BREAKER View Manual 100% FREE 01:30 – 02:30 SESSION 2: FREE TO LIVE 02:30 – 02:45 BREAK / Snacks 02:45 – 03:45 SESSION 3: FREE TO BE.

Yfc Youth Camp Training Program Manual Pdf

CFC YOUTH FOR CHRIST YOUTH CAMP TRAINING PROGRAM Goals 1. Download Siemens Logo Software. Help Youth for Christ members come to a better understanding of the Youth Camp. Train YFC members to effectively serve in Youth Camps as speakers, facilitators, team leaders, etc. Help consolidate youth camp service teams in preparation.

FREE TO LOVE Breakout session Men’s and Women’s Forum 03:45 – 03:50 BREAK 03:50 – 04:30 PRAISEFEST View Manual STAKE FOR THE NATION A half-day activity, given in a YFC member’s second year as a YFC. This pastoral formation stresses the highest calling of every YFC, which is being a student. Objectives of the activity are: For YFC to realize that their highest calling is to study well/actively pursue learning Instill in them the importance of studying/learning Widen their perspective and see that studying is their stake for the nation now View Manual STAKE FOR THE NATION 00:00 – 00:30 Arrival and Registration 00:30 – 01:00 Gathering/Teaching of Songs 01:00 – 01:15 Worship 01:15 – 01:30 Orientation 01:30 – 02:30 Activity No. 1: My Puzzle Portrait 02:30 – 03:30 Activity No. 2: The Strongest Bridge 03:30 – 03:45 Closing worship/prayer 03:45 – 04:00 Announcements 04:00 Home Sweet Home View Manual VOCATION RECOLLECTION A whole day activity, which gives the YFC members a venue to appreciate the different vocations and God’s personal calling for them. It is given in a YFC member’s third year as a YFC. Objectives of the activity are: For the YFC to be aware and to appreciate the different types of vocation or calling.

Initiate in the hearts of the YFC the desire to seek what the Lord’s plan for our lives. View Manual VOCATION RECOLLECTION 8:00am – 9:00 Arrival/ Gathering 9:00 – 9:30 Opening Worship 9:30 – 10:00 Welcome/Orientation 10:00 – 11:00 Session 1 11:00 – 11:30 Discussion Group 11:30 – 12:30pm Lunch 12:30 – 1:00 Gathering/ Teaching of Songs 1:00 – 3:00 Session 2 3:00 – 4:00 Session 3 Closing Worship 4:00 – 5:00 Mass 5:00 Home sweet home View Manual BEST WEEKEND An Overnight activity Father-son and Mom-daughter bonding activity. It is given in a YFC member’s third year as a YFC. This activity reinforces the YFC’s role in the family as he/she enters into a camp with his/her father/mother. It is a great venue for bonding and sharing between the father and his son and between the mother and her daughter. In the same way, this will be an evangelistic experience as well for the parents who are not members of CFC. Still for PFO revision Piloted in TORCH Metro Manila CHURCH AND SACRAMENTS A whole-day, immersion-type activity, given in a YFC member’s third year as a YFC.

A venue for the YFC to appreciate more our faith through our relationship with the bigger Catholic Church Objectives of the activity are: Understand and appreciate our being part of the CHURCH; Have a deeper understanding of the SACRAMENTS and live out our faith through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist; Share our faith by living out and enriching our roles in the CHURCH. Solidsquad Solidworks 2014 Keygen Software more.