Installer Business Everywhere Sous Windows 7

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Installing the Hortonworks Data Platform 2.0 for Windows is straightforward. Lets take a look at how to install a one node cluster on your Windows Server 2012 R2 machine. To start, download the. The package is under 1 GB, and will take a few moments to download depending on your internet speed. Documentation for. This blog post will guide you through that instruction set to get you going with HDP 2.0 for Windows!

Here’s an outline of the process you’ll work through to deploy: • Install the prerequisites • Deploy HDP on your single node machine • Start the services • Run smoke tests to validate the install Install the Pre-requisites You’ll now install Java, Python, and MSFT C++ run time. Windows Server 2012 already has the up to date.NET runtime, so you can skip that step.

Let’s the C++ run time, and install that by double clicking the downloaded MSI. And double click the downloaded MSI to install the package.

Installer Business Everywhere Sous Windows 7

Once you’ve installed, you’ll need to ensure HDP can find Python – by updating the PATH System Environment variable. Go to Computer >Properties >Advanced System Settings >Environment variables. Then append the install path to Python, for example C:Python27, to this path after a ‘;’: ( ) Verify your path is setup by entering a new Powershell or Command Prompt and typing: python, which should run the python interpreter. Type quit() to exit. Setup Java, which. You will also need to setup JAVA_HOME, which Hadoop requires.

Installer Business Everywhere Sous Windows 7

Download Skype for your computer, mobile, or tablet to stay in touch with family and friends from anywhere.

Make sure to install Java to somewhere without a space in the path – “Program Files” will not work! To setup JAVA_HOME, in Explorer >right click Computer >Properties >Advanced System Settings >Environment variables. Then setup a new System variable called JAVA_HOME that points to your Java install (in this case, C:javajdk1.6.0_31). Install the MSI package Now we have all the pre-requisites installed. The next step is to install the HDP 2.0 for Windows package.

Extract the MSI from the zip package you downloaded earlier. Open a Powershell prompt in Administrator (“Run as Administrator”) mode, and execute the MSI through this command: >msiexec /i 'hdp-' The HDP Setup window appears pre-populated with the host name of the server, as well as default installation parameters. Now, complete the form with your parameters: • Set the Hadoop User Password. This enables you to log in as the administrative user and perform administrative actions. This must match your local Windows Server password requirements. We recommend a strong pasword.

Note the password you set – we’ll use this later. • Check ‘Delete Existing HDP Data’.

This ensures that HDFS will be formatted and ready to use after you install. • Check ‘Install HDP Additional Components’. Select this check box to install Zookeeper, Flume, and HBase as HDP services deployed to the single node server. • Set the Hive and Oozie database credentials.

Set ‘hive’ for all Hive Metastore entries, and ‘oozie’ for all Oozie Metastore entries. • Select DERBY, and not MSSQL, as the DB Flavor in the dropdown selection. This will setup HDP to use an embedded Derby database, which is ideal for the evaluation single node scenario.

When you have finished setting the installation parameters, click ‘Install’ to install HDP. The HDP Setup window will close, and a progress indicator will be displayed while the installer is running. Puppet Pin Tool After Effects Cs6 Crack here.

The installation will take a few minutes – disregard the progress bar expected time display. The MSI installer window will display an info prompt when the installation is finished and successful. Start the services and run a jobs Once the install is successful, you will start the HDP services on the single node. Open a command prompt, and navigate to the HDP install directory.

By default, the location is “C:hdp”, unless you set a different location: >cd C:hdp >start_local_hdp_services Validate the install by running the full suite of smoke tests. It’s easiest to run the smoke tests as the HDP super user: ‘hadoop’. In a command prompt, switch to using the ‘hadoop’ user: >runas /user:hadoop cmd When prompted, enter the password you had set up during install. Run the provided smoke tests as the hadoop user to verify that the HDP 2.0 services work as expected: >cd C:hdp >Run-SmokeTests hadoop This will fire up a Mapreduce job on your freshly set up cluster. If it fails the first time, try running it again with the same command Run-SmokeTests hadoop.

Congratulations, you are now Hadooping on Windows! If you’d like to learn more about Hadoop, check out the, a virtual machine for you to learn Hadoop and sign up for our free ‘‘ guided tutorial series. Hello, I’m trying to install hadoop 2.0 in a windows 2012 DC virtual machine but I got all the time problems with hadoop user password so I can’t proceed with installation.

I have found this piece of code in the hadoop lo file. It seems that hadoop user does not meet the requirements to be accepted, but I’m using capital letters and number and my password is more than 6 letter so I don’t know what is happening. When I try one more time I got the same problem.

It seems that the first password that I’ve entered with no capital letters and numbers has been saved somewhere. Could you please help me!? CREATE-USER: Creating user hadoop CREATE-USER: Setting password for hadoop CREATE-USER FAILURE: Exception calling “SetInfo” with “0” argument(s): “The password does not meet the password policy requirements. Check the minimum password length, password complexity and password history requirements. ” At C:HadoopInstallFilesHadoopPackageshdp- char:9 + $user.SetInfo() + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Best regards, Lucho. Hello, I was struggling with the installation of the package and I found an error when the instalation package tries to install OOZIE.

This below is the error message OOZIE: Copy Oozie additional Jars OOZIE: Calling Setup script to add Hadoop libs to the generated oozie.war file OOZIE FAILURE: Unable to execute ‘jar xvf’. Error (1) At D:hdpoozie- char:9 + throw “Unable to execute ‘jar xvf’. Error ($LASTEXITCODE)” + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Could you please let me know what should I do to fix it?

Thanks in advanced for your help! I have tried installing and uninstalling HDP 2.0 more than 20 times during last 5 days. So far it installs successfully but SmokeTests fail. I used administrative access for installation. I am on Windows 7, JDK 1.7.0_02 & phthon 27.

Hdp- shows successful installation and does not show any errors. Firewall is off for everything 4. I am on private network 5. Only Smoke tests passed: Sqoop, Oozie 6. Extracts of SmokeTest results. 14/02/07 10:57:01 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop libra ry for your platform using builtin-java classes where applicable copyFromLocal: Call From MALT-7539/ to MALT-7539:8020 failed on conne ction exception: Connection refused: no further infor mation; For more details see: Run-HadoopSmokeTest: Error copying the input file for the Hadoop smoke test At line:1 char:20 + Run-HadoopSmokeTest. Getting below errors while running smoke test ————————————————————————————————— C:hdp>Run-SmokeTests hadoop Hadoop smoke test – wordcount using hadoop.cmd file DEPRECATED: Use of this script to execute hdfs command is deprecated.

Instead use the hdfs command for it. CopyFromLocal: Call From andromeda/ to ANDROMEDA:8020 failed on conn ection exception: Connection refused: no further info rmation; For more details see: Run-HadoopSmokeTest: Error copying the input file for the Hadoop smoke test At line:1 char:20 + Run-hadoopSmokeTest. Getting the following error on trying to run the smoketests as mentioned in the page. 16/11/11 10:58:10 INFO mapreduce.Job: map 0% reduce 0% 16/11/11 10:58:10 INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_448_0015 failed with sta te FAILED due to: Application application_448_0015 failed 2 times due to AM Container for appattempt_448_0015_000002 exited with exitCode: -1000 due to: Could not find any valid local directory for nmPrivate/container_1 48_0001.tokens.Failing this attempt. Failing the application.

16/11/11 10:58:10 INFO mapreduce.Job: Counters: 0 Run-HadoopSmokeTest: Hadoop Smoke Test: FAILED At line:1 char:20 + Run-hadoopSmokeTest.

Share,,, Dear digiKam fans and users, Following the for the 5.x series published in November 2016, the digiKam team is proud to announce the new release 5.4.0 of digiKam Software Collection. This version introduces several improvements to the similarity search engine and a complete re-write of video file support. Our new contributor Mario Frank has significantly improved the usability of the fuzzy sidebar functionality by offering more information to the user. In duplicates search, every result now contains the average similarity of the potential duplicates to the original. This information can be used to sort the results.

The individual elements of the duplicate search result can be sorted by similarity to the original image now, which also works in fuzzy search and sketch search. Everywhere in the fuzzy sidebar, the table view can now show the precise similarity value to the original image/sketch as column. This option is located in the item properties sub-menu of the column context menu. Mario has also added the possibility to drag an image that is not imported in digiKam but present on the system (local file) and drop it into the Fuzzy search. This way, similar images can be detected without the need to import them. In duplicates and fuzzy search, a similarity interval can be specified instead of the minimum similarity. This makes it possible to exclude images with a similarity above the maximum threshold.

Using this functionality, the user can exclude a series of nearly identical images, series shots for example. This interval can also be given in the maintenance menu.

Wolfgang Scheffner who works on the comprehensive has updated most of the menu descriptions. The chapter about the Camera Interface has been replaced by a chapter about the Import Interface. Descriptions of the right sidebar were added and updated. In addition to that, we've done a lot of polishing and minor corrections and improvements. Simon Frei, yet another new contributor, has improved the feature to group images. Grouped items are now processed together. Previously operations would only apply to the top image in the group (i.e.

The image displayed when grouped images are hidden). In other words, applying, for example, a tag to a top image in a group will assign the tag to all images in this group. Simon has also improved the Batch Queue Manager by adding the ability to process only the current queue. Previously, the 'Run' command processed all queues. Now it only processes the current queue. To process all queues, use 'Run all'. Maik Qualmann worked on tags to improve the way to manage tag hierarchies, history and completion.

He has also fixed several bugs in Flickr and Google export tools. As usual he spent a lot of time on improving code elsewhere in digiKam core for better stability. DigiKam is now fully ported to the to handle video and audio files. Previously, digiKam 4.x used the Phonon component. Starting with version 5.0.0, digiKam relied on the Qt5Multimedia framework. Both required installing additional codecs by end users for operating systems other than Linux, and using GStreamer in the background for Unix-like systems.

The use of extra codecs on MacOS and Windows introduced many differences in media decoding results that depended of codecs supported natively by each platform. The end user was required to solve this problem after installing digiKam. In other words, digiKam wasn't ready to handle video and audio files right out of the box. The GStreamer used on Linux posed another problem.

From the technical point of view, it's not easy to deploy and troubleshoot, and there are multiple bugs filed in Bugzilla regarding the missing support of media files in digiKam. Worse yet, even when GStreamer is installed, often Qt5Multimedia refused to work properly. Finally, when the universal AppImage bundling for Linux was introduced few month ago, we often struggled to integrate GStreamer codecs and to have a working version of digiKam with support for media files. This has never been completed due to strange, complex, unsolvable run-time dependencies everywhere. Snowtape 2 Keygen Download. In other words, GStreamer did not work as expected. Besides the fact that Phonon and Qt5Multimedia rely on extra codecs, the way to extract video thumbnails with this framework is incomplete and unpredictable. This main feature used throughout digiKam to show a fast view of video did not work natively as expected, and thus was not suitable for end users.

The QtAV framework provides the solution to this problem. The framework relies on a comprehensive codecs library and tools from. Codecs are the same across all platforms and the framework API is very similar to the one of Qt5Multimedia.

The integration was very fast, and we were able to add new features like video rotation in preview and video slideshow. Another good point about QtAV framework is to be able to play animated image as a video. This want mean that aGIF, aPNG, or MNG files can be preview as a video instead a static image with only the first frame.

The QtAV integration in bundles has been done easily, especially with AppImage. DigiKam is now linked to QtAv/libAV instead of using extra run-time dependencies as with Qt5Multimedia. The bundle has been limited to GPL2 codecs from FFmpeg which covers the most frequent video file formats taken with cameras, like MP4, MOV, and AVI containers. GPL2 codecs permits redistribution of bundles everywhere without breaking patent restrictions included in non-GPL codecs from FFmpeg.

In digiKam bundles, we have also introduced the new code from that has not yet been officially released. As the Exiv2 project takes a while to release this version, we made the decision to use the current implementation. It's mostly finished, and it introduces improvements to video metadata support as well as fixes for a long list of bugs that have been discovered since the Exiv2 0.25 release.

Using Exiv2 0.26 should fix crashes caused by this library that have been reported upstream with previous digiKam versions. This new digiKam version also includes latest, whose release coincided with the digiKam release schedule.

This version of the raw decoder includes a long list of new supported cameras and fixes several internal bugs reported by digiKam team upstream. For furher information, take a look at the list of more than in Bugzilla. DigiKam software collection source code tarball, Linux 32/64 bits AppImage bundles, MacOS package, and Windows 32/64 bits installers can be downloaded from Happy new year 2017. What is that? QtAv is free using GPL license: /****************************************************************************** QtAV: Multimedia framework based on Qt and FFmpeg Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Wang Bin This file is part of QtAV This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA USA ******************************************************************************/. Well, it seems that the fact qtav is free is not enough regarding Fedora policies. I suppose the same problem will happen with other distro's (Debian.?) So unfortunately, full version of Digikam cannot be delivered anymore through official repositories of several Linux distro's. I'm not a developer, but would it be possible to implement the media feature as an addon that could be installed aside?

I'm hoping for a solution because I'm now with a limited version of Digikam (video feature is quite important for a lot of users I think). And concerning the AppImage linux bundle: unless I have not understood its concept, it is for me a big step backwards: you are like 15 years ago when you have to install all your soft independently, update them manually.

I can imagine its useful for testing purposes, but I prefer using the advantages of Linux repositories. Hello guys, I'd like to ask whether this is really a final decision.

I had been using Digikam for many years, I love that software, how it allows me to organize all my pictures, the map, the labels and the simple-to-use enhancing pictures. Anyway I'm not allowed to use ffmpeg, therefor qtav, therefor I won't be able to show videos, which is really unfortunate for family album. I don't know how much intrusive the change is but wouldn't there be a possibility of keeping the old way (yes, it crashes sometimes, but I'm kind of used to that) as well as this cool new, but not-available-everywhere way? I thought there was some temporary bug, today I had more time to search and found this issue. It made me really sad because I don't know of any other suitable software for organizing pictures on Linux.

Thank you for the clarification, I'm not an expert, I only know we don't have allowed to install other repos on our machines (CentOS/Fedora) and the resolution from Fedora is they will never include it. On my personal laptop I downloaded your provided package which somehow works but I was told I can't do this in the company laptop. With this said I have no idea how hard is it to have both way (the old and new, eg. As compile option) I'd definitely like that.

If not than I'll probably have to look for another alternative (as I don't have the knowledge to contribute to this amazing project, which would be ideal, I know.). Thank you for your hard work, this software is great. I have a couple issues with my video files, however.

DigiKam doesn't read the metadata without me selecting 'Read from and write to sidecar files' in the configuration window, and then clicking 'Write metadata to image' for each video file. Is this necessary?

More importantly, however, I can't seem to write my geolocation information to my video metadata. When I add GPS coordinates to my video file through the geolocation editor, the information does not appear in the metadata. Also, only one tag shows up in the IPTC window under keywords, even when I apply more than one tag to the video file. Could anyone help me with this?