Easy Fill Prn Software

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The pharmacy technician field is not really a good one to get into. It's not something that you are going to make good money.

Depending on the state and that you live in will depend on the pay. The more expensive it is to live, the more you get paid. So the people that live out in california are obviously going to get paid more than someone in Pa where I live. It's the lowest paying job in the whole tech field. Which is just crazy to me because I do a ton of things at my pharmacy. I am going to school for surgical tech now. I'm just really glad I didn't waste my time and money on pharmacy tech programs.

Easy Fill Prn Software

That would have really sucked. They hire anyone!

Maybe not at a but retail pharmacies will hire anyone who walks through the door. The once you get experience and certified, which most places will pay for your national certification, you can then go work at a hospital. You still wont get paid well at all. So to anyone who is thinking about spending money on it.DON'T! Look around for something better. Hygenists and ultrasound techs make good money too.

Not to mention that some of the pharmacist you will come across, especially the older generation, aren't always the easiest people to work with. Not all of them are like that but a lot. Pnjsteele in Ventura, California said: I don't agree with that because I specialize in doing IV's and chemotherapy IV's. I also specialized in compounding and at least all the apothecary pharmacies and hospitals I've worked in won't let you near the IV room or the without technical training from a school. Most places pay for you to take the exam. It's not about the schooling, it's about the exam. Anyone can take it.

Once you pass your exam and have some experience, anyone can work in an IV room. It doesn't take that much training. I know TONS of people that started retail and went to hospitals doing IV.

All of the requirements I see on job listings is to be a CPhT and that's it. I'm just going to say it again, whoever is even thinking a little bit about pharm tech class's, DO NOT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He may be ONE case but the rest are not good, as you can read all the other posts agree. Seasoned tech in Holly Ridge, North Carolina said: David, u r so right, unfortunately! I was the for a well known on the west coast for quite some time and I'll tell ya it was very difficult to know my students were paying 24,000.00 for the 15 month course to find not only a limited job market as the good jobs seem to be taken and held on to, but very low wages and not much room for advancement. The only way to really go is Pharm.D these days.

Morally it was very difficult for me to hold this position although it was a cake walk for me because I now have an advanced degree. Don't pay to go to school people, not for pharm tech anyhow!!!!! I can't stress it enough. These days, alot of places will train u. Check it out! You are SO RIGHT! I started working out at a inpatient pharmacy as a pharmacy making a little over $8.

At the time I was going to school taking my regular undergrad requirements. At that time (early 2000) here in Nevada, all you have to take is some equivalent math, science, english classes and they will automatically give you a state license if you apply for one. My work trained me the duties of a technician, which wasn't hard at all. Last year I made a little over $35,000. Which I highly think I am underpaid. I am now looking for other careers.

You live out in California though! Mcdonalds probably pays atleast $12 an hour. It cost a lot more to live there than it does any where else. So really 16.85 is not that great! Hospitals DO pay more than retail. You have a MUCH better chance at negotiating at a than retail. In retail they are given a pay they are allowed to pay you and that's it.

You can't negotiate with chains. They are run by cooprate so there is nothing to negotiate. They aren't going to pay someone $4 an hour more just for experience when they can pay some highschool kid to do the same thing for a lot less. Being a pharmacy tech is not genious work. So there is not a misconception on hospitals pay more, it's a fact.

If you were to go on any of the salary websites you would see that. Even type in pharmacy tech salary in and you will see the facts. You are absolutely right! But my point was it doesn't have to be genious work at retail. That's where and why you get paid more at a. Your actually applying your skills to the job.

I feel at retail level it's kinda boring. Not much of a challange. So when they can hire someone to do the work needed for less they are going to.

At a hospital you are actually required to have some knowledge. We are very underpaid and it's a shame. What's going to happen is the people who are actually knowledgable and are good at their jobs aren't going to want to do it anymore. It's going to be the people who don't care or know the dynamics behind pharmacy that are going to be working at pharm techs. I want to get out of retail as soon as possible.

I am starting school for surg tech soon and I don't want to switch jobs while trying to adjust to school. So point being said.don't go to school for it! Somstar in Ocala, Florida said: Hey- I was just told by Rasmussen in Ocala FL that FL is passing a where you have to go to college and get a degree- is this true? Hi Somstar, thanks for the mention of Rasmussen College. Florida is not passing a law that requires you to go to college and get a degree. If you or anyone else has any questions about this, Rasmussen College or our ’s Degree in Pharmacy Technician program, feel free to contact the Ocala Campus.

Miguel Ramos of, Ocala Campus Rasmussen College ”. Casis in Ventura, California said: wow, I am going to cry with you;-))) haha! How sweet!!;'O ''I THINK PHARMACY TECHS. SHOULD BE PAID MORE, BECAUSE WE DEAL WITH STRESS EVERY DAY, AND WE ARE MAKING SURE CUSTOMERS ARE HAPPY AND SAVING LIVES. I STARTED IN 96 AS A AT SUPER D WHEN THE PT THERE QUIT. NOW I KNOW WHY.

I LOVE MY JOB, BUT WE GET NO RESPECT'' I did not know we were saving lives but thats cool that you feel that way =/ Once some mans ins. Would not pay for his scripts and it all came to well over 500.00 he told me he was going to go home and sit in bed and his family was going to find him dead and they would know who to blame!! -me of course. Oh and of course that they would end up suing the company. My response 'Um. Call you company, Sir. - have a nice day!'

But really, I love my job. Okay i'm done venting. I recently became certified around min-June, and I received a call from Kroger about a week later. I did the interview, they called me the next day, and offered me a position. I'm only 19 years old and I have no experience as a pharmacy technician, so they are starting me off at $10.50.

I'm pretty content with that seeing as it's the most I've made so far, and it's not really a career. It took me about 4 weeks to study for the exam, and luckily I passed on my 1st try. There's virtually no pharmacy in the Houston-area that is hired people who aren't certified, and you also have to be registered in the state of Texas (that's about an extra $45). Jon in State, Pennsylvania said: I'm a college freshman and I have been working for Pharmacy for almost 2 years now. I'm only making 7.88 an hour.

Should I be outraged? I'm thinking about applying at Wegman's and asking for 11 to 12 dollars an hour.

Is that asking to much? And is CVS raping me? Jon if you’re working at CVS/Pharmacy making $7. Honeywell Pro 3000 Installation Manual. 88 an hour. Wow you’re getting royally shafted by CVS.

I live in Boston, MA and I know CVS/Pharmacy starts there pharmacy technicians off at $10.00 an hour. $7.88 an hour seems like illegal workers wages.

Sheesh!, I know the economy is real bad so did they lower your wages or what? Jon in State, Pennsylvania said: No, I started around 7.50 not knowing what average pay for a tech was. I've been looking around now and am astounded by what others are getting paid. So applying elsewhere seems like a good idea?

7.50 is crap pay. I started out at 9.50 without being certified with Smiths and Drug (a division of Kroger). When I got certified I got bumped up to 11.50 and 2 years later I make 16.74 with them.

They are the best in retail in my opinion. I got offered a job with wal-greens and they wanted me to start out at 11.50 which isn't even competative. Walgreens and are all too bureaucratic and souless. Bobby in Mobile, Alabama said: It seems that everyone is getting all worked up about these guys in CA makin 16.00 to 24.00 per.Where yes, that may seem good if you live in Alabama.but if you do the math for cost of living in Cali.Their 16.00 to 24.00 per hr would be equivalent to about 8.00 to 12.00 per hr in Alabama. I'm not trying to make anyone mad, I just dont want everyone feeling they are being under paid when they see these cali folks making so much.just my 2cents cost of living doesn't mean much, everywhere is expenisive nowadays. You should get paid what you deserve and what experience you have. Some company are just cheap.

Would anyone be able to tell me do I have to go to school for pharm tech or can I just try to pass the test on my own. Do you think if I would go to school that the school would help place me in a job or is it only up to me.

I would like to go to school for this I think the school is a short term course like 3 months. I know the pay where I live is 8 to 10 dollars an hour not much but I think getting in on my first job would be the hardest part.

Does anyone have any feed back on this. I went to school to be a CPhT when I was living in AZ and the course was 7 months long then I had 8 weeks of. I would be leery of going to a school that only takes 3 months. I know some states allow you to just take the test without going to school and I do know some people when I lived in AZ that did that BUT one thing to consider is that in all the well paying jobs I have had in this field they prefer someone with technical trainingg from a trade school because they know you have been trained and have done an internship.

JUST A THOUGHT. Hooskins in Osseo, Minnesota said: cost of living doesn't mean much, everywhere is expensive nowadays. You should get paid what you deserve and what experience you have. Some company are just cheap. Ok well you're from Minnesota, so I don't think you would know how much the cost of living is in California, and I would expect a pharmacy to be a little busier in California anyway. Cost of Living is a huge factor in pay, especially for hourly-based jobs. In Texas, the minimum wage was $5.15, and very few low-end jobs paid more than, whereas in different states like New York, it was $8+.

It is MUCH cheaper to live in Texas, by far, than in New York. Why pay the New York guy the same amount at the Texas guy? Theangrytech in Fargo, North Dakota said: cineal, your comment will be considered. I find your comments entertaining, t.a.t., and I also enjoy reading theangrypharmacist, as you suggested for clneal. Love his twitters, I must have the same customers.

ANYWAY—About being positive, no one who has worked in retail pharmacy would find it hard to believe that you have a difficult time remaining POSITIVE. Deal with 10 or so Cracky McCrackheads who pull into the drive-through at 4:59 on Friday night, demanding you “Go fax my doctor, I need enough hy-dro-coh-DOhn to get through the weekend!!” Have the medical assistance dad tell you he doesn’t have a dollar co-pay for the baby’s antibiotics, but he DOES have a dollar for HIS Vicodin.

Get enough rude obnoxious customers to call on their way and tell you their pills BETTER be ready when they get there, they’re not waiting in line again, and get me the newspaper too!” OR “Why can’t you ever get it right? I want 90 days supply!” (Even though will only pay for 30 days, and the doctor writes the prescription for 30.and I just push the keys on the register, I’m the DUMB one who can’t get it right. 499 prescriptions filled by 7 techs, checked by 3 pharmacists, rung up, hung up, and/or mailed by me, ONE.

Yes I’ve been to. Graduated with a 4.0.

Have a degree, certifications, experience. Just not in this field. I am also able to put together grammatically correct sentences without spelling errors. I’m a certified transcriptionist, there are no jobs for transcriptionists in my area, the local system laid 80 of them off when I moved here, and sent their work to India. But guess what? As a pharmacy clerk, I make $11 an hour, can afford my small town rent, and am next in line to be the tech I never wanted to be either.

Thanks for letting me vent, May god be with you.;). I just want to post my personal experience and then you can decide from that. When I started going to school to be a CPhT in 2003 I had it set in my mind that I wanted to be a 'pill counter'. I thought there was no way I could ever work in a because of the expectations of the STAT and Oh my gosh doing IV's and needles. I swore up in down I would only do retail. When it came time to do my my professor advised me that I really needed to just try a hospital for my internship before I decide where I wanted to be. So I did a 8 week internship at Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phx.

I went into learn IV's and never went back. The closest I got to retail was mail order and I HATED it. I have been in either a hospital or a compounding pharmacy ever since. I personally think that retail is got to be more stressful than a hospital because when your in a hospital there are STATs but you learn to get into a rythum on how to do things and because you are not dealing with the public you don't have the stress of someone yelling at you.

I also think that since 9 times out of 10 you are getting paid way more in a hospital that it makes it worth it to work there. I wouldn't deal with the BS at a retail pharmacy for $10-$15hr.But this is my experience and my suggestion.Just try a hospital and you probably will never go to retail.

Pnjsteele in Ventura, California said: I just want to post my personal experience and then you can decide from that. When I started going to school to be a CPhT in 2003 I had it set in my mind that I wanted to be a 'pill counter'. Devil May Cry 5 Download Full Rip Music Download here. I thought there was no way I could ever work in a because of the expectations of the STAT and Oh my gosh doing IV's and needles. I swore up in down I would only do retail. When it came time to do my my professor advised me that I really needed to just try a hospital for my internship before I decide where I wanted to be. So I did a 8 week internship at Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phx. I went into learn IV's and never went back.

The closest I got to retail was mail order and I HATED it. I have been in either a hospital or a compounding pharmacy ever since. I personally think that retail is got to be more stressful than a hospital because when your in a hospital there are STATs but you learn to get into a rythum on how to do things and because you are not dealing with the public you don't have the stress of someone yelling at you. I also think that since 9 times out of 10 you are getting paid way more in a hospital that it makes it worth it to work there. I wouldn't deal with the BS at a retail pharmacy for $10-$15hr.But this is my experience and my suggestion.Just try a hospital and you probably will never go to retail.

Could you further explain the STAT system and how it works? Head in Carol Stream, Illinois said: Thank you for your thoughts. What is the pay like in AZ?

I live in IL and have heard its $8-$10 per hour not much to start. I would like to go to a course at the so that its cheaper and shorter than going to one of those expensive schools. Someone said they payed $10,000 for that and then when they got out they did not even need the degree from there to get their job. I think I would have to pay $1,000 for the community college classes and it would be 2-3 months. Well the good thing if you go work at a you get paid good shift differentials. Which is usually $1.50 - $2 more an hour.some hospitals pay 10-15% of your hourly for the differential. I am working as a per diem right now and that pays me an additional $2.10 an hour so that is another option you get when you work for a hospital.

My lowest pay in AZ was $12 and my highest was $17 but I can say that the average hospital pay rate in AZ is $15hr then you have shift differentials. The other thing I noticed is that the benefits in a hospital are much better and usually all hospital expenses are free and if you use a Dr. That is contracted with that hospital their fees are minimal. The last really cool things I have had is that your meals are very inexpensive. I think in a community college you have to also do an.if you can try to do a hospital and then decide. MrGabe in Houston, Texas said: could you further explain the STAT system and how it works?

STAT.that is just when you get an IV order or a med order like pain meds that has to be rushed. That means that you just have to know how to prioritize what you are doing. Even when you get a STAT order you usually have about 10 minutes to get it to the floor depending on the request.

Before I worked in the I had it in my head that I wouldn't be able to transition my priorities that quickly. I learned that even if its a STAT they still allow you some time because anything that is needed for a patient that is crashing it is already at their med station in their crash cart. Thanks for the tips, someone told me to just get a book and study the medicines and try to pass the test but I don't think I really have the motivation to just study a book when I don't know what to study.

I am looking into a course and maybe I can get IV certified too. I would like to have some direction in my studies not just study a book even though it would be more money it might be better in the long run. I just hope it will be easy to get a job in the field because I know its hard now and the job does not pay much. Does anyone out there know if the schools help place you in a job? Thank you for reading this and offering your good advice.

Bethl1884@yahoo.com in Jacksonville, North Carolina said: Thanks, Im 40 plus, and going back to school long term i cant really afford, to waste my time either.Is there something you would recommend, for me? Ilove the medical field,I have been in retail management all these years. It's just to hard on me now. Give me your imput. As a 56 yr old man, 'the old man' in this group, I read with interest and sadness many posts I have seen here. On a positive note, I would like to wish all of you here the very best of luck in your goals, you can do it.

After many years in the clothing industry, and hearing for so long about all the jobs, great futures, openings, demand and money to be had in the field, I jumped in. Well, welcome to reality Kelly. I would like to share some points I have learned. There is a large misconception to those of us on the outside of these fields about great money and openings. I had my hopes and dreams crushed in the Medical Coding end of it. If you are considering Medical and Coding, forget it.

'It ain't there' 2. All of these fields take time, and nothing is easy. Most all start at the very bottom and slowly move up. Sorry, no get rich quick stuff in the care field either. Everyone in every field is looking for experience, your degree or certif mean little. I have just learned I would need to study very, very hard for years and start out as a free and six yrs away at least from making any real money. Make sure you meet and talk with plenty of people in your field.

WHO YOU KNOW I have found is a very, very big factor in the health care field, just like most everything else. If you are young, keep your dreams focused.

EVERYTHING takes time. No, nothing out here is going to be easy.

Money in any health field is going to have wide swings. Yes, people in Calif are going to make much more than Ga or Ala.

Cost of living is totally different. Bethl1884@yahoo.com in Jacksonville, North Carolina said: Hey, I have a few times through the years, but it's very discourage'n. I went to in San Bernadino Ca. At a Private School, Barclay College. The school closed, and i have not been able to get my transcripts, and now to start college again i half to go through all my B.S.

Class's again. That's been real discouraging for me, as I'm tring to go back to school.Yes, i have always wanted to be a nurse, L.P.N. ECT.So any advice you can give me i'd appreciate. Lisa Like you, I also have no time to waste, you are still a child, I am 56! Sounds to me like the RN advice is the way to go. For example, in 3 or 4 yrs you are an RN.

I was studying coding, come over to pharmacy tech, was told how they were begging for people and great money, hummmm, in coding I am still at least 5 or 6 yrs away from decent money. Right now, our has openings for 19 RN's, normally in the 20's. Medical coder openings with less than 3 years experience? None, have not hired any in a very long time. You mentioned transcript,,, from what I learned, not there either, have chatted with many employed in that field. Also hearing that it won't be long, voice activated computers will take that over. Medical is also looking very shakey down the road.

Go for the RN,,,,, you can do it! I recently had a interview with for a pharmacy tech position. I was told the next day that I got the job.

So I went in today to fill out some paper work and also to find out how much I will be making. The so call 'Pharmacist In Charge' thought I was not certified, when clearly it said so on my resume as well as my application. So now I have to wait for her to negotiate my pay with her supervisor!!!!!! What a waist of time!!!!!!! Not to mention I also went to one of the best schools for pharmacy tech in GA!!! Also I did a as well!!!!