C Band Program Providers

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C Band Program Providers

• • • The S band is a designation by the (IEEE) for a part of the of the covering from 2 to 4 (GHz). Thus it crosses the conventional boundary between the and bands at 3.0 GHz. The S band is used by, surface ship, and some, especially those used by to communicate with the and the. The 10 cm short-band ranges roughly from 1.55 to 5.2 GHz. The S band also contains the 2.4–2.483 GHz, widely used for low power unlicensed microwave devices such as, wireless headphones (), (WiFi),,, as well as for medical machines and (typically at 2.495GHz).

C Band Program Providers

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Contents • • • • • • Satellite communications [ ] In the, the approved satellite-based (DARS) in the S band from 2.31 to 2.36 GHz, currently used. More recently, it has approved for portions of the S band between 2.0 and 2.2 GHz the creation of Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) networks in connection with Ancillary Terrestrial Components (ATC).

There are presently a number of companies attempting to deploy such networks, including and. The 2.6 GHz range is used for, a and standard which, as with systems in the U.S., is with the used in the rest of the world.

In May 2009, and (a joint venture between and, now ) were awarded each a 2×15 MHz portion of the S band by the. The two companies are allowed two years to start providing pan-European MSS services for 18 years. Allocated frequencies are 1.98 to 2.01 GHz for Earth to space communications, and from 2.17 to 2.2 GHz for space to Earth communications. Eutelsat satellite launched in April, 2009 and located at 10° East is currently the unique satellite in Europe operating on S band frequencies. In some countries, S band is used for television (unlike similar services in most countries, which use ). The frequency typically allocated for this service is 2.5 to 2.7 GHz (LOF 1.570 GHz). Was the world's first commercial communications satellite to use S-band frequencies for broadcast (pioneered by van der Heyden), which efficiently penetrate the atmosphere and provide high-quality transmissions to small-diameter 80 cm antennas in regions that experience heavy rainfall such as Indonesia.

Similar performance is not economically feasible with comparable Ku- or C-band DTH satellite systems since more power is required in these bands to penetrate the moist atmosphere. Other uses [ ] equipment compatible with and standards use the 2.4 GHz section of the S band.

Some digital cordless telephones operate in this band too. Operate at 2495 or 2450 MHz. And 802.16e standards utilize a part of the frequency range of S band; under standards most vendors are now manufacturing equipment in the range of 3.5 GHz. The exact frequency range allocated for this type of use varies between countries. In, 2.4–2.483 GHz is an used for devices such as,, and, among other uses, including which operates between 2.402 GHz and 2.480 GHz. And operators have two S-band allocations, (2.4 GHz) and (3.4 GHz).

Repeaters also operate in these bands. Airport surveillance radars typically operate in the 2700–2900 MHz range. Particle accelerators may be powered by S-band RF sources. The frequencies are then standardized at 2. Construction Project Management By Chitkara Pdf Writer. 998 GHz (Europe) or 2.856 GHz (US). The National Radar network operates with S-band frequencies. Before implementation of this system, frequencies were commonly used for weather surveillance.

Optical communications S band [ ] S band is also used in to refer to the wavelength range. See also [ ] • • •, an S-band communication system used in the of manned spaceflight. References [ ].

And (no relation) are teaming up on a marketplace-based proposal to allow for joint use of parts of the C-band spectrum (3700-4200) for wireless, with satellite operators giving up spectrum in metro markets for a price set by the marketplace. That is the spectrum broadcast nets use to get their programming to stations, and stations use to get their programming to cable and satellite operators. Intel and Intelsat argue that their proposal will be a voluntary, efficient and expeditious route to more spectrum for mobile broadband, while protecting their broadcast/cable clients from interference. Wireless and computer companies have pushed for terrestrial use of C-band, while broadcasters have been worried about possible new interference to their critical broadcast distribution system.

But the FCC has been looking high and low (band) for more spectrum for mobile devices that are the way most folks are now accessing the internet of everything and in August asked for input on where it might find some, including in the C-band swath of spectrum. The deadline was Monday (Oct. 2) for comments in the 's notice of inquiry on the possibilities of sharing C-band spectrum with wireless companies. Intel and Intelsat filed their joint proposal as comments in that proceeding. Intelsat CEO Stephen Spengler told Multichannel News that they would be talking to wireless companies in the coming days and 'expect them to be receptive.' Satellite operators have historically battled pretty heavily to protect their spectrum, as have federal agencies and others when asked to share, given that they have invested billions of dollars in the satellites and services. Broadcast and cable operators obviously have a vested interest in protecting C-band satellite feeds.

For example, the North American Broadcasters Association that 'Allowing widespread new terrestrial uses in the portion of the C-band used for satellite downlinks will cause significant harm to existing services using that band and to the consumers who rely on those services.' And the National Association of Broadcasters told the FCC this week flatly that 'mobile operations cannot coexist with existing C-band users.' But Intelsat and Intel say they have come up with a framework for targeted 'joint' and 'flexible terrestrial mobile use' of the C-band spectrum—they avoid the term 'sharing' since there is a dynamic aspect to that which brings interference issues to the fore—that protects those broadcast feeds and allows for expanded use for 5G. They also said it could be accomplished in 1-3 years, less time than if the FCC had to come up with regulations on the band's shared use. Spengler said the company's customers' interests are paramount and that Intelsat would be in 'close and active' dialog with them. They are proposing clearing some portions of the band for 5G use in 'certain' major metro areas—certain regions would be easier to free up than others, clearing could include 'transitioning their services and customers to another portion of the licensed C-band spectrum, physically moving ground antennas outside of the identified geographic area, or other means,' they said.

Vince Roberts, former CTO of the Disney ABC TV Group, suggested the plan for flexible band use was a workable solution. 'Historically, cable programmers, and TV networks select their content distribution methods by evaluating the cost, coverage, quality of service, and reliability of the selected technology, just to name a few requirements,' he told Multichannel News. 'Because Programmers need a reliable solid partner they can trust, they've traditionally turned to established satellite providers [like Intelsat] as the solution for delivery to MVPD’s and affiliates.

Intelsat’s plan (in response to the FCC’s NOI) protects the industry’s programming content delivery infrastructure and builds a foundation for future delivery capabilities. C-band spectrum will be needed for years to come. Autocad Civil 3d 2012 64 Bit Serial Number on this page. '

He said Intelsat was far from abandoning C-band, saying instead that 'a market-based plan provides the industry with the certainty it needs to continue business well into the future.' Satellite operators would be furthering the commission's goal of freeing up more spectrum for mobile broadband, which they concede is 'one of the great public policy challenges facing the FCC,' and their customers would get the certainty that their feeds would not be subject to unwanted interference.' Intel's reason for backing the proposal is its long-standing goal of freeing up more 5G spectrum for the explosion of connected devices—many billions—with Intel inside, as it were. 'Although Intelsat and Intel disagree over certain aspects of enabling terrestrial mobile operations in the 3700-4200 MHz band,' they told the FCC in the comments, 'they agree that the following joint proposal best serves the interests of all stakeholders in the near and long term and is far preferable to the other alternatives proffered in the [FCC notice of inquiry].' The quid pro quo would be that wireless companies would need to compensate satellite operators for clearing the spectrum—Intelsat says the workarounds could be costly and complex—as well as for the opportunity cost of what they are foregoing in giving up the flexibility to deploy their satellites as they used to. They are not looking for a government auction—the FCC asked in the NOI whether a reverse auction like the broadcast incentive auction, might be the way to go. So, instead of an FCC action, a consortium of satellite operators would make the spectrum available and it would go to whatever wireless operator found that spectrum 'most interesting,' said an Intelsat exec speaking on background—essentially a private instead of public auction.

Intelsat points out that will be in metro areas, where the wireless companies most need the spectrum for 5G. The key to the proposal for Intelsat is to ensure the continued quality of their satellite distribution services.

'The ability to reach commercial agreements with mobile network operators will enable the satellite companies to make the technical and operational adjustments to allow joint satellite and terrestrial mobile use of the spectrum using a competitive, market-based process,' Intel and Intelsat tell the FCC according to a summary obtained by Multichannel News. 'This will ensure that the spectrum is used by the parties who value it most highly—maximizing benefits to the public. Intelsat and other satellite operators C-band spectrum rights would remain unchanged. 'The parties believe that the current rights holders of the spectrum are in the best position to determine and execute the necessary technical and operational changes necessary to make joint-use a possibility.'

Spengler would not comment on any conversations they may have had with FCC execs, but an ex parte filing shows that Intelsat execs met with. But he did say: 'We believe our filing is a creative solution to the issue posed by the FCC’s August 3 NOI, which asks for ideas that would support the U.S. In accelerating innovation and maintaining its leadership in deployment of mobile broadband. We have proposed a creative, market-based approach and we believe it will create a positive dialogue.