Dot Drug Screen Regulations

Posted on by DOT Drug Screen - DOT Drug Test A DOT Drug Screen Test is a drug test required by the DOT and must follow strict guidelines. The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT or just DOT) is a federal Cabinet department of the United States government concerned with transportation. It was established by an act of Congress on October 15, 1966 and began operation on April 1, 1967. It is administered by the United States Secretary of Transportation. The US DOT has several divisions: • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) • Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) • Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) • Federal Transit Administration (FTA) • Maritime Administration (MARAD) • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Federal mandated drug testing started when President Ronald Reagan enacted via executive order, that federal workers refrain from using illegal substances. Subsequent federal legislation required drug testing within the executive branch of government as well as 'safety sensitive' occupations within the trucking, mass transit, rail, airline, marine, and oil and gas pipeline sectors.

Drug testing guidelines and processes, for federally mandated drug testing, are established and regulated (by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration/ SAMHSA, formerly under the direction of the National Institute on Drug Abuse / NIDA. Referred to as the NIDA-5, or standard SAMHSA five panel test, the laboratory based urine test includes marijuana, opiates (codeine and heroin), amphetamine/methamphetamine, and PCP. Unfortunately, these test classes were established decades ago, with little major revision, and do not account for current drug usage patterns. For example, SAMHSA / DOT tests exclude semi-synthetic opioids, such as oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, etc., and other prescription pain medications widely abused in the United States. While SAMHSA/NIDA guidelines only allow laboratories to report quantitative results for the 'NIDA-5' on their official NIDA tests, many drug testing laboratories and on-site tests now offer a wider or 'more appropriate' set of drug screens which may be more reflective of current drug use patterns. As noted above, these tests include semi-synthetic pain killers such as Oxycodone (Oxycontin, Percocet), Oxymorphone, Hydrocodone (Vicodin), Hydromorphone; benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, Restoril) and barbiturates.

Dot Drug Screen Regulations

Click for Multi-Panel Drug Tests (to test for 2 to 12 drugs in one test). FOR MORE INFORMATION ON OTHER DRUGS OF ABUSE, SEE THE INFORMATION BELOW. TO PURCHASE INSTANT DRUG TEST KITS AND SUPPLIES, JUST CLICK ON ONE OF THE LINKS TO THE LEFT. Important Links: • - How long do drugs stay in the human body? • - Important information on other Drugs of Abuse. • - Frequently asked questions about drug testing.

Dot Drug Screen Regulations

There are no rules or regulations stating that you cannot run your own DOT drug and alcohol testing program. However, there are so many regulatory requirements — such as a policy, a certified MRO, Reasonable-Suspicion training for supervisors, Post-Accident training, etc. — that it is often difficult for a. The DOT drug and alcohol testing regulations for commercial driver licensed (CDL) employees can be found at 49 CFR Part 382, and 49 CFR Part 40. These regulations can be found at: This brochure summarizes the regulations as they apply to CDL drivers, and is intended to better educate drivers.

• - A Glossary of terms (definitions) applicable to the subjects of drug testing and pharmacology • - Complete instructions on how to use various drug testing kits. One Step Single/Multi-Drug Screen Test Panel Package Insert for 1 to 10 Drug Screen Panel “Dip” Instruction Sheet for testing of any combination of the following drugs: AMP, BAR, BZO, COC,THC, MTD, mAMP, OPI, PCP AND TCA A rapid, one step screening test for the simultaneous, qualitative detection of multiple drugs and drug metabolites in human urine. For healthcare professionals and professionals at point of care sites. For professional in vitro diagnostic use. The One Step Multi-Drug Screen Test Panel is a lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of multiple drugs and drug metabolites in urine at the following cut-off concentrations: 300 ng/mL Benzoylecgonine (Cocaine metabolite), 1,000 ng/mL Amphetamine, 1,000 ng/mL Methamphetamine, 50 ng/mL 11-nor.9 -THC-9- COOH (THC), 2,000 ng/mL Opiate, 25 ng/mL Phencyclidine, in urine.

This assay provides only a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method.

Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are used. AMPHETAMINE (AMP) Amphetamine is a Schedule II controlled substance available by prescription (Dexedrine®) and is also available on the illicit market. Amphetamines are a class of potent sympathomimetic agents with therapeutic applications. They are chemically related to the human body’s natural catecholamines: epinephrine and norepinephrine. Acute higher does lead to enhanced stimulation of the central nervous system and induce euphoria, alertness, reduced appetite, and a sense of increased energy and power.

Cardiovascular responses to Amphetamines include increased blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias. More acute responses produce anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, and psychotic behavior. The effects of Amphetamines generally last 2-4 hours following use, and the drug has a halflife of 4-24 hours in the body.

About 30% of Amphetamines are excreted in the urine in unchanged form, with the remainder as hydroxylated and deaminated derivatives. The AMP One Step Amphetamine Test Strip is a rapid urine screening test that can be performed without the use of an instrument. The test utilizes a monoclonal antibody to selectively detect elevated levels of Amphetamine in urine. The AMP One Step Amphetamine Test Strip yields a positive result when Amphetamines in urine exceed 1,000 ng/mL. BARBITURATES (BAR) Barbiturates are central nervous system depressants.

They are used therapeutically as sedatives, hypnotics, and anticonvulsants. Barbiturates are almost always taken orally as capsules or tablets. The effects resemble those of intoxication with alcohol.

Chronic use of barbiturates leads to tolerance and physical dependence. Short acting Barbiturates taken at 400mg/day for 2-3 months produces a clinically significant degree of physical dependence.

Withdrawal symptoms experienced during periods of drug abstinence can be severe enough to cause death. Only a small amount (less than 5%) of most Barbiturates are excreted unaltered in urine.

The approximate detection time limits for Barbiturates are: Short Acting (e.g. Secobarbital) 100 mg PO (oral) 4 – 5 days Long Acting (e.g. Phenobarbital 400 mg PO (oral) 7 days1 The One Step Drug Screen Test yields a positive result when the Barbiturates in urine exceeds 300ng/ml. BENZODIAZEPINES (BZO) Benzodiazepines are medications that are frequently prescribed for symptomatic treatment of anxiety and sleep disorders. They produce their effects via specific receptors involving a neurochemical called gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA).

Because they are safer and more effective, Benzodiazepines have replaced barbiturates in the treatment of both anxiety and insomnia. Benzodiazepines are also used as sedatives before some surgical and medical procedures, and for the treatment of seizure disorders and alcohol withdrawal.

Risk of physical dependence increases if Benzodiazepines are taken regularly (e.g., daily) for more than a few months, especially at higher than normal doses. Stopping abruptly can bring on such symptoms trouble sleeping, gastrointestinal upset, feeling unwell, loss of appetite, sweating and trembling, weakness, anxiety and changes in perception. Only trace amounts (less than 1%) of most Benzodiazepines are excreted unaltered in urine; most of the concentration in urine is conjugated drug. The detection period for the Benzodiazepines in urine is 3 – 7 days. The One Step Drug screen Test Card yields a positive result when the Benzodiazepines in urine exceeds 300 ng/ml.

COCAINE (COC) Cocaine is a potent central nervous system (CNS) stimulant and a local anesthetic. Initially, it brings about extreme energy and restlessness while gradually resulting in tremors, over-sensitivity and spasms. In large amounts, cocaine causes fever, unresponsiveness, and difficulty in breathing and unconsciousness. Cocaine is often self-administered by nasal inhalation, intravenous injection and free-base smoking. It is excreted in the urine in a short time primarily as Benzoylecgonine. Benzoylecgonine, a major metabolite of cocaine, has a longer biological half-life (5-8 hours) than cocaine (0.5-1.5 hours), and can generally be detected for 24-48 hours after cocaine exposure. The COC One Step Cocaine Test Strip is a rapid urine screening test that can be performed without the use of an instrument.

The test utilizes a monoclonal antibody to selectively detect elevated levels of cocaine metabolite in urine. The COC One Step Cocaine Test Strip yields a positive result when the cocaine metabolite in urine exceeds 300 ng/mL. This is the suggested screening cut-off for positive specimens set by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA, USA). MARIJUANA (THC) THC (.9--tetrahydrocannabinol) is the primary active ingredient in cannabinoids (marijuana).

When smoked or orally administered, it produces euphoric effects. Users have impaired short term memory and slowed learning. They may also experience transient episodes of confusion and anxiety. Long term relatively heavyuse may be associated with behavioral disorders.

The peak effect of smoking marijuana occurs in 20-30 minutes and the duration is 90-120 minutes after onecigarette. Elevated levels of urinary metabolites are found within hours of exposure and remain detectable for 3-10 days after smoking. The main metaboliteexcreted in the urine is 11-nor.9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (.9-THC-COOH). The THC One Step Marijuana Test Strip is a rapid urine screening test that can be performed without the use of an instrument. The test utilizes a monoclonal antibody to selectively detect elevated levels of marijuana in urine. The THC One Step Marijuana Test Strip yields a positive result when the concentration of marijuana in urine exceeds 50 ng/mL. This is the suggested screening cut-off for positive specimens set by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA, USA).

METHADONE (MTD) Methadone is a narcotic pain reliever for medium to severe pain. It is also used in the treatment of heroin (opiate dependence: Vicodin, Percocet, Morphine, etc.) addiction. Oral Methadone is very different than IV Methadone. Oral Methadone is partially stored in the liver for late use. IV Methadone acts more like heroin. In most states you must go to a pain clinic or a Methadone maintenance clinic to be prescribed Methadone. Methadone is a long acting pain reliever producing effects that last from twelve to forth-eight hours.

Ideally, Methadone frees the client from the pressures of obtaining illegal heroin, from the dangers of injection and from the emotional roller coaster that most opiates produce. Methadone, if taken for long periods and at large doses, canlead to a very long withdrawal period. The withdrawals from Methadone are more prolonged and troublesome than those provoked by heroin cessation, yet the substitution and phased removal of methadone is an acceptable method of detoxification for patients and therapists.

The MTD One step Methadone test yields a positive result when Methadone in urine exceeds 300 ng/ml. METHAMPHETAMINE (mAMP) Methamphetamine is an addictive stimulant drug that strongly activates certain systems in the brain. Methamphetamine is closely related chemically to amphetamine, but the central nervous system effects of Methamphetamine are greater.

Methamphetamine is made in illegal laboratories and has a high potential for abuse and dependence. The drug can be taken orally, injected, or inhaled. Acute higher does lead to enhanced stimulation of the central nervous system and induce euphoria, alertness, reduced appetite, and a sense of increased energy and power.

Cardiovascular responses to Methamphetamine include increased blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias. More acute responses produce anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, psychotic behavior, and eventually, depression and exhaustion. The effects of Methamphetamine generally last 2-4 hours and the drug has a half-life of 9-24 hours in the body. Methamphetamine is excreted in the urine primarily as amphetamine and oxidized and deaminated derivatives. However, 10-20% of Methamphetamine is excreted unchanged. Thus, the presence of the parent compound in the urine indicates Methamphetamine use.

Methamphetamine is generally detectable in the urine for 3-5 days, depending on urine pH level. The mAMP One Step Methamphetamine Test Strip is a rapid urine screening test that can be performed without the use of an instrument.

The test utilizes a monoclonal antibody to selectively detect elevated levels of Methamphetamine in urine. The mAMP One Step Methamphetamine Test Strip yields a positive result when the Methamphetamine in urine exceeds 1,000 ng/mL. OPIATE (300 ng/ml) (OPI 300 or MOP 300) Opiate refers to any drug that is derived from the opium poppy, including the natural products, morphine and codeine, and the semi-synthetic drugs such as heroin. Opioid is more general, referring to any drug that acts on the opioid receptor. Opioid analgesics comprise a large group of substances which control pain by depressing the central nervous system. Large dose of morphine can produce higher tolerance levels, physiological dependency in users, and may lead to substance abuse. Morphine is excreted unmetabolized, and is also the major metabolic product of codeine and heroin.

Morphine is detectable in the urine for several days after an opiate dose. The OPI One Step Opiate Test Strip is a rapid urine screening test that can be performed without the use of an instrument. The test utilizes a monoclonal antibody to selectively detect elevated levels of morphine in urine. The OPI One Step Opiate Test Strip yields a positive result when the morphine in urine exceeds 300 ng/mL.

OPIATE (OPI) (2000 ng/ml) Opiate refers to any drug that is derived from the opium poppy, including the natural products, morphine and codeine, and the semi-synthetic drugs such as heroin. Opioid is more general, referring to any drug that acts on the opioid receptor. Opioid analgesics comprise a large group of substances which control pain by depressing the central nervous system. Large dose of morphine can produce higher tolerance levels, physiological dependency in users, and may lead to substance abuse. Morphine is excreted unmetabolized, and is also the major metabolic product of codeine and heroin. Morphine is detectable in the urine for several days after an opiate dose.

Ole Ole Mp3 Song Download. The OPI One Step Opiate Test Strip is a rapid urine screening test that can be performed without the use of an instrument. The test utilizes a monoclonal antibody to selectively detect elevated levels of morphine in urine. The OPI One Step Opiate Test Strip yields a positive result when the morphine in urine exceeds 2,000 ng/mL.

This is the suggested screening cut-off for positive specimens set by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA, USA). PHENCYCLIDINE Phencyclidine, also known as PCP or Angel Dust, is a hallucinogen that was first marketed as a surgical anesthetic in the 1950’s. It was removed from the market because patients receiving it became delirious and experienced hallucinations. Phencyclidine is used in powder, capsule, and tablet form. The powder is either snorted or smoked after mixing it with marijuana or vegetable matter. Phencyclidine is most commonly administered by inhalation but can be used intravenously, intra-nasally, and orally. After low doses, the user thinks and acts swiftly and experiences mood swings from euphoria to depression.

Self-injurious behavior is one of the devastating effects of Phencyclidine. PCP can be found in urine within 4 to 6 hours after use and will remain in urine for 7 to 14 days, depending on factors such as metabolic rate, user’s age, weight, activity, and diet.5 Phencyclidine is excreted in the urine as an unchanged drug (4% to 19%) and conjugated metabolites (25% to 30%). The PCP One Step Phencyclidine Test Strip is a rapid urine screening test that can be performed without the use of an instrument.

The test utilizes a monoclonal antibody to selectively detect elevated levels of phencyclidine metabolite in urine. The PCP One Step Phencyclidine Test Strip yields a positive result when the phencyclidine metabolite in urine exceeds 25 ng/mL. This is the suggested screening cut-off for positive specimens set by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA, USA). TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANT (TCA) TCA (Tricyclic Antidepressants) are commonly used for the treatment of depressive disorders. TCA overdoses can result in profound central nervous system depression, cardiotoxicity and anticholinergic effects.

TCA overdose is the most common cause of death from prescription drugs. TCAs are taken orally or sometimes by injection. TCAs are metabolized in the liver. Both TCAs and their metabolites are excreted in urine mostly in the form of metabolites for up to ten days. The One Step Drug Screen Tests yields a positive result when the Tricyclic Antidepressant in urine exceeds 1,000 ng/ml.

The One Step Multi-Drug Screen Test Panel is an immunoassay based on the principle of competitive binding. Drugs which may be present in the urine specimen compete against their respective drug conjugate for binding sites on their specific antibody. During testing, a urine specimen migrates upward by capillary action. A drug, if present in the urine specimen below its cut-off concentration, will not saturate the binding sites of its specific antibody. The antibody will then react with the drug-protein conjugate and a visible colored line will show up in the test line region of the specific drug strip.

The presence of drug above the cut-off concentration will saturate all the binding sites of the antibody. Therefore, the colored line will not form in the test line region. A drug-positive urine specimen will not generate a colored line in the specific test line region of the strip because of drug competition, while a drug-negative urine specimen will generate a line in the test line region because of the absence of drug competition. To serve as a procedural control, a colored line will always appear at the control line region, indicating that proper volume of specimen has been added and membrane wicking has occurred.

• For healthcare professionals and professionals at point of care sites. • For in vitro diagnostic use only. Do not use after the expiration date.

• The test panel should remain in the sealed pouch until use. • All specimens should be considered potentially hazardous and handled in the same manner as an infectious agent. • The used test panel should be discarded according to federal, state and local regulations STORAGE AND STABILITY Kit can be stored at room temperature or refrigerated at 2-30°C. The test panel is stable through the expiration date printed on the sealed pouch. The test panel must remain in the sealed pouch until use. DO NOT FREEZE. Do not use beyond the expiration date.

MATERIALS PROVIDED • Test panels • Package insert MATERIALS REQUIRED BUT NOT PROVIDED • Specimen collection container • External controls • Timer PREPARATION URINE ASSAY The urine specimen must be collected ina clean and dry container. Urinecollected at any time of the day may be used. Urine specimens exhibiting visible precipitates should be centrifuged, filtered, or allowed to settle to obtain a clear supernatant for testing. SPECIMEN STORAGE Urine specimens may be stored at 2-8°C for up to 48 hours prior to testing. For prolonged storage, specimens may be frozen and stored below -20°C. Frozen specimens should be thawed and mixed well before testing.

• The One Step Multi-Drug Screen Test Panel provides only a qualitative, preliminary analytical result. A secondary analytical method must be used to obtain a confirmed result. Diablo Psx Iso Download here. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method. • There is a possibility that technical or procedural errors, as well as other interfering substances in the urine specimen may cause erroneous results.

• Adulterants, such as bleach and/or alum, in urine specimens may produce erroneous results regardless of the analytical method used. If adulteration is suspected, the test should be repeated with another urine specimen. • A Positive result does not indicate level or intoxication, administration route or concentration in urine. • A Negative result may not necessarily indicate drug-free urine. Negative results can be obtained when drug is present but below the cut-off level of the test.

• Test does not distinguish between drugs of abuse and certain medications. A side-by-side comparison was conducted using The One Step Single Drug Test and commercially available drug rapid tests. Testing was performed on approximately 300 specimens previously collected from subjects presenting for Drug Screen Testing. Presumptive positive results were confirmed by GC/MS.

The following compounds were quantified by GC/MS and contributed to the total amount of drugs found in presumptive positive urine samples tested. A drug-free urine pool was spiked with drugs to the concentrations at ± 50% cut-off and ± 25% cut-off. The results are summarized below.

(Cut-off range) n AMP BAR BZO COC THC MTD mAMP OPI PCP TCA - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + 0% Cut-off 30 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 1 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 -50% Cut-off 30 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 29 1 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 -25% Cut-off 30 30 0 27 3 26 4 30 0 12 1 24 6 30 0 30 0 19 11 22 8 Cut-off 30 18 12 22 8 12 18 4 26 1 29 21 9 18 12 30 17 16 14 12 18 +25% Cut-off 30 1 29 7 23 3 27 0 30 1 29 2 28 1 29 30 26 6 24 7 23 +50% Cut-off 30 0 30 2 28 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30.

Overview of 49 CFR Part 40 The Department of Transportation's (DOT) rule, 49 CFR Part 40, describes required procedures for conducting workplace drug and alcohol testing for the Federally regulated transportation industry. • To view 49 CFR Part 40 by section and related Q&As, click on the relevant subpart below.