Certified Driver Intervention Programs Franklin County

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Public Safety/Court Related Programs Maryhaven works closely with adult and juvenile court systems to educate and rehabilitate those at risk of or falling prey to addiction. Adults age 18 and older. Offered in English or Spanish. Maryhaven Exploring Sober Alternatives (MESA) is Central Ohio’s original driver intervention program for OVI and other misdemeanor alcohol/drug offenses.

MESA is state certified as an alternative to incarceration and is offered in a hotel setting. MESA serves court systems throughout Central Ohio (out-of-state DUI referrals also accepted). Jiraya Vs Pain Samehadaku. Beginning August 2017 fees for this program will change to $375. This includes the $75 non-refundable deposit due at registration; fee covers program, hotel room and meals. Young adults under age 21, one-day class. Offered twice per month alternating Saturdays and Sundays. A one day alcohol and drug education and intervention class for young adults, between the ages of 18-20, UDP strives to arrest risky behavior especially (but not limited to) those charged with offenses such as underage alcohol possession, alcohol consumption, open container, false ID, attempt to purchase, and some misdemeanor marijuana and paraphernalia possession charges.

Certified Driver Intervention Programs Franklin County

Many Ohio municipal, mayor’s courts and probation officers, plus area colleges and universities, turn to UDP for drinking/drug offenders between the ages of 18-20. UDP is based on an international Under 21 prevention curriculum, meaning that OVI or DUI offenders who are referred to our 72-Hour MESA would not be eligible for UDP. The fee is $125.

Certified Driver Intervention Programs Franklin County

Ages 12-17, one-day class. Offered once per month alternating Saturdays and Sundays. The JUDP is specially designed for youth who have alcohol/drug related misdemeanors, school disciplinary offenses or who are at risk for alcohol/drug use or abuse. JUDP includes current, reality-based alcohol/other drug education while engaging youth to reduce high-risk choices and behavior; and develop Individual Action Plans to Succeed. We aim to create more ways to prevent alcohol or drug abuse so parents and caregivers also are brought into the process.

JUDP taps into our successful Underage Drinking Program and draws from the same core international prevention and education curriculum. Additional services are available as needed. The fee is $45. Under age 18. Offered every other month. Youth charged with OVI, Hit Skip, Drag Racing or other infractions involving alcohol/drugs and a vehicle attend our targeted MYDI program, which meets the standards set by area traffic courts. This class can also be taken without a court order as a suggested prevention effort to reduce traffic fatalities, the leading cause of death for this age group.

MYDI includes group processing, victim impact components, self-assessment/screening tools and the creation of an Individual Action Plan to Succeed. The fee is $40. Our one-day alcohol and drug education and intervention class for adults over age 21, the 8-Hour Alcohol & Drug Education Program strives to reduce high-risk behaviors associated with alcohol and drug use. Micro Focus Visual Cobol Crackberry. Franklin County Courts, many other Ohio municipal, mayor’s courts and probation officers, area colleges and universities, employers, and other programs (i.e.

Columbus Ohio Driver Intervention Program. This program provides education facilitated by professional staff in a comfortable environment for those convicted of an OVI offense. Our 72 hour program features the friendliest staff and the nicest accommodations in the Ohio area. We offer the most affordable cost and are.

Domestic violence programs and anger management programs) send individuals to the 8-Hour Alcohol & Drug Education Program. The fee is $150 and includes lunch.